GMS Band

Course Description

Course description:

Band is a yearlong exploratory offered to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. Class meets on a FLEX schedule, with a rotating calendar provided to the students at the beginning of the year. Students will learn about rhythm and note reading, how to warm up properly and produce a full, safe sound, and about dynamics, articulations, and phrasing.

The goal of Band class is to teach young musicians proper playing techniques and how to have fun while performing and making music with each other. Students will share their gift of music with classmates and the teacher to work together to perform songs that are selected to facilitate learning and to foster a love of playing.

Band class takes place on a FLEX schedule during Exploratory 1. This means that students will come to band during their Exploratory 1 only. On the days that the student has band, they will not be counted absent in his or her other Exploratory 1 class. Students will have full band on the same day every week and a lesson on the same day every week. For example, a 6th grade flute player will always have band on Wednesday during Exploratory 1 and a group lesson on Thursday during Exploratory 1. Students are responsible for keeping open communication with me and their Exploratory 1 teachers to ensure that work is completed for both classes regardless of whether the student is present or absent to attend band. Students are permitted to miss band if they are responsible for a quiz, test, or presentation in their Exploratory 1; however, the student must let me know so that I may excuse him or her from band that day. Other circumstances can certainly be discussed with me at any time.

Course requirements:

·  Students are responsible for attending two concerts. These concerts count as summative exams.

·  Students are responsible for knowing when they are to attend band. A schedule will be provided to them, and an extra can be provided to keep at home if you wish (recommended).

·  Students are responsible for buying their own reeds, cork grease, and instrument swab (woodwind), or slide/valve oil and instrument swab (brass), or snare sticks and drum pad (percussion). Percussionists are not required to carry bells or snare drums to school for lessons or full band unless specified by the teacher.

·  Students are responsible for bringing band folders, instrument, music, and a pencil to every rehearsal or lesson and for returning music after each concert.


·  Students will receive 15 points for attending lessons prepared (5 pts for instrument/folder/pencil, 5 pts for attending, and 5pts for signed practice log- formative assessments). If students forget/miss their lesson times, they must attend another lesson group’s time before their next scheduled lesson.

·  Students will receive 10 points for attending full band rehearsals prepared (5pts for instrument/folder/pencil, 5pts for attending- formative assessments).

·  Students will complete group and individual activities to check for understanding. These will vary in point value and quantity depending on the unit (formative assessments).

·  Students are responsible for attending combined rehearsals as concerts approach (held during the school day), and are responsible for attending the Winter and Spring concerts (all summative assessments).

·  Other unit exams will be completed throughout the year as well (summative assessments).

·  Schoology will be utilized for individual playing exams four times this year. These will be recorded either at home or at school and uploaded to the appropriate folder in Schoology. I will have technology available in my classroom after school for one week prior to each due date. Due dates are: November 20, January 11, March 12, and May 3.

·  *If a student forgets his or her instrument, it is still valuable for him or her to be present at rehearsal. Students who forget their instruments will not be excused from rehearsal unless the student and I have discussed and agreed. If students forget/miss their lesson times, they must attend another lesson group’s time before their next scheduled lesson.

Sussex County Jr. Honor Band (open to 7th and 8th graders):

Sussex County Jr. Honor Band is an excellent way for your child to excel on his or her instrument. This is an auditioned group of students from the county that practice during two Monday night rehearsals and a two-day festival in February followed by a concert for the community (you!) on the second night. Stay tuned for information on this event, or email me to ask any questions!

Below are the concert dates for the 2017-2018 school year. Please mark them on the calendar:

·  GMS Winter Concert: Thursday, December 14th, 7:00 PM.

·  GMS Spring Concert: Thursday, May 17th, 7:00 PM.

Concert attire for ladies:

Winter: White blouse, black skirt or pants, black dress shoes

Spring: Spring colors, nice clothes (dress, skirt and blouse, dress pants and blouse, dress shoes)

Concert attire for gentlemen:

Winter: White, button-down, long sleeved, collared shirt with tie of any color, black dress pants and belt, dress shoes

Spring: Any color button-down, short or long sleeved, collared shirt with tie of any color, any color dress pants/slacks and belt, dress shoes

Parents/Guardians: Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is a conflict with one of the concert dates. Students are required to attend for a summative grade. Please list an email address below that you check regularly. Email is a very effective and fast way to contact me, and I encourage open communication between us. I’m looking forward to a great school year!

Laura Carey, Music/Band, Georgetown M.S.

, 856-1900 ext. 2251

Visit the GMS Band website for more information! (that’s THREE underscores between band and chorus)

My parent/guardian and I have read and agree to the GMS band course description and syllabus:

Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date:______

Parent/Guardian Email:______

Student Signature:______Date:______

Please return this packet to Mrs. Carey ASAP.