2007 – 2010





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Outcome 1: A greater say for local people in decision making and delivery of services
SCS Action Plan Ref. / Performance Indicator[s] / Target 2007/08 / Baseline / Q1 Results /
Q2 Results
/ Q3 Results / Q4 Results / Acc. Lead Person & Org’n / Status
Promoting participation in community- based forums, action groups and events relating to safer living / 1.1.1 / The organisation of Safer Neighbourhood Policing Panels across the district / Increase the number of Safer Neighbourhood Panels held annually across the district by to 20. (5 panels, each held quarterly.) / 2006/07
5 panels established / 5 panels held / 10 panels held / Chief Inspector Jane Weir- Cambs Police / J
Comments on progress (for example, highlights, key milestones met or, if off target, reasons why)
Quarterly Safer Neighbourhood Panels have been held for each of the 5 neighbourhoods. The panels are a multi- agency open forum for attendees to raise community safety concerns in relation to their neighbourhoods.
The first Chatteris panel was attended by over 120 people.
Two Neighbourhood Management Boards are being developed to support the panels and enable the partnership to successfully share responsibility for tackling community priorities. The Boards will work towards ensuring all sectors of the community may raise priorities with a problem solving approach being taken to tackle community safety issues. The management Boards are to hold their first formal meetings in November.
Community priorities are being tackled successfully; examples include high visibility patrols to stop the anti-social use of mini motos in Waterlees and Clarkson ward. Enforcement powers were used and mini motos were seized on at least 6 occasions. Work undertaken was reported back to the panel and well received by residents.
1.1.2 / Percentage of residents in Fenland Links area reporting an increase in satisfaction with their neighbourhoods
2006 BV survey / Establish a baseline and targets. / Baseline established - 68% residents satisfied with their local area.
(Target suggested at 2% improvement) / Next reported in 2009. 3 year rolling programme. / Next reported in 2009. 3 year rolling programme. / Helen Turner- Fenland Links; / JKL
Comments on progress (for example, highlights, key milestones met or, if off target, reasons why)
Support is being given to village action days as appropriate.
Already completed - Parson Drove 21st July 2007.
Discussions being held aimed at developing further action days.
Fenland Links project work continues. Fenland Links are members of the partnership board and also the neighbourhood management boards, also attend the neighbourhood panels. This representation will facilitate priorities in this area to be tackled.
1.1.3 / Number of street pride projects / 5 Street Pride projects per annum / 2006/07
8 / 7 / 15 / Annabel Tighe- FDC / J
Comments on progress (for example, highlights, key milestones met or, if off target, reasons why)
Streetpride project plan implemented.
Q1 Events held in Wisbech, (2) March, Whittlesey, Chatteris.
Q2 Events held in Whittlesey (5), Manea , March and Fields End Bridge
Additional events have now been held with over 317 hours contributed by volunteers.
4 community groups have been set up under the street pride initiative.
Work is ongoing to develop youth / school Street Pride groups.
Work is also underway to measure success of the scheme with residents whose areas are subject to the work of the Street Pride Groups.

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Outcome 2: Reduced crime and fear of crime
SCS Action Plan Ref. / Performance Indicator[s] / Target 2007/08 / Baseline / Q1 Results /
Q2 Results
/ Q3 Results / Q4 Results / Acc. Lead Person & Org’n / Status
Implementing measures to reduce domestic violence / 2.1.1 / Proportion of Police recorded crimes with a DV marker that are incidences of repeat victimisation / Decrease in the proportion of domestic violence incidences that are repeats to 11% by 2007/08 / 2003/04
14% / Not able to report at this time. / Not able to report at this time. / Gaynor Mears, CCC County Advocacy Service / JKL
Comments on progress (for example, highlights, key milestones met or, if off target, reasons why)
The current target is under review. In future it will be based on recorded repeat incidents of domestic violence not recorded crime. Domestic Violence as a crime is increasing although this may be due to increased reporting. Recent analysis has identified a link between this crime type and vulnerable localities and the current strategic assessment has identified vulnerable localities as a theme for the partnership to concentrate.
