174th Knowledge Seekers Workshop June 1,2017

v3 Draft

Transcriber’s Comments

This is another very deep workshop with more teachings on the soul. Other points of interest were the first meeting of the Earth Council and detailed instructions for treatment of Alzheimer's, MS, and ALS, among many other subjects summarized in the hyperlinked headings following…

Content index

The beautiful ‘virus’ of sharing and being correct is bringing results though interaction with governments andthe wealthiest people on the planet

There have been many questions on the structure of the soul, what happens to it and where it is, how it controls itself.

The soul is created out of the interaction of the fields, but this time without dimension.

Maybe we have to add this to our knowledge that in truth man in his physicality has been nothing but the incubator of the soul itself that creates the non-dimensional condition.

Once you learn to walk with the soul of the man it is very easy, no time is wasted and there is no energy lost.

The development from now on will be to develop the soul of the man and not to make the reactors.

Teachings on a pure heart and detachment from physicality and how this was not found in a visiting (a) ‘Guru’

It is for the students to start understanding the gap and the dimension and the separation of the physicality and the soul of the man so that you understand what separation is.

How many of you dare to find the soul, and then step down in it and see if you can make the physicality you want?

For those of you who are not aware for the first time the executive and the directors of what I call the soul of the man as the earth and the Universal committee and the Universal Council met yesterday.

Don’t forget the essence of creation always has gravitational and magnetical.

How to correct Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, and the rest…

A merging of understandings; the physicality creates the soul, and now you use the soul to repair the physicality.

First question of the workshop is about possible detoxification or cleansing reactions when people start taking the GANS materials

Dmitri asks how to treat bipolar disorder

An update on Naomi’s condition from Giovanni

MK answers a question on how to alleviate the harmful effects of vaccination, and lashes out at the “freaks and criminals sitting within the governments” who are responsible for the genocidal policies and technologies

K: About Mercury, we go back to the doctors in the medical teachings.

As far as emotions go, what role does sexuality play? How come some people are gay and others straight?

K: I wonder when we will make the tablet for the soul and stop taking the tablet for the headache?

Cary Ellis asks MK some important questions about GANS making with carbon sticks versus nano-coated copper, and other things

Leon: my question: is the planet earth a constant element balance in respect to the sun?

Another interaction with Jalal and the Arabic world

An unexpected answer for the Dutch and other free thinkers

You can use the GANS water of pharmaceuticals at no cost

Keyvan tries to be precise and accurate with a question on the soul


The beautiful ‘virus’ of sharing and being correct is bringing results though interaction with governments and the wealthiest people on the planet

1054 Rick: Welcome everyone, once again we will hear from Mr. Keshe with the latest news and teaching.

11:33 Mehran Keshe (K):Let’s see how we can contribute to the knowledge. Good morning, good day to you as usual wherever and whenever you listen to these teachings. As part of our work with Keshe Foundation (KF) we have seen many developments and changes and in a strange way we are seeing new developments and new ways. The beauty of what we see coming together especially in the past 2 or 3 weeks is that the KF has broken through the barriers of the governments. In that way, we have broken through what we call the elite of society. In the past 2 to 6 weeks especially since the Rome conference we see a huge turnover with the people of wealth and power as well as governments who have turned to the KF to see what we can do and how we can change society.

12:31 K: in the coming time, very soon we will announce further developments as the number of what we call the wealthiest people on this planet have come together with KF for the development of every aspect of the technology. Their wealth at the disposal of KF is the wealth of the Knowledge Seekers and the way you supported the development. Now we see that those who have the financial wealth have come to be around the KF and support the foundation in a very heavy way. Today as many of you are aware, we come to the point that Ghana Space Ship center has become the focus of a lot of movement. The publicity which has risen through the Ghana Atomic Commission collaboration with Ghana KF has given us the opportunity outside Ghana for the people who are waiting for the foundation to make the first move so they can make their move; this has come to fruition.

13:40 K: I have to say in so many ways, it is time for all of us and not the individuals of us—the ones who back the teaching, the ones who teach, the ones who are supporting different structures of the KF in the background and those of you who produce materials at home and test them, and you have introduced the mother, the neighbor, somebody else to the technology. It is a collective move and not an individual move; none of us can have a claim any more that this is what I did. This is what we have done.

