Beginner Chorus Lesson Plan

Week 1

Abigail Lindquist

Grade Level:9,10, 11 and 12

Length of Class:85 minutes



  • Musical Alphabet. Treble Clef, Bass Clef, Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, Quarter Note, Quarter Rest

Essential Question

  • What is the musical alphabet?
  • Answer: ABCDEFG

Bell Ringer

  • Read and practice pages 1 and 2 of the Purple Sight Reading Book.

Sight-Reading/Notebook Activity

Activity Objectives

  • Vocal Music 6-12 Level 1:
  • 2.) Sight-sing unison literature.
  • Singing standard pitch notation, including letter names,solfege, and numbers in the treble or bass clef within an octave range using stepwise movement and the intervals of a third and fifth
  • Performing scales and their relatedarpeggios
  • Demonstrating whole- and half-step patterns in the major scale


  • Singing, Reading


  • Experiencing Choral Music- Sight Singing:page 1-4,


The student will:

Step 1:Writethe note names of the assigned sight singing exercise

Step 2:Write the solfege syllables of the assigned sight singing exercise

Step 3: Correct any notes or solfege as the teacher reviews examples.

Step 4:Sing the assigned scaleand triad using solfege syllables and hand signs with the class.

Step 5:Sing sightthe assignedsinging exercise using correct solfege syllables, hand signs and rhythm with the class.


  • Aural Check: Listen for correct notes, syllables, and rhythms
  • Visual Check: Watch for correct hand signs


Lesson Objectives

  • Vocal Music 6-12 Level 1:
  • 1.) Demonstrate chest and head voices while singing individually and in groups.
  • Demonstrating correct posture
  • Adjusting tone quality while singing.
  • Supporting a tone with proper breath control for 8 beats
  • Singing uniform vowels
  • Enunciating beginning and ending consonants
  • Demonstrating proper vocal technique as a member of a large group
  • Identifying components of proper vocal health
  • 3.) Perform a varied repertoire of solo, unison, and two-part literature.
  • Performing accurately literature that indicates tempo markings ofmoderato, ritardando, anda tempo
  • Performing accurately literature that indicates dynamic markings ofpiano, mezzo piano, mezzo forte, andforte
  • Performing accurately literature that indicates articulation markings oflegatoandstaccato
  • Responding vocally to conductor cues, indicating meter, entrances, and cutoffs
  • Vocal Music 6-12 Level 2:
  • 3.) Sing a varied repertoire of three-part literature.
  • Performing accurately literature that indicates tempo markings ofallegro, andante, andaccelerando
  • Performing accurately literature that indicates dynamic markings ofcrescendoanddecrescendo
  • Performing accurately literature that indicates an accent mark
  • Responding vocally to conductor cues concerning dynamic contrasts


  • Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music
  • Reading and notating music


  • Theodore’s Alma Mater


The student will:

Step 1: Follow the conductor's directions for the group warm-ups.

Step 2: Learn notes and rhythms from the assigned sections of music with the assigned vocal group.

Step 3:Implement correct posture, breath control, and vocal tones while singing through the assigned sections with the choir.

Step 4:Watch conductor for cues: entrances, dynamics, phrasing, and cut-offs


  • Aural Check: Listen for correct notes, rhythms, vowel placement, and consonants.
  • Visual Check: Watch for correct posture and mouth shape.