PART I Conditions of Service relate to the following categoriesof staff.
PART II Conditions of Service can be located by clicking on the relevant category
Part II - Administrative & Professional Support Staff
Part II - Technician Staff
PartII - Customer Care Staff
PartII - Maintenance Staff
Part II - Technical Support Staff
Part II - Manual Workers, Library Shelvers, Recreation Assistants
Approved by the Board of Governors of
London South Bank University
April 1995. Updated: June 1996, Oct 1997, Dec 1997, Jan 2007, Aug 2007,April2008,July 2008, May 2014
June 2016 (holiday year change)
PART I - CONTENTSRELEVANT ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS,listed below, can be accessed at the Human Resources web page
2.Employee Rights
4.Probation"Probationary Procedure for Support Staff"
6.Pension"Local Government Pension Scheme Details"
10.Acting Appointments
13.Annual Leave
14.Absence other than for Annual Leave
15.Medical Certification"Sickness Leave Entitlements & Procedure to
16.Sick Leave Entitlementbe followed in the event of sickness"
17.Third Party Claims
18.Maternity Leave"Maternity and Paternity
19.Paternity LeaveEntitlements, Adoption
20. Adoption Leave & PayLeave & Pay"
21.Family Leave"Parental Leave", Emergency Leave for Dependants", "Flexible Working"
22. Leave of Absence on Religious"Discretionary and Special Leave Provisions"
or Compassionate Grounds, "Adverse Travel Conditions"
for Trade Union Activities
or House Removal
23.Development Training"Sponsored Study"
24.Redundancy"Redeployment and Redundancy Procedure for Support Staff"
25.Discipline"Disciplinary Procedure for Staff"
26.Grievance"Grievance Procedure for Staff"
27.Equal Opportunities"Equality and Diversity - information and policy"
28.Health and Safety
29.Collective Bargaining
30.Amendment to Conditions
1.1London South Bank University (the University) is the employer, and the Director of Human Resources of the University is empowered to make all appointments on behalf of the University in conformity with procedures laid down by the Board of Governors of London South Bank University (the Board).
2.Employee Rights
2.1Nothing in these Conditions shall detract from, or be deemed to limit, the statutory rights of any employee under the Employment Protection Acts or any other relevant legislation or the right of any employee under the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the University.
3.1All appointments are made to the staff of the University and employees may be required to work in any of the premises in the occupation of the University. Normally, however, employees will not be moved either temporarily or permanently from one place to another unless the University considers that it is reasonably necessary to move the employee concerned, and then only after consultation with such employee and, if the employee so requests, his/her union representative.
4.1All support staff appointments to Grades 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are subject to a probationary period of twenty weeks’ duration. An appraisal will be made after twelve weeks, or earlier if it is considered appropriate, and if the service of the employee is not then proving satisfactory then he/she will be so informed and advised of the action needed for improvement.
4.2At the end of the twenty week probationary period the University will either confirm the appointment or extend the probationary period, as appropriate.
4.3An employee appointed to grades listed in 4.1(excepting Assistant Hall Managers and Hall Managers) may be dismissed after consultation with him/her at any time during the probationary period in accordance with paragraph 5.1 (paragraph 5.3 for Assistant Hall Managers and Hall Managers).
4.4All support staff appointments to Grades 8, 9 and 10are subject to a probationary period of one year’s duration.
An appraisal will be made after six months, or earlier if appropriate, and if the service if the employee is not them proving satisfactory then he/she will be so informed and advised of the action needed for improvement.
4.5At the end of the one year probationary period the University will either confirm the appointment or extend the probationary period, as appropriate.
4.6An employee appointed to any grade listed in paragraph 4.4may be dismissed after consultation with him or her in accordance with paragraph 5.3 below.
4.7For all support staff there is a right of appeal against dismissal during the probationary period.
4.8After confirmation of appointment the probationary period will count as permanent service in respect of all purposes for support staff.
4.9Details of the University’sProbationary Procedure for Support Staffcan be found on the Human Resources Department (HRD) website- SeeAnnexAfor link to document.
5.1During the probationary period an appointment to a grade detailed in 5.2 below may be terminated by either party giving one week’s notice in writing (excepting Hall and Assistant Hall Managers, see 5.3).
5.2For support staff onGrades 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 (excepting Hall and Assistant Hall Managers, see 5.4 and 5.5) confirmed appointments are subject to the following periods of notice of termination of employment:
The University will give:
- At least one month’s notice for continuous service of less than five years.
- At least one week’s notice for each year of continuous service if service is continuous for five years or more, but less than twelve years.
- At least twelve weeks’ notice for continuous service of twelve years or more.
An employee must give at least one month’s notice.
5.3During the probationary period an appointment to a grade detailed in paragraph 5.4 and 5.5 below may be terminated by either party giving one month’s notice in writing.
5.4For support staff onGrades 8, 9 and 10, and for Hall Managers, termination of a confirmed appointment is subject to either party giving three months’ notice in writing.
5.5For Assistant Hall Managers termination of a confirmed appointment is subject to the following notice in writing:
The University will give:
- At least two months’ notice for continuous service of less than nine years.