14:18 K: I always remember the ex-Shah of Iran who said we have achieved; as a king, I cannot achieve on my own. It is the work of the nation and the king. In so many ways it applies to us and we are collectively achieving it. The little inputs, testimonials, showing of producing different kinds of GaNSes, the little breakthroughs are collectively adding to the knowledge of man. The beauty of it is, as I said before many times, the biggest ‘problem’ we have in KF is the ‘disease’ which in a way I have infected you with, and that is to share knowledge unconditionally and as fast as you can. When we started sharing knowledge and those who are devoted to serving humanity have learned, you are doing the same thing. It is the speed of how fast we can share the knowledge the minute we found out that somebody might be able to have a use of it. This is a beautiful ‘disease’ and I hope the whole of humanity gets it. It is an ‘infectious disease’ of sharing knowledge and understanding the more we give in sharing knowledge the more we receive and we get enlightened.

15:38 K: this is the beautiful ‘virus’ of sharing and being correct and it’s not that we make mistakes. At the end, it serves its purpose to be correct. In so many ways we don’t need to worry what is going to happen to it. We are sure that something good will come out of it. Thissurety has raised a lot of support for the soul of the man. as many of you know we do not go in one position and condition of teaching and we try to cover many aspects of teaching to share the knowledge equally.

There have been many questions on the structure of the soul, what happens to it and where it is, how it controls itself.

16:20 K: I have received a lot of questions about teaching about the soul because man never understood. There are many questions and to go into this structureof the soul; what happens to it and where it is, how it controls itself. It is part of us and we try to break into it (the teaching) slowly so that many people in the future can understand. Maybe when we go to school in the first class they will teach us about our souls and all the rest will take second position. Our soul will see the history and biology. Our soul has the contact with the whole direction of the structure of the creation. Maybe we have to go back to the original, the way we have gone through the plasma, and we have discovered the effect of the magnetic fields. We have to realize that the soul of the man itself is created from the interaction of the fields and nothing else. There is nothing exclusive about it.

17:25 K: the reality of it is, it isus who have denied our own existence, as I have said many times. Maybe we have to start first in the school of life when we go to the first class at the age of 5 to 7 and they teach us about the soul, the operator behind our physicality. Then this way we can make decisions in the correct way from the onset. Maybe that way we can understand more because at a younger age the fields of the soul are much stronger…. Very strong! And we don’t need to speak; the people in the class will understand each other and there will be no animosity, no problems as we see with bullying and the rest because they understand their soul structure.

18:18 K: it is us who have to do this for humanity. 100 years very few were being taught. 50 years ago, many people became part of the structure of the teaching. But we thought how to write ‘a, b, c’ and map 1 and 2 together to get 3, was very essential. In the process of time we have seen that education has become compulsory in more or less every nation on this planet. Maybe it (is) time for man to go back to the year before you go to school to teach man about the soul of the man. Then when he comes to the preschool classroom he understands the totality and reality, and children are very receptive. They can make that way. In the teaching of the Mozhans last week I explained to them the time you understand that you have reached the point is when you understand your own soul—the position of the soul and how you understand.

19:20 K: But you have to realize that most of the Mozhans are in their 20s, 30s and 40s and they have already gone in the different way of the physicality and to go back to the origin is too hard. It is literally like the salmon trying to fight to go uphill on the river to get to the source where he can find where he was created. The life of man now to go back to the soul is the same as the salmon fighting up the river trying to get back to the source where he started from. And then from there for him to understand the rest because he already came from the rest through the mother.

The soul is created out of the interaction of the fields, but this time without dimension.

19:56 K: it is important for us to start teaching the essence of the creation and of the soul. The soul is created out of the interaction of the fields, but this time without dimension. This is the true existence of the creator as the creator said I made man in the image of myself. I came from fields, I radiate through them and I can make a copy of myself again from the same fields. That is all it is. Even our souls are made out of the rays of the sun that is the origin of us as a planet and a solar system where the sun itself has come from the radiation of the fields of the galaxy and the galaxy has come from the radiation of the fields of the universe, the universe from the universes and then from the soul of the creator. Maybe this is what we have to teach and then we don’t need writing in English, French or whatever the language because we understand the language of the soul, the line of the communication of the soul of the man.

