No. AG 66 of 1993
This agreement shall be known as the Wespine Industries Pty Ltd (Enterprise Bargaining) Agreement 1993.
4.Parties Bound
5.Date and Period of Operation
6.No Extra Claims
7.Relationship to Parent Awards
8.Single Bargaining Unit
10.Wage Increases
11.Dispute Resolution
12.Review of Agreement
13.Implementation of Quality System
14.Continuous Improvement Processes
16.Hours of Work and Annual Leave
17.Signatories to Agreement
Appendix - Resolution of Disputes Requirement
This agreement shall apply at the Wespine Industries Pty Ltd Dardanup sawmill site and shall apply to all employees bound by the following awards:
(1)Timber Workers Award No. 36 of 1950.
(2)Metal Trades (General) Award 1966.
(1)This agreement shall be binding on:
(a)Wespine Industries Pty Ltd Dardanup sawmill site (the company).
(b)The Forest Products, Furnishing and Allied Industries Industrial Union of Workers, W.A.
(c)Australian Electrical, Electronics, Foundry and Engineering Union (Western Australian Branch).
(d)All employees who are engaged in any of the occupations specified in the awards referred to in clause 3. - Application.
(2)The parties will oppose any applications by other parties to be joined to this agreement.
This agreement shall come into effect from the 8th day of November 1993 and shall remain in operation until the 7th day of November 1994.
It is a term of the agreement that the various parties to this agreement will not pursue any extra claims award or overaward during the currency of this agreement, except for claims consistent with State Wage Case Principles.
This agreement shall be read and interpreted wholly in conjunction with those awards specified in clause 3. - Application, provided that where there is any inconsistency, this agreement shall take precedence to the extent of the inconsistency.
For the purpose of negotiating this agreement consistently with the principles enunciated in the State Wage Decision of January 1992, a single bargaining unit has been established.
The objectives of this agreement are to facilitate and commit the parties to:
(1)Creating a culture on the site that is outwardly focused to providing excellence in meeting customer requirements and inwardly focused to provide consultative, rewarding and productive teams.
(2)Ensuring the Dardanup sawmill site becomes a more productive and efficient operation.
(3)Providing the employees with more varied and fulfilling jobs.
(4)Ensuring the plant operates to world standards in:
(5)The objectives shall be achieved by the following methods over the twelve months of this agreement:
(a)Introduction of performance measures to allow gauging of the plant performance. These measures are to allow for the introduction of capital.
(b)The implementation and maintenance of AS3902 quality systems, policies and procedures as defined in Clause 13. - Implementation of Quality System.
(c)The implementation and operation of the principles of continuous improvement processes as defined in Clause 14. - Continuous Improvement Processes.
(d)The company is committed to improve the training opportunities and skills of its employees. To facilitate this the parties commit to the training proposals and structure as outlined in Clause 15. - Training. This system will facilitate multi-skilling and allow employees to undertake more complex tasks, a greater range of tasks or to complete the tasks more rapidly with improved quality and safety.
(6)The parties to this agreement agree to the following with respect to scheduling of hours of work:
(a)Normal hours of work will be scheduled to allow manning to maximum advantage of the business and to suit market conditions, whilst not compromising the quality of life of employees (refer to Clause 16. - Hours of Work and Annual Leave).
(b)The provision of meal breaks, leave and leisure time will be managed to meet the employee's needs and ensure the ongoing efficient operation of the enterprise.
(c)The parties agree that annual leave and annual maintenance shutdowns may vary in length and in timing to suit the market conditions. This may include splitting annual leave as considered appropriate by the company to meet market conditions. Notwithstanding this, the company will endeavour to meet the employee's needs and requirements.
(7)The parties agree that for reasons of protecting the health of all employees and the safety of the plant that the site will be a non smoking site from the 1st September 1993. The company will undertake to assist employees who currently smoke to give up smoking by organising Smokenders courses as requested by employees and as available. The company will not pay for the course or time spent at the course.
(1)The parties agree that wage increases will be based on productivity indicators. However, it is clearly understood that the establishment of such indicators will not be achieved quickly or easily due to the complexity of establishing targets and measuring performance. In the light of this the company does not believe that the payment of the wage increase should be delayed pending such discussions. The wage increase shall be:
(a)Wage increase of 4.5% payable from the first pay period following ratification of this agreement by the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission.
(b)The wage increase specified in paragraph (a) hereof shall be applied to the award rate for the relevant classification as defined in the award wage schedule of the relevant applicable award.
(c)The wage increases of paragraph (a) hereof shall not be absorbed into over award payments.
(2)The parties are committed to achieving in any following agreements, wage increases related to agreed productivity indicators. It is proposed that the productivity indicators will be in place at the commencement of the next agreement and that movement of the indicators will be used to determine future productivity based increases. It is agreed that the parties will be working towards having a new agreement in place at the expiration of this agreement.
The parties to this agreement agree that any disputes or grievances shall be resolved by following the procedures as provided in the parent awards.
The parties agree to review this agreement no later than six weeks from the date of its expiry.
The company is committed to the successful introduction and implementation of the AS3902 Quality Management System. This system commits the company to following a rigid audited system of operation with respect to procedures and policies that may affect product quality. The company believes, and the parties agree, that the successful implementation and accreditation and continuing maintenance of the AS3902 system is fundamental to the capacity of the enterprise to maintain sales of its products.
The parties commit to supporting and promoting the AS3902 Quality Management System that is put in place.