- At least one week’s notice for each year of continuous service if service is continuous for nine years or more but less than twelve years.
- At least twelve weeks’ notice for continuous service of twelve years or more.
An employee must give at least two months’ notice.
5.6With effect from 6 April 2011, the University does not operate a compulsory retirement age for its employees. An employee who decides to retire should inform his/her line manager in writing, with a copy to the Human Resources Department, as far in advance as possible and, in any event, in accordance with the notice periods as set out in paragraphs 5.2, 5.4 and 5.5, as applicable. For further details, refer to theRetirement Procedure on the HRD web site- SeeAnnexA for link to document.
6.1On joining the University all members of staff with a contract of three months or more arecontractually enrolled into the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS),subject to scheme regulations. Where a contract of employment which is initially for less than three months’ duration is extended so that its total duration is for 3 months or more, the employee will then be contractually enrolled into the LGPS.
An employee may opt out if he/she does not wish to join the pension scheme, following enrolment on appointment.
6.2Details of the contribution rates and pay bands, together with further details of the LGPS scheme can be found at the London Pensions Fund Authority (LPFA)web site or in the document“LGPS – A brief guide to the Local GovernmentPension Scheme (LGPS)” - SeeAnnexAfor hyperlinks.
7.1Support staff, appointed on nationally negotiated pay scales, will receive payment of salary in accordance with agreed rates of pay, details of which will be issued to new staff with a letter of appointment.
These rates of pay will take account of national recommendations which have arisen from negotiations between UCEA and the trades unions recognised at national level insofar as they have been adopted by the Board of Governors.
7.2Employeesare paid monthly by credit transfer to the employee’s bank account, to be in the employee’s account no later than the 22nd day of each month. Normally, payments will be made in respect of work during that month.
7.3A statement of all earnings and deductions is issued monthlyto all employees, either in paper form or to view online, as appropriate.
7.4A person employed on a part-time basis is paid at the same hourly rate as the equivalent full time post for thatcategory of post, grade and spine point.
7.5A person employed part-time for the whole year is paid a direct proportion calculated on an hourly basis of the salary of a full-time employee of equivalent grade calculated as follows:
Normal hours of work (excluding meal breaks) worked by the part-time employee each week / X / Annual salary of full time employeeNormal hours of work (excluding meal breaks) worked by the full-time employee of equivalent grade each week
7.6The pay and annual leave entitlement of a person employed on a permanent basis for a limited number of weeks in the year (known as Term Time Only) are calculated as follows:
Weeks & hoursworked by the Term Time Only employee in the course of one year’s employment / X / Annual salary of full time employeeWeeks & hours of full time employee in the equivalent grade in the course of one year’s employment
Annual Leave Entitlement:
Weeks & hours worked by the Term Time Only employee in the course of one year’s employment / X / Annual Leave entitlement of full time employeeWeeks & hours of full time employee in the equivalent grade in the course of one year’s employment
This type of employee should normally take their annual leave entitlement outside of the University term times or the weeks of attendance for duty identified in their contract of employment. However, a request to take leave during those periods will not be unreasonably refused. If any annual leave istaken during the term time, compensatory hours should be worked during the vacation time.
8.1Employees appointed on a salary scale are entitled to annual increments within the scale, providing theirDean/Director orHead of Department considers that they are carrying out their duties satisfactorily and that their conduct and general efficiency are satisfactory. In the event that an increment is withheld the employee will be advised of the reason and given the right to appeal.
8.2The methods of calculating salaries for part-time employees ensure that part-time employees get an appropriate proportion of each increment.
8.3Increments are awarded on and paid from the anniversary of the first day of the month during which the employee was appointed to his/her current grade.
9.1Promotion within the University is subject to the University’s recruitment and selection procedureswhich may involve internal advertisement only, or both internal and external advertisement in turn, or simultaneously.
9.2On promotion a full-time employee who is promoted to a grade with a scale rate of pay normally will be placed on that grade scale at the lowest point of this scale, if that would give an immediate increase in salary of at least the difference between the salary at the lowest point on the scale and the salary at the first incremental point on that scale.
9.3If the employee would not receive an increase of the size referred to in condition 9.2 if he/she were to be placed on the lowest point of the scale referred to in that condition, then he/she shall be placed on the next incremental point on the scale.
9.4The salary of a part-time employee who is promoted will be increased immediately by applying the methods of calculation set out in section 7 to the salary which a full-time employee would be paid if promoted in the same circumstances.
10.Acting Appointments
10.1Should any of the following circumstances exist for one month or more, but not more than twelve months,an employee may be granted acting status on the recommendation of theDean/Director orHead of Department.
(a)a vacancy in a higher grade;
(b)the absence from duty other than annual leave, of a member of staff at a higher grade;
(c)the imposition of new duties caused by re-arrangement of work.
10.2An acting appointment is subject to review at three monthly intervals, but carries with it no claim or right to the position temporarily occupied.
10.3An acting appointment will be treated for remuneration purposes as a temporary promotion and the acting salary will be calculated in accordance with the provisions laid out in paragraphs 9.2 and 9.3.
