OIE RL for « Brucellosis » – « B. Garin-Bastuji » – « France »

OIE Reference Laboratory Reports
Activities in 2012

Name of disease (or topic) for which you are a designated OIE Reference Laboratory: / Brucellosis
Address of laboratory / Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail (ANSES)/
French Agency for Food, Environmental & Occupational Health Safety
Laboratoire de Santé Animale de Maisons-Alfort / Maisons-Alfort Animal Health Laboratory
Unité Zoonoses Bactériennes /
Bacterial Zoonoses Unit
23, avenue du Général-de-Gaulle
94706 Maisons-Alfort Cedex
Tel.: / + 33 (0)1 49 77 13 00 (switch.) / 46 23 (secr.)
Fax: / + 33 (0)1 49 77 13 44
e-mail address: /
website: / www.anses.fr
Name (including Title) of Head of Laboratory (Responsible Official): / Dr. Pascal BOIREAU
Director of the Animal Health Laboratory
Name (including Title and Position) of OIE Reference Expert: / Dr. Bruno GARIN-BASTUJI,
DVM, Senior Research Director (DR1)
Head of the Bacterial Zoonoses Unit
Date of submission to the OIE / 24 January 2013

ToR: To use, promote and disseminate diagnostic methods validated according to OIE Standards

Test / Total number of test performed last year
Indirect diagnostic tests / Nationally / Internationally
RBT / 691 / 362 (122 Morocco, 240 EU)
SAT / 221 / 122 (122 Morocco)
CFT / 518 / 362 (122 Morocco, 240 EU)
I-ELISA (bovine serum) / 145 / 122 (122 Morocco)
I-ELISA (bovine milk) / 208 / -
I-ELISA (porcine serum) / 285 / 242 (240 EU, 2 Belgium)
C-ELISA / 197 / -
FPA / - / -
Milk Ring Test / 181 / -
B. ovis CFT / 464 / -
B. ovis I-ELISA / 218 / -
B. canis RSAT / - / -
B. canis LFIA / 122 / -
B. canis TAT / 3 / -
Direct diagnostic tests / Nationally / Internationally
Culture / 356 / -
Brucella identification and biotyping (animal str.) / 109 / 3 (2 UK, 1 Argentina)
Brucella identification and biotyping (human str.) / 24 / -
Brucella PCR / 530 / 24 Belgium
Brucella molecular typing / 207 / 32 ( 2 UK, 1 Argentina, 29 Algeria)
Official control of diagnostic reagent batches / Nationally / Internationally
RBT, MRT, CFT, SAT antigens, ELISA & FPA kits / - / International reagent suppliers
10 RBT
8 I-ELISA Bovine Serum
2 I-ELISA Bovine Milk
Standard & control sera / - / 15 secondary standard sera (EU NRLs)
2 positive control sera (commercial)
Brucellin / - / 2
Official control of Brucella vaccines batches / Nationally / Internationally
Rev.1 / - / 3 (Italy, Turkey, Spain)
S19 / - / 1
RB51 / - / 0
Official control of Brucella vaccines seed lots
(immunogenicity and residual virulence – mice model) / Nationally / Internationally
Rev.1 / - / 2 (Spain)
S19 / - / -
RB51 / - / -

ToR: To develop reference material in accordance with OIE requirements, and implement and promote the application of OIE Standards.

To store and distribute to national laboratories biological reference products and any other reagents used in the diagnosis and control of the designated pathogens or disease.

2. Did your laboratory produce or store imported standard reference reagents officially recognised by the OIE or other international bodies?

