Commonwealth of Pennsylvania • Department of Corrections
Policy Subject:
Inmate Discipline (DC-ADM 801)
Policy Number:
Department Inmate Handbook - Bulletin 01
Original Issue Date:
2017 Edition
Date of Issue: / Authority: / Effective Date:
July 12, 2017 / Signature on File / July 19, 2017
John E. Wetzel

The purpose of this bulletin is to revise Section VIII. Rules, Subsection D. Misconducts (DC-ADM 801) of the 2017 Edition of the Department Inmate Handbook.

#32 of the Misconduct Chargeschart noted belowshall now read: Possession or circulation of a petition, which is a document signed by two or more persons or a mass-produced document sent from an outside source that seeks the signature of one or more inmates and in either case, requests or demands that something happen or not happen, without the authorization of the Facility Manager.

Misconduct Charges

A. Class I Charges (Formal Resolution Only)
1. / Assault / 24. / Extortion or blackmail
2. / Murder / 25. / Sexual Harassment
3. / Rape / 26. / Any criminal violation of the Pennsylvania
4. / Arson / Crimes Code not set forth above (must be
5. / Riot / specified)
6. / Escape / 27. / Tattooing
7. / Robbery / 28. / Indecent exposure
10. / Burglary
Unlawful Restraint / 29.
30. / Engaging in, or encouraging unauthorized group activity
Breaking restriction, quarantine, or informal
11. / Aggravated Assault / resolution sanction
12. / Voluntary Manslaughter / 31. / Gambling or conducting a gambling operation or
13. / Extortion by threat or violence / possession of gambling paraphernalia
14. / Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse / 32. / Possession or circulation of a petition, which is a
21. / Threatening an employee or his/her family with
bodily harm
Threatening another person
Threatening, harassing, or interfering with a
Department K-9 or mounted patrol horse
Engaging in sexual acts with others or sodomy
Wearing a disguise or mask
Failure to report an arrest for any violation of the / 33. / document signed by two or more personsor a mass-produced document sent from an outside source that seeks the signature of one or more inmates and in either case,
requests or demands that something happen
or not happen, without the authorization of the Facility Manager
Using abusive, obscene, or inappropriate language to or about an employee
Pennsylvania Crimes Code (CCC only) / 34. / Violations of conditions of SIP
23. / Possession or use of a Dangerous or Controlled
Possession or use of intoxicating beverages

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