Planning Report Template
- Subject Site and Surrounding Locality
1.1Subject Site
Subject site shape, size, orientation and any easements
Site levels across the subject site and adjoining properties
Location of all on-site buildings with setbacks from property boundaries
Location, length and height of any walls on boundaries
Use of all components of any on-site buildings
Location and number of all on-site car parking
Traffic and access arrangements
Loading and unloading facilities
Location and type of any significant trees
Street frontage features (i.e. crossover, poles, street trees)
Soil contaminates (if known)
Waste disposal facilities
Any other relevant characteristics of the subject site
1.2Surrounding Locality
Use of all adjoining and surrounding buildings and/or properties
Architectural styles, scale, character and roof forms of adjoining and surrounding development
Adjoining and surrounding roads and laneways
Public car parks and street parking available in the locality or surrounding commercial centre
Public transport facilities
Street frontage features (i.e. crossovers, poles, street trees)
Soil contaminates (if known)
Streetscape features typical of the locality
Any other relevant characteristics of the surrounding locality
- The Proposal
All proposed buildings and works, including setbacks to all property boundaries
Setbacks of all adjoining buildings to proposed buildings and works
Height and roof form of all proposed buildings and works
Architectural styles, building materials, colours and presentation of all proposed buildings and works
Use/function of all components of the proposal
Landscaping of the subject site
Number of staff and staff allocation
Hours of operation
Equipment and machinery to be used
Noise levels and remediation methods
Airborne emissions and remediation methods
Land or water emissions and remediation methods
Associated advertising and signage
Driveways, crossovers and car parking
Loading and unloading facilities and associated hours
Site coverage and permeability
Works Approval or Discharge License from Environment Protection Authority (if applicable)
Waste Disposal
Light spill or glare
Any other relevant characteristics of the proposal
- Background to the Current Proposal
Highlight any outcomes or recommendations from any Pre Application Meetings or discussions with Council prior to lodging the application (if applicable)
Outline discussions and/or meetings with any external Referral Authorities (i.e. Melbourne Water) and any outcomes (if applicable)
- Planning Controls
4.1Zoning Controls
Zoning of the subject site
Purposes/Objectives of the Zone
4.2Overlay Controls
Any Overlay Controls that may affect or cover the subject site
Purposes/Objectives of the Overlay Control(s)
4.3State Planning Policy Framework (SPPF) Controls
List all relevant State Planning Policy Framework Controls
Adopted State Policies and Strategies (eg. Melbourne 2030)
4.4Local Planning Policy Framework (LPPF) Controls
List all relevant Local Planning Policy Framework Controls
May include Local Industrial Policies and/or Codes that apply to specific industrial areas within the municipality
4.5Particular Provisions
List all relevant Particular Provisions Clauses, if relevant
Particular reference to Clause 52.06 Car Parking
Particular reference to Clause 52.07 Loading and Unloading
- Planning Considerations
5.1Compliance with Planning Controls
Highlight areas of consistency with the relevant Planning Controls listed above.
Address areas of inconsistency and highlight the impacts.
- Zoning Purposes and Objectives
- Overlay Purposes and Objectives
- SPPF Control Purposes and Objectives
- LPPF Control Purposes and Objectives
- Particular Provisions
5.2Compliance with Local Planning Industrial Policies and/or Codes
Highlight all areas of consistency and/or non-consistency with any relevant Local Planning Industrial Policies and/or Codes
Acknowledge they may include Local Industrial Policies and/or Codes that apply to specific industrial uses within the municipality
5.3Proposed Use is Appropriate
Describe how the proposal use and/or development compliments and/or impacts upon any adjoining properties or the surrounding locality
5.4Proposed Car Parking and Loading is Satisfactory
Describe how the proposed car parking, access and loading and unloading facilities compliment and/or impact upon any adjoining properties, road network or the surrounding locality
- Conclusion
Summarise the proposal
Highlight general areas of compliance with the proposal
Highlight why the proposal is appropriate for the subject site and surrounding locality