Latest Version April 2016
Accident Reporting Procedures
The reporting and investigation of accidents and diseases is an important aspect in the management of health and safety. The main aim is to reduce the number of incidents of injury and illness through investigation into causes, so that preventative action can be taken.Detailed below is the action to be taken by Skills Development ScotlandCo. Ltd (SDS) to comply with accident reporting procedures.
1.1Responsibilities of Skills Development Scotland Co. Ltd
In order to achieve accurate reporting, any investigation should be started as soon as possible after an accident /disease has been reported. For this to happen, SDS must have reliable systems to ensure that information is accurately recorded and passed tothem for prompt investigation.SDSmust also ensure, prior to the contracting or monitoring review, that the Provider is aware of and understands their responsibilities and those of any Work Placement/sub-contractor, in relation to accident reporting both under contract (Relevant Accident) and by virtue of RIDDOR.It is important that theSDS give sufficient priority to accident / disease investigation so that the reporting procedure, as described below.
1.2Reporting Procedure for Accidents and Diseases
1.2.1The Provider notifies the SDS that an accident or disease involving a non employed participant or employed trainee has occurred.
1.2.2The designated person in the SDS Health & Safety team Tom Hunter03000132505 or 07909853085receiving notification of an accident or disease will establish if it is ‘relevant’ under the terms set out in NTP Rules. It should then be recorded and given a reference number.
1.2.3SDS staff will where appropriate signpost Training Provider to where they can download AF1.If accident involves an employed trainee only AF1 is to be completed by the Provider. SDSstaff will check that the non employed participant or employed trainee is participating in anSDS funded National Training Programme (i.e. Modern Apprenticeships or Employability Fund) and willsign the verification signature box on the AF1 to confirm the non employed participant or employed traineeregistration on the programme, and will also complete the causation factors for non employed participant. (See specific guidance on completing AF1, 2 & 3).
1.2.4 SDS staff will complete the form AF2 for non employed participant only.
1.2.5SDSstaff signpost Training Provider to where they can download AF3 and get non-employed participant to complete accident form and return.
1.2.6 SDS staff investigating an accident or disease should ensure that the Provider has provided sufficient information on the completed AF1 form.
1.2.7 In order to achieve and maintain a high quality of accident reporting it is important that, where possible, a visit is made to the accident site.
1.2.8 Where information indicates that an accident is of a minor nature, SDSstaff investigating the accident may decide that a visit is not required. This decision should be based on the need to produce an accurate report with preventative measures that are appropriate for identified causation factors (relevant for non-employed participantonly).
1.2.9 The content of all accident report forms will be entered on the SDS database. SDS will retain copies of all accident information forms.
1.3Relevant Accident
A relevant accident is defined as any accident suffered by non employed participant or employed trainee while undergoing training or participation on a government funded training scheme and includes any of the following circumstances:
- the non employed participant or employed trainee dies.
- the accident/disease comes within the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR). (Advice on RIDDOR can be accessed by contactingInformation on RIDDOR can be obtained at
- the accident/disease results in the non employed participant or employed trainee absence from training for 7 days or more including weekends, bank holidays and rest days but excluding the day of the accident.
- the accident/disease results in any loss of physical or mental faculty or disfigurement of the non employed participant or employed trainee.
- the accident/disease may give rise to a claim under the Industrial Injury Scheme.
1.4 Listed below is a guide on Types of reportable injury
- All deaths to workers and non-workers, with the exception of suicides, must be reported if they arise from a work-related accident, including an act of physical violence to a worker.
1.5Injuries classified as Specified injuries are:
- any fracture, other than to the fingers, thumbs or toes
- amputations
- any injury likely to lead to permanent loss of sight or reduction in sight
- any crush injury to the head or torso causing damage to the brain or internal organs
- serious burns (including scalding) which: covers more than 10% of the body or causes significant damage to the eyes, respiratory system or other vital organs
- any scalping requiring hospital treatment
- any loss of consciousness caused by head injury or asphyxia
- any other injury arising from working in an enclosed space which leads to hypothermia or heat-induced illness, requires resuscitation or admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours
1.5.1The definition of a Minor Accident is as follows;
- An over 7 day injury is an injury (other than a fatal injury or specified injury) which incapacitates a person from their normal work for more than 7 consecutive days.
1.6 Contact Points
1.6.1In the event of a fatal accident, it is important that appropriate information is passed immediately [by telephone or email] to SDS in order that Ministers can be briefed and any other appropriate action can be taken.SDS staff will inform relevant SDS Director, Head of Compliance and Manager of any fatal accidents.
1.6.2Contact SDS NTP Hubon 0845 6012837or email giving the same details as are required to complete Page 1 & 2 of form AF1.
1.6.3Fatalities of non employed participant or employed trainee out with the training programme should be reported to SDSNTP Hub on 0845 6012837or email only. SDSNTP Hubwill ensure that there is no follow-up action taken.
1.6.4Where appropriate the Provider may be required to implement additional controls, confirmation of action taken must be recorded in writing between theSDS and the Provider.
1.7Occupational Related Diseases
Many occupational diseases have a long development period before their full effects are realised. Non employed participant or employed trainee on short-term programmes or projects may not be fully aware of developing an occupational disease. It is vital that any such signs of disease are reported at the earliest possible time to SDS Health and Safety staff.
The occupational diseases to be reported include all of those required under the RIDDOR classification. In all cases where the non employed participant or employed trainee alleges that they have contracted such a disease as a result of their training programme. The disease should be investigated at the earliest possible time using accident/disease investigation procedures described above. The investigation should establish:
- whether the disease was contracted through being in contact with a specific substance or from undertaking a specific activity;
- the measures in place to control the use of hazardous substances in the workplace, if the disease seems to be related to exposure to a substance; and
- full details of the trade name of the substance in question and its chemical constituents (if known).
1.8Accident Management Process
Detailed below is the basis for managing accidents reported to SDS