Commission Meeting:
January 21, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. to 12pm

Meeting scheduled for Jan. 21, 2014 cancelled due to snowstorm. Rescheduled to Feb. 26, 2014

Location: House Majority Room (located in the second floor) from 10:00 a.m. until noon.

411 Legislative Hall, Dover DE 19901


1) Approval of Nov. 19, 2013, meeting minutes

2) DHC status update for new members/recommendations/resignations/pending approvals

Pending approval from Governor (approved by DHC to recommend to Gov.)

Terry Richards – Submit application

Ronaldo Tello – waiting for U.S. citizenship

Secretary - DHC needs to find a secretary

3). Treasurers report (Maria Matos).

a. Status of Business Cards

b. Budget Report

c. Banner reimbursement

d. LEP letter mailings

e. table cloth – blue cloth(similar to what Sandy Spangler)

Costs for cloth $95-$199. May need a setup costs for logo.

4). Update on Latino Summit to be hosted by DHC

a. New target date Nov. 13 or 14, 2014

b. Conference calls and current progress

c. Need to develop budget for Latino Summit

Appreciative Inquiry- protocol and design Publication.

c. Appreciative Inquiry – power point presention by Rosa

Rosa will need equipment for the power point presentation.

5) Summary of Subcommittees objectives, action items, budget proposals, and implementation of initiatives for 2013. Review Commission member’s participation on subcommittees.

A) Community Subcommittee Report

- La comisión hispana habla contigo. A written documentation that is sent to the print media and sent to the radio for the public to understand what is going on with the DHC.

- Found a UDEL student who will help volunteer and write in English. Charito will translate it to Spanish.

- Charito update on the Georgetown meeting to discuss the driving privilege card. What can we do before we get a driving privilege card? Many individuals live in fear and they don’t know what they can do with their current situation.

B) Economic Development Subcommittee Report

- Pilot program for the Latino American Business Resource Center.

C) Education Subcommittee Report

- Sandy sent a letter to the Governor and haven’t heard anything back from the Governor.

- Copied letter in State website box and within two days received a response from DOE.

- DOE is now aware and will work with Terry Richards.

- Joe McKaren – La Casita

Shared homework program – 110 plus students that they help.

Two locations in Georgetown

Possible funding – block grant funding

Connect with Polytech

- Aspira – met with School Chiefs.

- cc’d Mirv – ELL letter.

- Website – Sandy discussed

D) Health & Social Services Subcommittee

- Propose membership for the subcommittee

- Market Place

E) Housing Subcommittee

Letter with a survey link will be sent out.

Kevin will build the database for mailings. A rudimentary list from Andrew Dinsmore has been received but needs to be completed. Kevin will submit costs for mailings.

Make a proposal regarding the advertisement of the DHSA search engine to the Latino community.

Rosa will prepare the survey and set up the survey monkey through the Christiana Health Care Systems.

F) Legal Subcommittee and Social Justice Subcommittee Report

G) Transportation Subcommittee

Status of Driving Privilege Card – Task Force Bill

6). FOIA requirements and changes to By-laws to Article VI Executive Committee to include Chairs of subcommittees. Also add media policy by-law amendment for a vote.

7). DelDOT Job Postings – How do we get this communicated to the Hispanic Community?

Workforce Development Contact at LACC – Iris Donato,

Diane Allen –DelDOT and Iris Donato with LACC are very good contacts – copy Sonia Aguilar.

Need a volunteer to take on this initiative.

8) Public Comment

9) Proposed subcommittee conference calls with Chairs to discuss agenda, strategies, and prepare for commission meetings.

2014 Conference call schedule from 10am to 11pm.

Feb. 17, 2014

April 21, 2014

June 16, 2014

Aug. 18, 2014

Oct. 20, 2014

Dec. 15, 2014

Call in information:

Participant Code: 69093404#

US Toll Free Access Number: 877-366-0711

Canadian Toll Free Access Number: 866-627-1651

International Access Number: 1-302-709-8446

10) Calendar meeting dates:

*DHC meeting dates

11). Adjourn and take Photo Shoot for Delaware Hispano Magazine

*All meetings will be held at:

The House Majority Hearing Room located on the second floor of Leg Hall. Please mark your calendars accordingly.

