Template 3
Planning Report Template
  1. Subject Site and Surrounding Locality

1.1Subject Site

Subject site shape, size, orientation and any easements

Site levels across the subject site and adjoining properties

Location of all on-site buildings with setbacks from property boundaries

Location, length and height of any walls on boundaries

Use of all components of any on-site buildings

Location and number of all on-site car parking

Traffic and access arrangements

Loading and unloading facilities

Location and type of any significant trees

Street frontage features (i.e. crossover, poles, street trees)

Soil contaminates (if known)

Waste disposal facilities

Any other relevant characteristics of the subject site

1.2Surrounding Locality

Use of all adjoining and surrounding buildings and/or properties

Architectural styles, scale, character and roof forms of adjoining and surrounding development

Adjoining and surrounding roads and laneways

Public car parks and street parking available in the locality or surrounding commercial centre

Public transport facilities

Street frontage features (i.e. crossovers, poles, street trees)

Soil contaminates (if known)

Streetscape features typical of the locality

Any other relevant characteristics of the surrounding locality

  1. The Proposal

All proposed buildings and works, including setbacks to all property boundaries

Setbacks of all adjoining buildings to proposed buildings and works

Height and roof form of all proposed buildings and works

Architectural styles, building materials, colours and presentation of all proposed buildings and works

Use/function of all components of the proposal

Landscaping of the subject site

Number of staff and staff allocation

Hours of operation

Equipment and machinery to be used

Noise levels and remediation methods

Airborne emissions and remediation methods

Land or water emissions and remediation methods

Associated advertising and signage

Driveways, crossovers and car parking

Loading and unloading facilities and associated hours

Site coverage and permeability

Works Approval or Discharge License from Environment Protection Authority (if applicable)

Waste Disposal

Light spill or glare

Any other relevant characteristics of the proposal

  1. Background to the Current Proposal

Highlight any outcomes or recommendations from any Pre Application Meetings or discussions with Council prior to lodging the application (if applicable)

Outline discussions and/or meetings with any external Referral Authorities (i.e. Melbourne Water) and any outcomes (if applicable)

  1. Planning Controls

4.1Zoning Controls

Zoning of the subject site

Purposes/Objectives of the Zone

4.2Overlay Controls

Any Overlay Controls that may affect or cover the subject site

Purposes/Objectives of the Overlay Control(s)

4.3State Planning Policy Framework (SPPF) Controls

List all relevant State Planning Policy Framework Controls

Adopted State Policies and Strategies (eg. Melbourne 2030)

4.4Local Planning Policy Framework (LPPF) Controls

List all relevant Local Planning Policy Framework Controls

May include Local Industrial Policies and/or Codes that apply to specific industrial areas within the municipality

4.5Particular Provisions

List all relevant Particular Provisions Clauses, if relevant

Particular reference to Clause 52.06 Car Parking

Particular reference to Clause 52.07 Loading and Unloading

  1. Planning Considerations

5.1Compliance with Planning Controls

Highlight areas of consistency with the relevant Planning Controls listed above.

Address areas of inconsistency and highlight the impacts.

  • Zoning Purposes and Objectives
  • Overlay Purposes and Objectives
  • SPPF Control Purposes and Objectives
  • LPPF Control Purposes and Objectives
  • Particular Provisions

5.2Compliance with Local Planning Industrial Policies and/or Codes

Highlight all areas of consistency and/or non-consistency with any relevant Local Planning Industrial Policies and/or Codes

Acknowledge they may include Local Industrial Policies and/or Codes that apply to specific industrial uses within the municipality

5.3Proposed Use is Appropriate

Describe how the proposal use and/or development compliments and/or impacts upon any adjoining properties or the surrounding locality

5.4Proposed Car Parking and Loading is Satisfactory

Describe how the proposed car parking, access and loading and unloading facilities compliment and/or impact upon any adjoining properties, road network or the surrounding locality

  1. Conclusion

Summarise the proposal

Highlight general areas of compliance with the proposal

Highlight why the proposal is appropriate for the subject site and surrounding locality