Yes No

3. Did your laboratory supply standard reference reagents to OIE Member Countries?

Yes No

Type of reagent available / Related diagnostic test / Produced/
stored / Amount supplied nationally
(mL, mg) / Amount supplied internationally
(mL, mg) / Name of recipient OIE Member Countries and of institutions /
National standard panel of sera / Diagnostic reagents batch control / Produced / 48 1 mL / - / International reagent supplying companies (France, USA)
National RBT standard serum (BRU POS SE 01 eq. OIEISS) / RBT antigen batch control / Produced / 4 vials (1 mL) / -
National CFT/SAT/RT standard serum (BRU POS SE 02 eq. OIEISS) / CFT/SAT/RT antigen batch control / Produced / 4 vials (1 mL) / -
National ELISA standard serum (BRUPOSSE03 eq. OIEELISAspSS) / ELISA kits batch control / Produced / 5 vials (1 mL) / 2 vials (1 mL)
National ELISA negative standard serum / ELISA kits batch control / Produced / 28 mL / - / International reagent supplying company (France,)
Brucella reference & field strains / Brucella conventional identification and typing / Stored / 26 strains / 228 strains / - Estonia (4 str.)
- France (13 Departmental Vet. Labs x 2 str.)
- Thailand (22 str.)
- EU Bacteriology ILPT (Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia UK, Spain, Sweden (8 str. each)
Brucella reference and field strains DNAs / Brucella molecular identification and typing / Produced / 33.5 mL / - / - French army (1), - French reagent supplier (5)
- Estonia (2)
B. melitensis Rev.1 and B. abortus S19 vaccine reference strains / Brucella vaccines control / Stored / - / - / -
(Wb, Tb, Iz1 and R/C) / Brucella conventional identification and typing / Produced / - / 31 vials (1 mL) / - Portugal (4 phages)
- Belgium (4 phages)
- Romania (4 phages)
Anti-A, anti-M monospecific, anti-R and negative sera / Brucella conventional identification and typing / Produced / 78 mL / 26 mL / - Belgium (3 sera), - Poland ((3 sera), - Romania (5 sera) - Finland (3 sera)
- France (13 Departmental Vet. Labs) (3 sera)
B. ovis antigen (CFT) / B. ovis CFT / Produced / 52 mL
(104 x 0.5 mL vials) / 11 mL
(22 x 0.5 mL vials) / - France (DVL)
- Ireland
- Spain
B. ovis positive control serum (CFT) / B. ovis CFT / Produced / 8.5 mL
(17 x 0.5 mL vials) / 1 mL
(2 x 0.5 mL vials) / - France (DVL)
- Spain
B ovis negative control serum (CFT) / B. ovis CFT / Produced / 1 mL
(2 x 0.5 mL vials) / - / - France (DVL)

4. Did your laboratory produce diagnostic reagents other than the OIE-approved standard reference reagents?

Yes No

5. Did your laboratory produce vaccines?

Yes No

6. Did your laboratory supply vaccines to OIE Member Countries?

Yes No

ToR: To develop, standardise and validate, according to OIE Standards, new procedures for diagnosis and control of the designated pathogens or diseases

7. Did your laboratory develop new diagnostic methods validated according to OIE Standards for the designated pathogen or disease?

Yes No

8. Did your laboratory develop new vaccines according to OIE Standards for the designated pathogen or disease?

Yes No

ToR: To provide diagnostic testing facilities, and, where appropriate, scientific and technical advice on disease control measures to OIE Member Countries

9. Did your laboratory carry out diagnostic testing for other OIE Member Countries?

Yes No

Name of OIE Member Country seeking assistance / Date
(dd/mm) / No. samples received for provision of diagnostic support / No. samples received for provision of confirmatory diagnoses
Algeria / 2012 / 29 Brucella strains
Argentina / 23/7/12 / Nil / 1 Brucella strain
Belgium / 31/10/12 / Nil / 23 semen, 1 colostrum
(Czech rep./Germany) / 20/08/2012 / Nil / 240 porcine sera
FYROM / 4 Brucella DNA
(for molecular typing)
Morocco / 16/02/12 / Nil / 122 bovine sera
UK (Great Britain) / 19/4/12 / Nil / 2 Brucella strains