Start Time / - / End Time / Resource / Reserved For / Phone
Notes Link / 10:00 AM / - / 12:00 PM / House Majority Hearing Room/Legislative Hall / Richard Puffer/HD/LEGHALL / Hispanic Commission - Javier Torrijos
Notes Link / 10:00 AM / - / 12:00 PM / House Majority Hearing Room/Legislative Hall / Richard Puffer/HD/LEGHALL / Hispanic Commission Meeting - Javier Torrijos
Notes Link / 10:00 AM / - / 12:00 PM / House Majority Hearing Room/Legislative Hall / Richard Puffer/HD/LEGHALL / Hispanic Commission Meeting - Javier Torrijos
Notes Link / 10:00 AM / - / 12:00 PM / House Majority Hearing Room/Legislative Hall / Richard Puffer/HD/LEGHALL / Hispanic Commission Meeting - Javier Torrijos
Notes Link / 10:00 AM / - / 12:00 PM / House Majority Hearing Room/Legislative Hall / Richard Puffer/HD/LEGHALL / Hispanic Commission Meeting - Javier Torrijos
Notes Link / 10:00 AM / - / 12:00 PM / House Majority Hearing Room/Legislative Hall / Richard Puffer/HD/LEGHALL / Hispanic Commission Meeting - Javier Torrijos

DRAFT Changes to the By-laws are highlighted below with comments:

Operating By-laws

Delaware Hispanic Commission



Section 1.1 Mission:

The Delaware Hispanic Commission (the “Commission”) is:

A.  committed to enriching the lives of the Hispanic Community by enhancing and

streamlining efforts to improve the delivery of services;

B.  bringing awareness of current issues to the state agencies;

C.  suggesting possible solutions for the agencies consideration;

D.  keeping the Hispanic Community informed of available state assistance that exist

for all Delaware residents



Section 2.1 Duties of the Commission:

Duties of the Commission are prescribed in the Governor’s Executive Order Twenty Eight and should include but not be limited to:

A.  advising the Governor, the Cabinet, members of the General Assembly, and other state policy-makers on means to improve the delivery of services to the Hispanic community in Delaware; Reviewing, studying, and prioritizing issues affecting the Hispanic community in Delaware, including, but not limited to, the concerns of the community involving education, social services, housing, health care, culture, history, the arts, civil and human rights, legal and legislative matters, employment, finance, and economic development;

B.  undertaking and promoting projects that benefit the Hispanic community in Delaware;

C.  coordinating efforts with other advisory councils, community agencies, non-profit organizations and other groups whose efforts affect the Hispanic community;

D.  working with the education and business communities in Delaware to ensure that Delaware's Hispanic population has access to educational and employment opportunities;

E.  obtaining funding and resources to support the Hispanic community in Delaware from foundation and government sources;

F.  issuing recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly concerning legislation pending the General Assembly which is of particular interest to the Hispanic population;

G.  approving its budget annually



Section 3.1 Commission Voting Members:

A.  The Commission shall consist of no fewer than 15 but no more than 25 members.

B.  There shall be a Chair and Co-Chairs.

C.  Members shall receive no compensation, nor reimbursement for any expenses, unless approved by a majority vote of the Commission.

Section 3.2 Appointments, Term, Vacancy, Removal:

A.  Appointments and Term:

a.  Members shall be appointed by the Governor and shall serve at his/her pleasure.

b.  The Chair and Co-Chair/s shall be appointed by the Governor and shall serve at his/her pleasure.

B.  Vacancies:

a.  Vacancies shall be filled as recommended by the Executive Committee and at the pleasure of the Governor, with all to consider there shall be no less than 15 members at all times.

b.  As vacancies occur for any reason, the Commission Chair shall inform the Office of the Governor.

c.  As vacancies occur:

i.  the Commission may recruit qualified candidates for the Governor’s consideration and;

ii.  the Commission may vote to recommend qualified applicants to the Governor for his/her consideration of appointment and;

iii.  the Commission Chair shall submit the recommendation, application, and explanation why this applicant is the qualified candidate for the vacancy and;

iv.  the Governor will review the recommendation along with all other applicants

C.  All applicants must submit a State of Delaware Governor application form to the Office of the Governor prior to any Governor appointment.