The Fenland Domestic Violence forum will be able to support this work and key theme.
2.1.2 / Percentage of actions completed against the Domestic Violence Checklist for local authorities
BV225 / Maintain at 100% / 90.9 (2005/6) / 88% / 88% / Tim Mills, FDC / K
Comments on progress (for example, highlights, key milestones met or, if off target, reasons why)
Currently at 88% - Tenancy Agreement needs to specifically include DV – Roddons aware of need to include when next review takes place.
The Fenland Domestic Violence Forum is undertaking focussed work to increase this BV score.
2.1.3 / Number of police recorded violence against the person offences / Reduction of violence against the person (excluding domestic violence) by 18% by Mar 08
[08/09 draft projection target:
Reduction by 24% by March 09 from 03 / 04 baseline] / 2003/04
6574 (Countywide)
(Fenland) / 2007/08
5609 (Countywide)
-14.7 from baseline
1112 (Fenland)
-20% from baseline / Last 12 months Oct 06 – Sept 07 (-14.6%, 5611 Countywide)
-27% from baseline
(Needs clarifying.) / Ch Supt Gipp, Cambs Police / J
Comments on progress (for example, highlights, key milestones met or, if off target, reasons why)
Task Group established. Progress remains unreported at this time. There is potential for this item to be taken up by the Neighbourhood Management Boards as priorities dictate.
Four town centres covered by the FDC CCTV System are monitored 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, each receiving a minimum of 6 formal patrols in a twenty-four hour period.
Between April and June 300 incidents were recorded and 30 arrests were made. Between July and September 398 incidents were recorded and 55 arrests made. Recent custodial sentences were secured for 10 offenders who were identified from CCTV footage whilst taking part in an attack in Wisbech.
Daily routine contact between CCTV Control Room/ Streetsafe Fenland CCTV Manager and Police to share intelligence and focus resources. Also formal liaison including Police attendance at Partner Liaison meeting and FDC attendance at Safer Neighbourhood Panels. Joint operations have been undertaken against PPOs, shop lifters and Traffic light enforcement in March. Also focus on anti-social behaviour in the town Centres including the enforcement of the "Wisbech Dispersal Order".
The reduction in offences is influenced by the work undertaken to tackle Prolific and other Priority Offenders (POPO’s). The scheme, which identifies POPO’s aims to reduce the likelihood of offences being committed by shadowing these offenders and monitoring their actions. The offenders are stopped on sight, monitored by CCTV, undergo home visits and subject also to interventions by Probation services and drug teams. This performance is currently not measurable but it is likely this scheme has resulted in the reduction of certain offences.
Delivering the Prolific and other Priority Offender Strategy / 2.2.1 / Proportion of prolific and other priority offenders who re-offend within Fenland / [Local PPO target being developed for inclusion in 08/09.] / Baseline being developed / Not able to report at this time. / Not able to report at this time. / Supt Carina Quayle, Cambs Police / K
Comments on progress (for example, highlights, key milestones met or, if off target, reasons why)
A Partnership PPO Working Group meets monthly to share information and jointly respond to referrals of cases.
The PPO Strategic Group meets bi-monthly and has reviewed their terms of reference and membership. The PPO Strategic Group is also represented on the Safer Fenland Partnership Board, (September 2007). Work is underway to set and measure progress against targets in this area.
Implementing the Prevention, Intervention and Enforcement Strategy / 2.3.1 / Number of Police Recorded British Crime Survey (BCS) Comparator Crimes / Reduction of BCS Comparator Crime by 17.81% (Countywide)
20% (Fenland) / 2003/04
5269 (Fenland) / Last twelve months July 06 to June 07
4553 (Fenland) / Last 12 months Sept 06 – Aug 07 (-12.2% 26894 Countywide)
(Fenland) / Supt Carina Quayle, Cambs Police;
Michael Soper, CCC Research Team / K
Comments on progress (for example, highlights, key milestones met or, if off target, reasons why)
The Safer Fenland Partnership Strategy and action plan has been adopted.
