January 21 – 27 = SNOW DAYS
Week 1
January 28, 2016: Impromptu Topic #1 - Explain which letter of the alphabet is the best and why.
Vocab Word #1 – Accolade (n): An expression of approval; an award
January 29, 2016: Impromptu Topic #2 - Three things I would change if I ruled the world….
Vocab Word #2 – Acrimony (n): Bitter, sharp hostility, especially in speech
Week 2
February 2, 2016: Impromptu Topic #3 - Things I’ll never eat…
Vocab Word #3 – Angst (n): A feeling of anxiety or apprehension
February 3, 2016: Impromptu Topic #4 - What I have learned from cartoons…..
Vocab Word #4 – Boondoggle (n): An unnecessary or wasteful activity
February 5, 2016: Impromptu Topic #5 - My three favorite animals are….
Vocab Word #5 – Bravado (n): A show of bravery or defiance intended to impress
Week 3
February 8, 2016: Impromptu Topic #6 - You are a mad scientist. Tell us about your latest invention.
Vocab Word #6 – Brusque (adj): Abrupt and curt in manner or speech; rudely blunt
February 12, 2016: Impromptu Topic #7 - Describe a time when you felt especially loved.
Vocab Word #7 – Cabalistic (adj): Having a secret or hidden meaning
Week 4
February 19, 2016: Impromptu Topic #8 - What would we find in your closet?
Vocab Word #8 – Capricious (adj) Impulsive and unpredictable
Week 5
February 22, 2016: Impromptu Topic #9 - Discuss a historical event that has had an impact on you.
Vocab Word #9 – Carte Blanche (noun) Unrestricted, unconditional authority
February 23, 2016: Impromptu Topic #10 - Some situations in which lying are morally justified are…
Vocab Word #10 – Catch-22 (noun) A set of contradictory rules that make it impossible to attain a desired outcome
Week 6
February 29, 2016: Impromptu Topic #11 - What are the worst things about school?
Vocab Word #11 – Caustic(adj): Critical or sarcastic; cutting
March 1, 2016: Impromptu Topic #12 - If I could travel through time…
Vocab Word #12 – Disheveled (adj): Marked by disorder; untidy
March 2, 2016: Impromptu Topic #13 - If I could only eat three foods forever…
Vocab Word #13 – Ennui (noun): Listlessness and boredom resulting from lack of interest
Week 7
March 7, 2016: Impromptu Topic #14 - If I could be a certain age forever…
Vocab Word #14 – Esoteric (adj): Intended for or understood by only a restricted number of people.
March 8, 2016: Impromptu Topic #15 – Emotions Speech
Vocab Word #15 – Fastidious (adj): Displaying meticulous attention to detail
March 11, 2016: Impromptu Topic #16 - The most dangerous jobs in the world…
Vocab Word #16 – Faux Pas (noun): A social blunder
Week 8 NONE
Week 9
March 21, 2016: Impromptu Topic #17 - What is your favorite holiday?
Vocab Word #17 – Freudian Slip (noun): A verbal mistake thought to reveal an unconscious belief, thought, or emotion
March 24, 2016: Impromptu Topic #18 - If I were invisible for a day, I would…
Vocab Word #18 – Glib (adj): Performed with a natural, offhand, careless ease
Week 10
April 4, 2016: Impromptu Topic #19 - The worst chores to do at home are…
Vocab Word #19 – Heresy (noun): An opinion or teaching in conflict with established beliefs and opinions
April 5, 2016: Impromptu Topic #20 - You are a salesperson trying to sell us the shoes you have on.
Vocab Word #20 – Idyllic (adj): Tranquil, carefree, or picturesque
April 6, 2016: Impromptu Topic #21 - Where is the best place you have ever visited?
Vocab Word #21 – Junket (noun): A trip taken by an official at public expenses
April 7, 2016: Impromptu Topic #22 - Convince us to vote for you as President of the USA.
Vocab Word #22 – Kitsch (noun): Art or other objects appealing to popular taste, usually gaudy or overly sentimental
April 8, 2016: Impromptu Topic #23 - Explain which came first: the chicken or the egg.
Vocab Word #23 – Litany (noun): A repetitive recital or list
Week 11
April 11, 2016: Impromptu Topic #24 – History of…..(various phrases)?
Vocab Word #24 – Lurid (adj): Vivid description or explicit details meant to shock
April 13, 2016: Impromptu Topic #25 - Defend a position: Cell phones and the internet are a boon or nuisance. Why?
Vocab Word #25 – Machiavellian (adj): Characterized by cunning and deceit
Week 12
April 21, 2016: Impromptu Topic #26 - Defend a position: Teachers should/should not give grades.
Vocab Word #26 – Machismo (noun): A strong sense of masculinity; aggressiveness, domination of women
Week 13
April 25, 2016: Impromptu Topic #27 - Defend a position: Single sex schools are good.
Vocab Word #27 – Malaise (n): A vague feeling of bodily discomfort; depression; unease