Exam one review

in completing a scientific study using a double blind approach, why are controls necessary?

How are proteins denatured?

Understand the levels of organization from cells to organisms

what is science?

What is a scientific theory?

What is a double-blind study?

What is the definition of biology?

What is the definition of evolution?

What is the definition of a hypothesis?

What is the definition of data?

What is involved in formulating a hypothesis?

What is the role of an experiment in scientific process?

What is a long-term benefit from studying biology?

What is the definition of control group in a scientific study Western Mark

why are statistical studies critical?

What is the definition of a theory?

What are the definitions of homeostasis, adaptation, metabolism, development, and cellular organization?

What are the definitions of an ecosystem, a population?

What is it mean to be able to respond to stimuli?

What do scientific journal articles provide?

How many kingdoms are in the domain eukaryote?

Have an understanding of the atomic structure, how many protons neutrons and electrons are in an atom, a many electrons are in the valence shell and what type of bonding with that atom probably make with another atom

know the difference between ionic, covalent, hydrogen bond

the able to identify the definition of an ion

know the difference between atom, a molecule in a compound

understand the chemical structure and properties of carbohydrates lipids, proteins and nucleic acids

know the difference between primary secondary and tertiary structures of protein

what are the two groups that are always attached to an amino acid?

Which of the organic molecules are enzymes classified as?

What is denaturation?

What is the function of enzymes?

What are steroids and cholesterol?

What is the energy currency of cells?

What must happen for atom to become an ion?

What are the properties of water?

What is the pH of blood?

Be able to pH

describe the glucose molecule

what is a buffer?

How will soda pop change a person's blood pH?

All carbohydrates have only three elements , what are they?

Define an organic molecule

what is starch

what is the formula for glucose

what is the storage form of glucose in animals?

What is cellulose?

What is the building block of a polysaccharide?

Which nitrogenous base is not found in DNA?

Which type of saccharide is a sucrose and maltose?

Which organic compound is insoluble in water?

What would you call a molecule that has a long chain of single carbon atoms with hydrogens attached and ending in an acid group?

What is cellulose?

Know the names and functions of all cellular organelles

know the composition and parts of all of the components of the cellular membrane

what is the electron transport system?

What is selective permeability?

What is glycolysis, the citric acid cycle,

what is fermentation?

What are diffusion and osmosis, endocytosis and exocytosis?

Which type of molecule may not easily pass through the cell membrane?

Where may stem cells be gathered?

What is the importance of surface area to volume ratio in cells?

What are the definitions of hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic solutions?

What are the definitions of solute and solvents?

What are the different types of membrane transport?

What is metabolism?

What is the function of enzymes?

What is the function of the coenzyme?

What is cellular respiration?

What is glycolysis?

What is the subject acid cycle?

What are the four tissue types, where they found, and what are their functions?

Understand the words superior, inferior, proximal, distal, anterior, posterior, lateral

understand negative feedback loops and positive feedback loops