PTA meeting 10th July 2012

Present: Anna M, Deanna D, Maryann P, Tracy R, Kate B, Anita V, Jade L, Dulcie B

Apologies: Phill P, Ali S, Anna T

Previous minutes agreed and signed.

Chairpersons report:

Anna thanked everyone for the support this year.

Treasurers report:

Ali not present this evening. As from the AGM Ali will be stepping down as treasurer. Anna would like to take this opportunity to ask everyone to think about taking on this position. MP has shown an interest. Anna also mentioned that whoever takes it on one of the first jobs we would like to do is become charity registered.

Swimming Pool:

The school children have started using the pool now and everyone seems happy. Another First Aid course is being run during school hours weds 18th July, funded by the PTA. A rota has now been put in place as to when the school pool will be open in the holidays and updates will be in the local shop on each day of times etc.

Forthcoming events

AGM: we will be holding the AGM 12th September 2012 at 8pm at the school. AM will send letters out at the end of term. Wine and nibbles will be supplied.

Ladies Night: Friday 28th Sept. All agreed that the ladies night would make a donation to Macmillan for the coffee morning.

Monster Ball: October 19th (Halloween)

Charity Ball: November 19th it was agreed that we would raise money for charity and the school. MP, TR, AM, KB, have taken on arranging the ball and will inform PTA members with regular updates.

Christmas Fair: 30th November

Valentines disco: 15th February

Quiz Night 22nd march

Summer Fair: July 6th. Possible wacky races.

It was discussed about another race night organised for next year, agreed possibly in the summer holidays August time?

Requests for money: None

Outstanding Actions

Rob Coles is investigating how to get charitable status and will report back.



It was asked whether the Yetminster sports and social club would be able to make use of the disco equipment the PTA purchased for the school. This was agreed.

It was also brought up the Yetminster scouts are short of a chairperson and a cubs leader, if anyone would be able to volunteer for either post to get in touch with MP for more info on who to contact. The scouts may have to close if nobody is found.

Next Meeting AGM wed 12th September 8pm at school. Wine and nibbles supplied!

AM thanked Yetminster sports and social club for use of the venue for the PTA meeting.