The company believes that the maintenance of continuous improvement methodologies is important and will achieve greater productivity. The parties agree that continuous improvement methodologies will ensure that the sawmill site operates to world standards. The continuous improvement methodologies will:
(1)Set goals for the enterprise and allow a clear direction to be enunciated.
(2)Create improvement teams so as to facilitate employee participation in improvement projects and goal achievements.
(3)During the improvement team training, create acceptance by all parties of the need for measurement to facilitate improvement. Training in the measurement tools available to determine improvement will also facilitate acceptance.
(1)The company has proposed a new training scheme that will encourage employees to undertake training to improve their skills and possibilities for advancement. It is also understood by the parties that training of personnel will assist in maintaining a safe work environment and is of critical importance to the success of the operation.
(2)It is agreed that the cost of delivering training to individuals as part of their skills formation and career path progression must be kept to a minimum. This is to ensure that the availability of training is sufficient to satisfy both the company needs and individual expectations of career path progressions.
(3)It is agreed that the implementation and planning of training must be such so as not to adversely affect the plant operation or financial performance. It is agreed that the following be adopted:
(a)Training of employees in current tasks. It is agreed that any person on site may be required to undertake training in this category as necessary. Payment will be at single time.
(b)Training to increase skills and career advancement where this is considered necessary for the business. Payment will be at single time.
(c)Training to increase skills and career path advancement where this is not considered necessary for the business. It is agreed that this training is elective and will be facilitated by the company where possible. There will be no payment in this instance by the company.
(4)The company will endeavour to schedule training during the ordinary hours of work but may require personnel to attend training sessions at other times. This training time will be paid at the single time rate.
(5)TAFE or other external courses attended by employees will generally be used in paragraph (3)(c) hereof and where this is the case, employees will not be paid to attend these courses.
(1)Hours of work are based on an average of 7.6 hours per day for day workers, or other such rosters agreed between the parties. Normal minimum award conditions will apply such as an average of 38 ordinary hours per week.
(2)Annual leave entitlements under the award are retained with respect to the accrual of annual leave, leave loadings and other such minimum conditions available under the awards.
R.K.Style 8/10/93
On behalf of Wespine Industries Pty Ltd
T.P.Daly 5/10/93
On behalf of The Forest Products, Furnishing and Allied Industries, Industrial Union of Workers, W.A.
A.Stafford 13/10/93
On behalf of the Australian Electrical, Electronics, Foundry and Engineering Union (Western Australian Branch)
(1)This Appendix is inserted into the award/industrial agreement as a result of legislation which came into effect on 16January 1996 (Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment and Repeal Act 1995) and further varied by legislation which came into effect on 23May 1997 (Labour Relations Legislation Amendment Act 1997).
(2)Subject to this appendix, and in addition to any current arrangements the following procedures shall apply in connection with questions, disputes or difficulties arising under this award/industrial agreement.
(a)The persons directly involved, or representatives of person/s directly involved, shall discuss the question, dispute or difficulty as soon as is practicable.
(b)(i)If these discussions do not result in a settlement, the question, dispute or difficulty shall be referred to senior management for further discussion.
(ii)Discussions at this level will take place as soon as practicable.
(3)The terms of any agreed settlement should be jointly recorded.
(4)Any settlement reached which is contrary to the terms of this award/industrial agreement shall not have effect unless and until that conflict is resolved to allow for it.
(5)Nothing in this appendix shall be read so as to exclude an organisation party to or bound by the award/industrial agreement from representing its members.
(6)Any question, dispute or difficulty not settled may be referred to the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission provided that with effect from 22 November 1997 it is required that persons involved in the question, dispute or difficulty shall confer among themselves and make reasonable attempts to resolve questions, disputes or difficulties before taking those matters to the Commission..
NO. AG 66 OF 1993
Delivered 8/11/93 at 73 WAIG 3414
Consolidated at
1. Title
as deliveredAG 66/938/11/9373 WAIG 3414
2. Arrangement
as deliveredAG 66/938/11/9373 WAIG 3414
Ins. Appendix - Resolution...693/9616/07/9676 WAIG 2768
3. Application
as deliveredAG 66/938/11/9373 WAIG 3414
4. Parties Bound
as deliveredAG 66/938/11/9373 WAIG 3414
5. Date and Period of Operation
as deliveredAG 66/938/11/9373 WAIG 3414
6. No Extra Claims
as deliveredAG 66/938/11/9373 WAIG 3414
7. Relationship to Parent Awards
as deliveredAG 66/938/11/9373 WAIG 3414
8. Single Bargaining Unit
as deliveredAG 66/938/11/9373 WAIG 3414
9. Objectives
as deliveredAG 66/938/11/9373 WAIG 3414
10. Wage Increases
as deliveredAG 66/938/11/9373 WAIG 3414
11. Dispute Resolution
as deliveredAG 66/938/11/9373 WAIG 3414
12. Review of Agreement
as deliveredAG 66/938/11/9373 WAIG 3414
13. Implementation of Quality System
as deliveredAG 66/938/11/9373 WAIG 3414
14. Continuous Improvement Processes
as deliveredAG 66/938/11/9373 WAIG 3414
15. Training
as deliveredAG 66/938/11/9373 WAIG 3414
16. Hours of Work and Annual Leave
as deliveredAG 66/938/11/9373 WAIG 3414
17. Signatories to Agreement
as deliveredAG 66/938/11/9373 WAIG 3414
Appendix - Resolution of Disputes Requirement
Ins. Appendix693/9616/07/9676 WAIG 2768
(1),(6), Del. (7)2053/9722/11/9777 WAIG 3079