10. Did your laboratory provide expert advice in technical consultancies on the request of an OIE Member Country?

Yes No

Name of the OIE Member Country receiving a technical consultancy / Purpose / How the advice was provided /
NIAH, Bangkok, Thailand / Implementation of reference activities in animal brucellosis / In loco and remote assistance
CAHEC, Qingdao, China
Belgium / Bovine brucellosis ELISA kits & B. canis serology / Remote assistance
Bosnia & Herzegovina / Brucella bacteriology and PCR
Croatia / Bovine brucellosis milk ELISA
Estonia / Brucella PCR
Iran / Differentiation of vaccinated from infected animals
Northern Ireland / Official control of Bovine brucellosis ELISA kits
Italy/Albania / Brucella Real-time PCR protocol
Kirgizstan/World Bank / Standards for Brucella vaccine control
Peru / Molecular identification of S19 vaccine strain
Portugal / Brucella biotyping – differentiation of vaccine and field strains
Romania / Standardisation of national secondary standard sera
Sweden / Brucella PCR protocol
Turkey / Brucella culture from milk

ToR: To carry out and/or coordinate scientific and technical studies in collaboration with other laboratories, centres or organisations

11. Did your laboratory participate in international scientific studies in collaboration with OIE Member Countries other than the own?

Yes No

ToR: To collect, process, analyse, publish and disseminate epizootiological data relevant to the designated pathogens or diseases

12. Did your Laboratory collect epizootiological data relevant to international disease control?

Yes No

13. Did your laboratory disseminate epizootiological data that had been processed and analysed?

Yes No

14. What method of dissemination of information is most often used by your laboratory?

a)  Articles published in peer-reviewed journals: 9

b)  International conferences: 8

c)  National conferences: 4

d)  Other: 7

¡  Scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals

1.  Praud A, Gimenez O, Zanella G, Dufour B, Pozzi N, Antras V, Meyer L, Garin-Bastuji B, 2012. Estimation of sensitivity and specificity of five serological tests for the diagnosis of porcine brucellosis, Prev Vet Med 104:94-100.

2.  Praud A, Champion JL, Corde Y, Drapeau A, Meyer L, Garin-Bastuji B, 2012. Assessment of diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of an indirect ELISA kit for the diagnosis of Brucella ovis infection in rams. BMC Vet Res 8: 68.

3.  Mailles A, Rautureau S, Le Horgne JM, Poignet-Leroux B, d’Arnoux C, Dennetière G, Faure M, Lavigne JP, Bru JP, Garin-Bastuji B, 2012. Re-emergence of brucellosis in cattle in France and risk for human health. Euro Surveill 17(30).

4.  Ferreira AC, Chambel L, Tenreiro T, Cardoso R, Flor L, Travassos Dias I, Pacheco T, Garin-Bastuji B, Le Flèche P, Vergnaud G, Tenreiro R, Corrêa de Sá MI, 2012. MLVA16 typing of Portuguese human and animal Brucella melitensis and Brucella abortus isolates. PLoS ONE 7(8): e42514. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0042514.

5.  Rautureau S, Dufour B, Garin-Bastuji B, 2012. Maintenir la vigilance contre la brucellose bovine en France en 2011. Bull. Epidémiol Santé Anim Alim 54:13-15.

6.  Rautureau S, Garin-Bastuji B, Dufour B, 2012. Aucun foyer de brucellose ovine et caprine détecté en France en 2011. Bull. Epidémiol Santé Anim Alim 54:16-19.

7.  Marcé C, Garin-Bastuji B, 2012. Brucellose porcine en France en 2011: sept foyers dont deux en race locale. Bull. Epidémiol Santé Anim Alim 54:41-43.

8.  Praud A, Gimenez O, Zanella G, Dufour B, Pozzi N, Antras V, Meyer L, Garin-Bastuji B, 2012. Evaluation of five serological tests for the diagnosis of porcine brucellosis in French Polynesia. Trop Anim Health Prod (Ahead of print DOI 10.1007/s11250-012-0309-8).

9.  Taylor A, McGiven J, Stack J, Albert D,Banai M, Blasco JM, Fretin D, Garin-Bastuji B, Melzer F,Muñoz PM, Nicola A, Tittarelli M, Travassos Dias I, Walravens K, Yu WL, Nielsen K, 2012. An International Standard anti-Brucella suis Serum for Porcine Assays. Plurithematic issue – Rev Sci Tech OIE 31 (3) (In press).