Analysis of The Wisbech Dispersal Order crime statistics identified a reduction in crime of 35% on 2006/07 figures.
BCS Crime has currently been reduced by 10.6% from the baseline, leaving Fenland well short of the 20% reduction target that it needs to achieve by the end of the financial year.
Elements of BCS crime of biggest concern are vehicle theft (up 22% in the last 12 months), criminal damage (up 9% in the last 12 months) and dwelling burglary (up 14% in the last 12 months).
Overall crime is reduced when compared to 2006/07 and continues to move in the right direction. The target of a 20% reduction will be difficult to recover and is a consistent picture across the County.
The partnership will continue to focus, through the safer neighbourhood panels on priority areas and crimes. In particular preventative actions will be a focus for the Management Boards to develop.
Delivering targeted enforcement and crime reduction initiatives / 2.4.1 / Number of licensed houses of multiple occupation registered by 2009/10 / Have identified all HMOs in Fenland by 2009/10 / Establish baseline / Not able to report at this time. / Not able to report at this time. / Tim Mills, FDC / JKL
Comments on progress (for example, highlights, key milestones met or, if off target, reasons why)
The licensing of statutory 3 storey HMO’s is nearing completion. The brief for the scoping study on other HMOs will then be developed.
2.4.2 / Develop night time economy policy for Fenland / Policy developed and implemented by 2007/08 / 0 / Not able to report at this time. / On track. / Lin Bagwell, FDC / J
Comments on progress (for example, highlights, key milestones met or, if off target, reasons why)
Good Practice research implemented.

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SCS Outcome 3: Reduced harm caused by alcohol and illegal drugs; working in partnership through the Drug and Alcohol Action Team (DAAT)
SCS Action Plan Ref. / Performance Indicator[s] / Target 2007/08 / Baseline / Q1 Results /
Q2 Results
/ Q3 Results / Q4 Results / Acc. Lead Person & Org’n / Status
Preventing young people from becoming tomorrow’s drug mis-users / 3.1.1 / Percentage of young offenders screened for substance misuse / Maintain the % of young offenders screened for substance misuse 97% / 97% / Not able to report at this time. / Not able to report at this time. / Vickie Crompton, DAAT / JKL
Comments on progress (for example, highlights, key milestones met or, if off target, reasons why)
YOS substance misuse team in place. 3 full time equivalent officers covering the county.
Tier 3 specialist team is operational. Referrals from the YOS and joint case-working
DAAT currently considering new type of community safety group, incorporating a new system of involving communities feeding into the DAAT. Therefore figures will be available in Q3.
Reducing the availability of drugs / 3.2.1 / Numbers recorded as drug related deaths / Reduce the number of recorded drug related deaths by 1 per year (11) / 12 / Not able to report at this time. / Not able to report at this time. / Vickie Crompton, DAAT / JKL
Comments on progress (for example, highlights, key milestones met or, if off target, reasons why)
Training packages are being designed for overdose training and training will take place for pharmacies in October 07 and to service users in this financial year.
Easy access to clean needles is being offered in pharmacies and drug agencies across Fenland.
DAAT currently considering new type of community safety group, incorporating a new system of involving communities feeding into the DAAT. Therefore figures will be available in Q3.
3.3 Reducing drug-related crime / 3.3.1 / Public perceptions of local drug dealing and drug use as a problem
2006/07 Best Value General Survey / Reduce public perceptions of local drug dealing and drug use as a problem / 2006/07
42% (Countywide public perception target) / Not able to report at this time.
Next reported in 2009. 3 year rolling programme. / Vickie Crompton, DAAT / JKL
Comments on progress (for example, highlights, key milestones met or, if off target, reasons why)
Attended resident meetings where appropriate.
