Our Sunday morning service is at 10.45am.Children are welcome at all our services and we will always try to provide suitable activities for younger children for at least a part of the service.Hospitality is an important part of what we offer here, and our service is followed by tea, coffee, or juice - often with a slice of cake!

May7RevdJustine Wyatt - Communion

May 14Alison Dobson

May21Revd Justine Wyatt

May 28Sheelagh Fawcett – Christian Aid Service

June 4Revd Justine Wyatt - Pentecost

June 11Revd Justine Wyatt – Communion, Trinity Sunday

June 18Tim Asquith

June 25Local arrangement

If you are a visitor ....

We meet at the Civic Centre and share our premises with other local groups. We also play an active role in the life of the Luddenden Foot Community Association who run the building. We meet regularly for worship and other activities- will you come and join us here?

The Luddenden Foot United Reformed Church moved to the Civic Centre in 2000, but others have joined us since then and we offer an Ecumenical welcome. We have a special relationship with the Methodist Circuit (the local group of Methodist Churches) and seek to work in partnership with other churches. We hope that you will enjoy being with us, and find peace and joy here!

If you would like to know more, or if we can help you with any questions or issues, please contact:

Minister - Revd Justine Wyatt 01422 847142

Church Secretary/Local Church link person –

Wendy Mertens 01422 886703

Luddenden Foot Church

NewsletterMay/June 2017

We meet at:

The Civic Centre, Station Road, Ludddenden Foot, HX2 6AD

Welcome.This year, Christian Aid Week will be 60 years old. From the very first, a generation of Christians decided that they would not stand by while people suffered in refugee camps, and today, we too won’t turn our backs on the plight of refugees.

Every May sponsored walks such as the Halifax Long March and many other events take place to raise money to support people around the world living in poverty. Without this annual support that unites over 20,000 churches country wide, Christian Aid would not be able to provide security and comfort for refugees around the world, advocating policies that protect them and helping people find a safe place to call home.

We are delighted that Sheelagh Fawcett (Christian Aid Regional Co-ordinator)is leading our worship on the last Sunday in May with the theme of Christian Aid Week: ‘Everyone needs a Safe Place’, a chance to celebrate the amazing people who make it all happen, and to play our part in sharing the message of Christian Aid Week.There will be an opportunity to make a contribution to a retiring collection. For more information please visit

Provision of Ministry and Pastoral Care at Luddenden Foot

The Revds. Bob Warwicker and Patrick Taylor visited us just before Easter, and are to complete their visits to the three churches in the Halifax Group by mid-May. They will then meet with the Moderator of the Yorkshire Synod, the Revd. Kevin Watson, to discuss the needs of the various churches and the opportunities for future shared ministry.

Justine’s 3-year term as transitional minister at Luddenden Foot ends in June, and her last service here will be a communion service on Sunday 11th June, followed by a soup, bread and cheese lunch. After that Bob and Patrick will provide interim ministry and pastoral oversight until a more long-term appointment is made. Their contact details are:

Revd Bob Warwicker, 16 Grasmere Road, Huddersfield HD1 4LJ

01484 431406

Revd Patrick Taylor, 28 Granny Hall Lane, Brighouse HD6 2JG

01484 718948

Other News

Church Meeting

Our next Church Meeting is on Wednesday, May 17th at 7.00pm.

At this meeting we will need to update the ‘church profile’, which will help us think about our ongoing life and mission at Luddenden Foot. Please come if you can, as this is the way we make decisions together and seek the mind of Christ.

We still need someone to organise the pulpit supply. This means finding and liaising (electronically) with preachers/worship leaders for two of our monthly services. Please speak to Justine if this is something you may be able to do.

Open Meeting with Boys Brigade.

We are planning to hold our next open meeting with the Boys Brigade on Monday May 22nd, from 7.30 to 8.00pm, followed by refreshments. This is when we invite church members to come along on a Monday night and join with family, friends and members of the Boys Brigade in All Age worship. Our last open meeting was on ‘Pancake Monday’, and was much enjoyed by all.Our Boys Brigade members are looking forward to us joining them again, so please put this date in your diary.

Acts 2:1-21: Rushing, stirring, calling.

Rushing in like a violent wind,

stirring and unsettling us

throwing our certainties into disarray:

Come, Holy Spirit!

Flowing through our hearts like rivers of living water

like streams in the desert, renewing, refreshing,

giving life to new possibilities:

Come, Holy Spirit!

Dancing like tongues of flame,

setting our hearts on fire

to love the way you do,

extravagantly, joyfully, indiscriminately:

Come, Holy Spirit!

Calling like the wild goose whose cry surprises,

causes us to lift our faces heavenward,

to strain our eyes for a glimpse of your presence:

Come, Holy Spirit!