21:01 K: if you understand this in the universe there are no typewriters, laptops or papers. Nobody has seen trees growing in the fields of the universe that we can cut down to make paper. We have to go back to learn about the essence of creation and then we become more mature so we can understand the totality of creation. This is what one of the fundamental teachings of the foundation has been over the past months. I have gradually built into the teaching because we need to understand why we are here and how we are created. We looked at the creation as the interaction of the egg and the sperm and we called it the fetus and then the life.

21:53 K: But we have to understand the interaction of the two at the beginning, as the onset, is actually the first part of creating and amalgamating the field forces of the universe so that it creates the soul of the man. In the teachings of the past many times we have spoken about the astronauts who see lights in their eyes as the photon where the radiation from the cosmos enters the body and the brain and the change of the energy becomes the light in the eye of the man. If you look a step further in the womb of the mother is the liquid of the life and the filter of the strength where the right energy can enter and develop the soul of the man. So, in the process we understand a further step, that the womb of the mother is not just to create the physicality, but it is the absorption of the essence of the energies of the universe that converts itself to the soul of the man.

23:06 K: do we need to go one step further in understanding the totality? Do we need to understand that we looked at the womb of the mother as the source of the creation of the physicality? In the womb of the mother in the liquid of the life we become the source of the creation of own selves in our own souls. The physicality is just a mirage hiding the truth about the creation of the soul in the essence of its created condition. Does this mean man has to go a step further and look deeper into his own creation that the egg and the sperm are just the incubators of the creation of the soul of the man in the liquid life in the womb of the mother?

23:58 K: Then if we understand this man has matured to the reality of the creation. This means that we looked at the life as the incubator and the first step for the creation of the soul,which becomes non-dimensional, and on its own becomes the strength in the dimension of the universe. As it has no physicality, it can travel the span of the universe and it depends on the interaction of the strength fields where it decides to manifest itself in and in what shape and form.

24:30 K:Maybe we have to add this to our knowledge that in truth man in his physicality has been nothing but the incubator of the soul itself that creates the non-dimensional condition.

This has become part of our lives and now we need to educate ourselves so that when you are born in the physical dimension you are taught to speak, to walk, to learn and to write. Now we have to go beyond that so that we understand that now the soul is the essence of the whole birth of the man. Now we have to learn the language of the soul and how it interacts and what it needs to feed itself and also how it writes in the soul of the man with the pen of the soul and not the physicality of the pen of the man.

25:18 K: this is what the teaching starts… this is what I said; we go into a new dimension. If we would have talked about this two years ago, it was beyond the understanding of humanity. Now gradually we adopt and we develop and we explain the true essence of the creation. And then once we understand this in the future we go to the next step of the development of the soul. What happens when the souls fall in love and they create their own creation -- the purity out of the purity of the totality without the dimension?

25:54 K: In so many ways I have shown you this in a very physical way in the past few weeks and nobody understood. In so many ways it is the only way I can teach so that you feel it, you understand it, and then when we open the door you have seen the light before. When you speak about the merge of the souls or what you call the souls creating a new creation of themselves, that a pure soul is created… It is very much the way you make the GaNSes, but the body of the man is the GaNS. When you put 2 GaNSes together you create a soul out of it. When you have the GaNS of CO2 on one side in the salt water of the container and on the other side you put the GaNS of zinc and then you create the new GaNS out of the GaNS interaction. It is very much the same.

26:50 K: the GaNS of the sperm and the egg lead to the creation of the new dimension which itself in essence due to the liquid condition of the womb of the mother, or in the box of salt water, you create a new dimension in the soul of the creation with the interaction and creation within the environment of the GaNSes. This is what I said in many teachings recently. Try to use the GaNS water as the medium and not the normal water because the GaNS water, when you put it with the CO2 GaNSand zinc GaNS it totally evolves in a different direction of what condition. Now everything is created out of the conditions of the interactions of the fields in the free dimension. That is what the plasma is—free dimension fields.