國立台灣大學物理治療學系及職能治療學系九十三學年度/ 肌動學


Multiple Choice:

Directions: Beneath each of the following questions are four lettered phrases or sentences marked (a), (b), (c), and (d), but ONLY ONE best fits the answer. Please decide which one is the closest correct answer. Then, write down the corresponding letter of the answer you have chosen on your answer sheet.

Spiderman (蜘蛛人) jumped from a tower at a speed of 5 km/sec. He landed down with both hands first onto the grounds like the picture on the right side. The landing motion is defined from the moment when the arm first contacted the ground to the moment when the arm became straight again. This motion was divided into two phases: (1) to lower down his body through elbow flexion of both arms and (2) to raise up the body with elbow extension. The duration for phase I is from the time when both arms first contacted the ground to the time when his body was in the lowest position while that for phase II is from the time when his body is in the lowest position to the time when his elbows fully extended again. Please carefully answer the question set from 1 to 10.

1. The above statements to describe Spiderman’s landing motion are one kind of _____.

a. forensic description b. anthropometric description

c. kinematic description d. kinetic description

2. The left arm position in the picture above is _____.

a. both shoulder and elbow flexion b. shoulder flexion and elbow extension

c. shoulder extension and elbow flexion d. both shoulder and elbow extension

3. The principal joint that to take place the elbow flexion/extension during this landing motion is _____ that is a _____ joint.

a. humeroulnar joint, hinged b. humeroulnar joint, pivot

c. humeroradial joint, hinged d. humeroradial joint, piviot

4. The joint in Question #3 possesses _____ degree(s) of freedom.

a. 0 b. 1

c. 2 d. 3

5. This landing motion performed by the arm is one kind of _____ kinematic chain motion which is also called as _____ by Neumann DA .

a. open kinematic chain motion, distal-on-proximal segment kinematics

b. open kinematic chain motion, proximal -on-distal segment kinematics

c. closed kinematic chain motion, distal-on-proximal segment kinematics

d. closed kinematic chain motion, proximal -on-distal segment kinematics

6. The _____ muscles contracted _____ during phase I (elbow flexion).

a. biceps brachii, concentrically b. biceps brachii, eccentrically

c. triceps brachii, concentrically d. triceps brachii, eccentrically

7. The _____ muscles contracted _____ during phase II (elbow extension).

a. biceps brachii, concentrically b. biceps brachii, eccentrically

c. triceps brachii, concentrically d. triceps brachii, eccentrically

8. If the muscle in Question #7 is ruptured (斷裂), _____ muscle(s) can substitute (代替) it and complete the motion of phase II.

a. the brachialis b. the anconeus

c. a cocontraction of the above two d. neither of the above two

9. The axis of rotation for elbow flexion/ extension of landing is close to _____.

a. a line passing through the radial and ulnar heads

b. a line passing through the medial and lateral epicondyles

c. the longitudinal axis of the ulna

d. the longitudinal axis of the radius

10 . This landing motion of Spiderman’s elbow joint follows a _____ path that is one kind of _____ motion.

a. angular, rotary b. angular, translatory

c. curvilinear, rotary d. curvilinear, translatory

11. For an individual who raises his arm to shoulder abduction of 90° with the palm up and then bends his elbow slowly to full flexion, like the picture on next page. This motion is one kind of _____ kinematic chain motion since the distal end of the kinematic link is _____.

a. open, free in the air b. open, fixed

c. closed, free in the air d. closed, fixed

12. The muscle that contracts for the motion in Question # 11 is _____ before elbow flexion of 90° while that is _____ after elbow flexion of 90°.

a. biceps brachii, biceps brachii

b. biceps brachii, triceps brachii

c. triceps brachii, biceps brachii

d. triceps brachii, triceps brachii

13. The arthrokinematic movement for the motion in Question # 11 after elbow flexion of 90° is _____.

a. anterior glide of the ulna moving on the humerus

b. anterior glide of the humerus moving on the ulna

c. posterior glide of the ulna moving on the humerus

d. posterior glide of the humerus moving on the ulna

14. Considering elbow flexion motion of Spiderman landing and elbow flexion before 90° in Question # 11, which of the following statements is ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE?

a. The types of muscle contraction (concentric/ eccentric) for both motions are different.

b. The joints involved for both motions are different.

c. The prime mover involved for both motions are different.

d. The osteokinematic movements for both motions are different.

15. Considering elbow flexion motion of Spiderman landing and elbow flexion after 90° in Question # 11, which of the following statements is ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE?

a. The types of muscle contraction (concentric/ eccentric) for both motions are similar.

b. The joints involved for both motions are the similar.

c. The prime mover involved for both motions are similar.

d. The osteokinematic movements for both motions are similar.

16. The biceps brachii muscle presents active insufficiency when the elbow is _____ and the shoulder is _____ since the muscle is in the _____ position.

a. extended, extended, shortest b. extended, extended, longest

c. flexed, flexed, shortest d. flexed, flexed, longest

17. The _____ is the main factor that maintains stability of the proximal radioulnar joint since it holds the radial head close to the ulna.

a. anconeus muscle b. brachioradialis muscle

c. lateral collateral ligament d. annular ligament

18. Concerning with a convex on concave joint, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

a. It indicates the articular surface of the proximal segment is convex where that of the distal segment is concave if the open kinematic chain motion is considered.

b. The glenohumeral joint is one of the examples of the convex on concave joint.

c. The articular surface moves in the direction opposite to that of the moving segment.

d. It can provide both open and closed kinematic chain motions.

19. The anconeus muscle acts as a dynamic stabilizer to provide resistance against varus stresses because of the alignment of its muscle fibers. It arises from _____ aspect of the distal humerus and inserts on the ______.

a. posteromedial, ulna b. posteromedial, radius

c. posterolateral , ulna d. posterolateral, radius

20. Which of the following movements does NOT take place in the sagittal plane when an individual stands erect with the anatomical position?

a. shoulder extension b. hip flexion

c. ankle dorsiflexion d. trunk lateral flexion

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1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20