Department ___Special Education______Date ______August 28, 2008 ______
If proposed course change requires A2C2 and/or graduate Council approval, i.e., not considered a notification, complete and submit this form with the appropriate number of copies. Refer to Regulation 3-4, Policy for Changing the Curriculum, for complete information on submitting proposals for curricular changes.
Current Course Information
_SPED 446______Practicum B-Learning Disabilities______15____
Course No.Course TitleCredits
This Proposal is for a(n)__X____ Undergraduate Course______Graduate Course
Applies to:__X____ Major______Minor ______University Studies
_X____ Required_____ Required______Not for USP
_____ Elective_____ Elective
Prerequisites _All coursework with exception of SPED 445 which can be taken concurrently
Grading______Grade only__X____ P/NC only______Grade and P/NC Option
Frequency of offering ___Each semester______
Proposed Course Information. (Please indicate only proposed changes below.)
Course No.Course Title Credits
This Proposal is for a(n) ______Undergraduate Course______Graduate Course
Applies to______Major______Minor______University Studies
_____ Required_____ Required______Not for USP
_____ Elective_____ Elective
Prerequisites ______
Grading______Grade only______P/NC only______Grade and P/NC Option
Frequency of offering ______
A.Changes in the course description,
- Catalog description (include a display of current and proposed course requirements).
Demonstration of competencies by the student teacher in professional entry-level knowledge and skills in assessment and program development/adaptation for students with learning disabilities in all-day, supervised school settings. Student teaching experience is full-time daily for a full semester.
This student teaching experience covers appropriate instruction and case management for students with specific learning disabilities. It is full time, semester-long placement in a special education classroom under the supervision of a licensed special education teacher and a university supervisor. This is the final requirement before licensure. All coursework for university studies, the professional education sequence, and Special Education prerequisites must be completed, with the exception of SPED 445.
Current course requirements:
a.Spend a minimum of 40 hours per week between the established dates in the designated special education setting. The student must be present for all public school teaching days. There is a three-way absenceprocedure: any absences must be reported to the school principal, the cooperating teacher, and to the university supervisor. Absences must be made up by adding days at the end of student teaching.
b. With the cooperating teacher, plan active participation in as many classroom activities typical of a special educator’s role as are possible. Use Suggested Practicum Experiences guide to establish goals jointly during the first week of the semester.
c. Employ the strategies discussed in the methods course which do not conflict with established IEPs.
d. A Pre-observation Worksheet should be completed and available for the university supervisor at the beginning of each scheduled observation. A minimum of five observations will be conducted.
e. Respect the legal and ethical confidentiality of the students and the school.
f. A daily journal will be kept noting behavioral observations, activities, and affective responses. The journal must be up to date and available at each observation.
g. A practicum notebook will be developed containing the following tabbed sections:
1. General school information
2. Individual student information (follow confidentiality procedures)
3. Lesson plans
4. Daily journal
Proposed course requirements:
This is a full time experience lasting the entire semester. The student teacher must be present for all public school teaching days including meetings before and after the regular school day. Absences will be dealt with on an individual basis. The following assignments should be carried out consistent with the school district policy.
Write a daily journal reflecting on these three areas: what I did today, what I learned today, and how I will apply what I learned.
- Review a minimum of three cumulative files. Write a summary of information compiled in cumulative files (describe the type of information in the files not specific student information)
- Prepare reports on interventions in four academic areas: reading, written expression, math, and spelling. Each report should include: a) a written summary, b) an instructional plan, c) a graph of assessment data
- Develop a classroom behavioral management plan. Prepare a brief (1-2 page) description of the plan.
- Administer two standardized tests. Include the protocols and score reports in your practicum notebook. Maintain the confidentiality of the student and school by deleting identifying information.
- Using school district forms write an evaluation summary for a case-study student.
- Using school district forms write an IEP for the same case-study student.
- Participate in at least one IEP conference. Write a summary of the IEP meeting.
- Participate in a collaborative teaching project with a general education teacher. Prepare a written description of the activity signed by the collaborating teacher.
- Prepare a written description of a plan for ongoing parent communication
- Course outline of the major topics and subtopics (minimum of two-level outline).
- Assessment
- referral and intervention
- formal and informal assessments
- adaptation of existing assessments
- data collection
- IEP design
- Planning and Instruction
- teaching reading, writing, and listening comprehension
- modifying instruction
- mathematical reasoning and calculation
- use strategies for teaching reasoning, problem solving, study skills, organizational skills, and coping
- manage the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of students
- construct instructional sequences to teach transition skills
- monitor and evaluate IEP outcomes
c. Collaboration/Communication
1. facilitate choice making
2. access relevant information
3.a Instructional delivery methods utilized: (Please check all that apply).
Lecture: Auditorium / ITV / Online / Web Enhanced / Web SupplementedLecture: Classroom / Service Learning / Travel Study / Laboratory / Internship/Practicum X
Other: (Please indicate)
3.b. MnSCU Course media codes: (Please check all that apply).
None: X / 3. Internet / 6. Independent Study / 9. Web Enhanced1. Satellite / 4. ITV Sending / 7. Taped / 10. Web Supplemented
2. CD Rom / 5. Broadcast TV / 8. ITV Receiving
- Course requirements (papers, lab work, projects, etc.) and means of evaluation. observation by cooperating teacher and university supervisor
b. daily journaling
- practicum notebook assignments
- evaluations
B. Rationale for each of the changes proposed.Update course to align objectives and requirements with Minnesota Board of Teaching standards
C. Impact of this Course on other Departments, Programs, Majors, or Minors
- Does this course increase or decrease the total credits required by a major or minor of any other department? No If so, which department(s)?
- List the department(s), if any, which have been consulted about this proposal.
- Describe impacts of this proposal on the University Studies Program. NA
02- CD Rom:
03- Internet: Predominately = where all, or nearly all, course activity occurs in an online environment. One to two activities may occur face-to-face in a classroom, with the maximum being two activities.
04 – ITV Sending: a course in which students are in the classroom with the instructor, other students join via interactive television technology from other geographically separate locations
05 – Broadcast TV:
06 – Independent Study: a course in which the teacher develops specialized curriculum for the student(s) based on department guidelines in the University course catalog
07 – Taped: a course in which the teacher records the lessons for playback at a later date
08 – ITV Receiving: a course in which students are not in the classroom with the teacher, other students join via interactive television technology from other geographically separate locations
09 – Web Enhanced- Limited Seat Time: For a course in which students are geographically separate from the teacher and other students for a majority of required activities. However, some on-site attendance is required. The course includes synchronous and/or asynchronous instruction.
10 – Web Supplemented- No Reduced Seat Time: For a course utilizing the web for instructional activities. Use of this code may assist your college/university in tracking courses for “smart classrooms” and/or facility usage.
Attach an Approval Form with appropriate signatures.
Department Contact Person for this Proposal:
___Carol A. ______
Name (please print)Phonee-mail address