11.1Notwithstanding paragraphs 11.2 to 11.4agreed overtime is payable to support staff on Grades 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Overtime is not payable to support staff onGrades 7, 8, 9 and 10, with the exception of those staff in technician roles that were formerly on University Technician Grades.
11.2Full-time employees will only be paid for overtime work which has been undertaken with the prior authorisation of the appropriateDean/Director orHead of Department. In such cases, overtime rates are as detailed in Part II of this document.
11.3If a part-time employee works extra hours, in any one week he/she will receive pay at the normal hourly rate until he/she has completed the total number of hours worked by a full-time employee in a similar post. Thereafter he/she shall be entitled to be paid at the appropriate rates as detailed in Part II.
11.4A part-time employee whose normal working week consists of at least fifty percent of the time being worked on days other than Saturday and Sunday shall be entitled to enhanced rates of pay for week-end work.
11.5A part-time employee recruited to work more than fifty percent of his/her working week on Saturday or Sunday shall not be entitled to enhanced rates of pay for weekend work.
12.1Payment of authorised expenses incurred by employees during the course of their duty is in accordance with scales laid down from time to time by the Finance Department. Details of the scales are given in the Financial Regulations.
13.Annual Leave
Whenever an employee has entitlement to both contractual annual leave and statutory leave under the Working Time Directiveand Regulations, the statutory leave entitlement shall be offset against the contractual leave entitlement.
13.1The contractual annual leave entitlement for all support staff, exceptManual Workers, Library Shelvers and Recreation Assistants (i.e. staff in posts formerly on University Manual Worker Grades) is as detailed in paragraphs 13.1.1 to 13.1.6.
13.1.1The leave year commences on 1 Augusteach year and ends on 31 July of the following year.
13.1.2The annual leave entitlement is 26.5 working days.
13.1.3Extra days are granted in respect of continuous long service as follows:
After five years’ service -one day
After ten years’ service -two days
After fifteen years’ service-three and a half days
After twenty years’ service -five days
After twenty five years’ service -seven days
13.1.4Long service leave entitlement operates from the beginning of the leave year during which eligibility is achieved.
13.1.5Up to five days’ contractual leavemay be carried forward to the next year but must be taken by the end of the December. Special permission from the appropriate line manager is required if any more leave is to be carried forward.
13.1.6A member of staff joining the University part way through the leave year is allowed the appropriate proportion of leave and, with permission, may take a reasonable proportion of their annual leave entitlement before having earned it.
13.2The contractual annual leave entitlement for Manual Workers, Library Shelvers and Recreation Assistants(i.e. staff in posts formerly on University Manual Worker Grades) is detailed in paragraphs 13.2.1 to 13.2.4:
13.2.1The leave year commences on 1stAugust and ends of 31stJuly of each year.
13.2.2Members of staff in these groups with up to five years’ service are entitled to twenty days leave. Those with in excess of five years’ service are entitled to twenty five days leave.
13.2.3Application for leave must be submitted on the appropriate form by 1st February. An employee will be informed of the decision as to whether or not leave may be taken by no later than 28th February of that year.
13.2.4Leave may not be carried forward from one year to another without the special permission of the Dean/Director or Head of Department (this applies equally to employees who have been on sick leave).
13.3For all support staff, special application is required from staff wishing to take more than two weeks’ holiday at one time.
13.4For all staff, in each leave year, the entitlement to leave accrues on a daily basis, rounded up to the nearest half day.
13.5Employees who leave the University’s service having taken annual leave in excess of their entitlement will have salary deducted in respect of excess leave. Employees who leave the University's service not having taken their annual leave entitlement will receive salary in lieu.
13.6Employees are required to obtain prior approval from their Dean/Director orHead of Department before taking leave. The timing of leave is granted subject to the operational needs of the service.
13.7Employees’ salaries include payment for the period of their annual leave and for such public holidays or days in lieu thereof as they shall be entitled to take.
13.8An employee may request permission to carry forward annual leave from one year to the next so as to take long holidays abroad, or for any other personal reason. Such an application must be made at least six months prior to the first date of requested absence.
13.9Part Time Employees
13.9.1Part time employees who work five days per week throughout the year are entitled to the same holiday as full-time employees with equivalent length of service.
13.9.2Other part time employees who work throughout the year (but who do not work five days per week) are allowed an appropriate proportion of annual leave, long service leave, such proportion to be calculated on the following formula:
Normal hours of work (excluding meal breaks) worked by the part-time employee each week / X / Number of hours’ leave entitlement of full-time employee in equivalent grade and of equivalent length of serviceNormal hours of work (excluding meal breaks) worked by a full-time employee of equivalent grade each week
13.9.3When the University is closed on public bank holidays, part-time employees who work throughout the year but do not work five days per week are allowed the same proportion of time off in respect of the public holiday as the full-time employee, e.g. in a week in which there is one public holiday, each employee should work four fifths of their normal weekly hours. Where the public holiday falls on one of their normal working days they are required to make up the appropriate proportion of working hours not worked; where the public holiday falls outside their normal working days they may take off the appropriate proportion of the public holiday hours on another day, such adjustments to be at a time arranged with the appropriate line managers