D.  Removal:

a.  If any member fails to attend 2 consecutive Commission meetings, without just cause, that member shall be presumed to have resigned. In order to have just cause considered the member:

i.  must contact the Chair or a Co-Chair prior to the day of the second scheduled meeting in which will be missed and;

ii.  must inform the Chair or Co-Chair they are unable to attend the second scheduled meeting and;

iii.  ask for consideration to be excused

b.  The Executive Committee shall inform the Governor when a member has resigned for lack of attendance. They may also request that the Governor accept the member resignation, and appoint a new member.

c.  Active participation in Commission meetings, sub-committees and Commission activities is a requirement for continued membership and;

i.  in implementation of this standard, each member must serve on at least one sub-committee with full participation

d.  All Governor appointments are at the pleasure of the Governor and at any time can be removed or replaced.

Section 3.3 Bipartisan Representation:

A.  The membership of the Commission shall be broadly representative of the Hispanic community in Delaware, and shall include but not be limited to representatives from business, government, financial, educational and non-profit organizations, and geographic consideration.

B.  Membership may include organizations that serve the Delaware Hispanic community; however, a member shall recuse him/herself from Commission voting, when there is a potential conflict of interest.



Section 4.1 Commission Officers, Powers and Duties:

A.  Commission officers shall consist of the following:

a.  Commission Chair

b.  Commission Co-Chairs

c.  Treasurer

d.  Secretary

B.  The Commission Chair:

a.  shall have general charge of the business of the Commission;

b.  may delegate any of his /her powers to a Co-Chair or a Commission member;

c.  shall designate a Co-Chair to preside over a meeting in the event of his/her absence;

d.  shall preside over the Executive Committee and shall be an ex-officio member of all other assigned committees;

e.  shall designate a Commission member to Chair each active sub-committee

C.  In the event of a vacancy in the Chair position, the Governor shall designate a Co-Chair to become the Acting Chair. The Acting Chair shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the chairperson until the Governor appoints a replacement Commission Chair.

D.  The Commission Co- Chairs:

a.  shall be a member of the Executive Committee;

b.  shall upon designation by the Chair, perform the duties of the Chair and when so acting, he/she shall have all of the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the chairperson;

c.  shall upon designation by the Governor, become the Acting Chair and when so acting, he/she shall have all of the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the chairperson;

d.  shall designate the other Co-Chair, or a Commission member to preside over a scheduled meeting in the event of his/her absence

E.  When a Co-Chair vacancy occurs, the Governor shall appoint a replacement at his/her pleasure. The Chair shall act as necessary to address the Commission needs to continue business until the Governor has appointed a replacement Co-Chair.

F.  The Treasurer:

a.  shall have the oversight of all funds and security of the Commission;

b.  shall ensure financial records of the Commission are available to the public;

c.  shall as requested or needed present an itemized list of all the Commission expenditures or projected costs to the Executive Committee or Commission;

d.  shall present a copy of all financial bookkeeping, documents, or any valuable information to the Executive Committee at each scheduled Executive Committee meeting for their keeping;

e.  shall upon his/her resignation submit all financial bookkeeping or documents in his/her possession to the Commission Chair or a Co-Chair

G.  The Secretary:

a.  shall ensure that all scheduled Commission or sub- committee meetings are posted in advance and approved minutes are recorded and posted, in accordance with legal requirements as described in 29 Del. C. SS10001-10006;

b.  shall ensure that all Commission meetings have documentation for minutes;

c.  shall perform such other duties as the Commission may from time to time prescribe

Section 4.2 Officer Terms:

A.  The Chair and Co-Chairs shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Governor.

B.  The Treasurer and Secretary shall be elected annually by the Commission. If a vacancy occurs in the position of Treasurer or Secretary prior to the election, the Commission shall elect a new Treasurer or Secretary at the next scheduled full Commission meeting.



Section 5.1 Meetings:

A.  Business of the Commission shall be conducted by Commission members at regularly scheduled meetings.

B.  The Commission shall meet at a minimum of six times per year.

C.  Sub-Committee meetings shall be scheduled by the designated Chair of each sub-committee, as often as needed in order to accomplish deadlines for completion of assigned projects or to continue all work in progress.

Section 5.2 Quorum:

A.  A quorum shall exist when forty percent (40%) of the active voting members of the Commission are present. Active voting members shall include all appointed members and does not include vacancies.

B.  A video conference appearance is acceptable for quorum, when there is a meeting place posted and available for the public.