¡  Presentations at international conferences and meetings

1.  Garin-Bastuji B, 2012. Brucellosis in Cattle, Sheep & Goats: Fundamentals of surveillance and eradication programs. Thailand-Japan Conference on Animal Health “The 25th Anniversary of National Institute of Animal Health”, Bangkok, Thailand, May 30-31, 2012 (Invited lecture)

2.  Garin-Bastuji B, Ekgatat M, 2102. The Brucellosis OIE Twinning Laboratory Program France-Thailand. Thailand-Japan Conference on Animal Health “The 25th Anniversary of National Institute of Animal Health”, Bangkok, Thailand, May 30-31, 2012 (communication)

3.  Garin-Bastuji B, Ekgatat M, 2102. The Brucellosis OIE Twinning Laboratory Program France-Thailand. Thailand-Japan Conference on Animal Health “The 25th Anniversary of National Institute of Animal Health”, Bangkok, Thailand, May 30-31, 2012 (poster).

4.  Kaewkalong S, Kanitpun R, Wongkasemjit S, Thammasart S, Ekgatat M, Garin-Bastuji B, Jirathanawat, 2012. The Laboratory surveillance odf brucellosis in cattle, buffalo, goats and sheep in 2009-2011 in Thailand Region 1. Thailand-Japan Conference on Animal Health “The 25th Anniversary of National Institute of Animal Health”, Bangkok, Thailand, May 30-31, 2012 (poster).

5.  Garin-Bastuji B. (2012). Diagnostic/dépistage de la Brucellose ovine & caprine - Outils éprouvés et nouveaux outils. Réunion annuelle du Projet AUF 2011-2012 “Causes d’Avortement chez les Ruminants”, Sidi Thabet, Tunisia, September, 20-21, 2012 (communication).

6.  Garin-Bastuji B, 2012. Key issues for the control of brucellosis in domestic ruminants. IDF World Dairy Summit, Cape Town, South-Africa, November 4–8, 2012 (Invited lecture).

7.  McGiven J, Stack J, Jungersen G, Garin-Bastuji B, 2012. Improving diagnostics for safer surveillance of porcine brucellosis. 5th Workshop of the EU Brucellosis NRLs – Maisons-Alfort, France, December 06-07, 2012 (communication)

8.  Garin-Bastuji B, Corde Y, Drapeau A, Praud A, 2012. Sensitivity and specificity of C-ELISA and FPA in comparison with EU approved tests for bovine brucellosis. 5th Workshop of the EU Brucellosis NRLs – Maisons-Alfort, France, December 06-07, 2012 (communication).

¡  Presentations at National conferences

1.  Garin-Bastuji B, 2012. The Brucellosis EURL - Assignments and Mandate - Specific activities. Seminario «La brucellosi tra diagnostica e ricerca». Teramo, Italy, October 11-12, 2012

2.  Garin-Bastuji B, 2012. Presentation of Anses and of the Maisons-Alfort Animal Health Laboratory. EUCTP A149C3 Consultation on Standardization of reference laboratories for animal health. Qingdao, China, October 19-27, 2012.

3.  Garin-Bastuji B, 2012. The Anses Brucellosis laboratory activities. EUCTP A149C3 Consultation on Standardization of reference laboratories for animal health. Qingdao, China, October 19-27, 2012.

4.  Garin-Bastuji B, 2012. Brucellosis - Epidemiological situation (World – Europe – France) - Eradication of brucellosis in France. EUCTP A149C3 Consultation on Standardization of reference laboratories for animal health. Qingdao, China, October 19-27, 2012.

¡  Other

o  Book chapters

1.  Cutler SJ, Zygmunt MS, Garin-Bastuji B, 2012. Brucella species: Brucellosis. In: M Elschner, S Cutler, M Weidmann & P Butaye Eds, BSL3 and BSL4 Agents: Epidemiology, Microbiology, and Practical Guidelines, 1st Edition, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Germany, 19-36.