FDC provide DAAT with needle finds data. Standardised data collection form to be used in future.
3.4 Increasing participation in drug treatment programmes / 3.4.1 / 3.4.1 Number of cases managed through the Drug Interventions Programme / Increase the number of cases managed through the Drug Interventions Programme to 160 by 2006/07 / Anticipated caseload:
130 (Countywide) / 157 (Countywide) / Not received. / Vickie Crompton, DAAT / J
Comments on progress (for example, highlights, key milestones met or, if off target, reasons why)
2006/07 170 clients case managed through DIP
Q1 end, 157 clients seen by DIP; 39 of these were new clients.
3.4.2 / Number of cases of Prolific and Other Priority Offenders managed through the Drug Interventions Programme / Maintain number of cases managed through the Drug Interventions Programme at 95% / 2005
95% / Not able to report at this time. / Not able to report at this time. / Vickie Crompton, DAAT / JKL
Comments on progress (for example, highlights, key milestones met or, if off target, reasons why)
All appropriate PPOS were assessed by the DIP Team, 10 PPOs were case managed at Q1 end
3.4.3 / Number of young people under 19 entering drug treatment / Increase the number of young people under 19 entering drug treatment by 2 per annum (34) / 2005/06
32 (Countywide) / 31 (Countywide) / Not received. / Vickie Crompton, DAAT / K
Comments on progress (for example, highlights, key milestones met or, if off target, reasons why)
Drug and alcohol outreach workers in place countywide – 3x drug workers and 3x alcohol workers
Tier 3 service operational and numbers in treatment increasing
Training for universal children’s workforce available via the DAAT funded Supporting Professionals Programme. Alternative, improved models being investigated in 07/08 via a training needs analysis of all OCYPS Locality staff. Specific training in 07/08 planned, targeting Social
3.4.4 / Total number of Adult Class A drug users in treatment in Fenland / Increase and maintain number of adult Class A drug users treated in Fenland (1,300) / 2005/06
1,205 / Not able to report at this time. / Not able to report at this time. / Vickie Crompton, DAAT / JKL
Comments on progress (for example, highlights, key milestones met or, if off target, reasons why)
An Increase in the number of structured treatment modalities available in tier two services. Including structured psychosocial interventions
2006/07 170 clients case managed through DIP. 85% were in treatment for 12 weeks or more
To date two nurses have been fully trained
Maintained existing satellite services. Increasing availability and access to services will be addressed within the tendering process
Due to the current reconsideration of the collection of information by the DAAT, figures are not yet available for this target.
3.4.5 / Percentage of Adult Class A drug users retained in treatment for 12 weeks or more / Increase in the percentage of adult class A drug users completing 12+ weeks 85% / 2005/06
84% / 80% / Not yet received. / Vickie Crompton, DAAT / K
Comments on progress (for example, highlights, key milestones met or, if off target, reasons why)
Identification of Structured day programme centre at Bridgegate, and progress made with plans to expand range of interventions available through SDP.
3.5 Reducing alcohol-related disorder / 3.5.1 / Percentage of retail premises selling alcohol to under 18’s / Reduce by 2 percentage points each year the number of premises illegally selling alcohol to young people under the age of 18 38% / 40% / Not able to report at this time. / Not yet received / Andrew Neale, CCC Trading Standards / JKL
Comments on progress (for example, highlights, key milestones met or, if off target, reasons why)
Joint targeted operations ongoing.
Improving treatment and support for people with alcohol problems / 3.6.1 / TBD / tba / tba / Christine Greer, Drink Sense / JKL
Comments on progress (for example, highlights, key milestones met or, if off target, reasons why)
3.7 Improving alcohol education and information / 3.7.1 / TBD / tba / tba / Christine Greer, Drink Sense / JKL
Comments on progress (for example, highlights, key milestones met or, if off target, reasons why)

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