IDS 3890.001 Interdisciplnary Studies Seminar

3Credit HoursFall 2016

Instructor: Barclay Barrios

Class Periods: WF2:00-3:20

Tel: 561-297-4573


Classroom:CU 301

Office Hours:W 11:00-1:00, AH 108

Course Description:

This course serves as a core introduction for the Interdisciplinary Studies major. It foreground the process of interdisciplinary knowledge making and trains students in reflective approaches to these studies. It also prepares students for the next stages of their career or education by asking them to consider the ways their unique educational experience can assist them as they continue through the major and move into the job market or pursue further education.

Course Objectives:

Students will leave this seminar with an operative framework for seeing their interdisciplinary work cohesively, solidified research skills, and plans for their future.

By the end of this course students will be able to:

  • Articulate the value of interdisciplinary knowledge as reflected in their unique educational experience
  • Demonstrate proficiency in research methods
  • Demonstrate an ability to prepare basic materials for a job search
  • Work effectively in groups
  • Communicate ideas clearly orally and in writing


  • Online readings only


Grading will be as follows:

Reflection Papers: 28% (14% each)

Library Research Assignment: 15%

Resume and Cover Letter: 17%

Social Media Portoflio: 5%

Final Essay: 25%

Class Participation: 5%

Group Projects: 5%

Grade Scale:

100-95=A; 94-90=A-; 89-87=B+; 86-84=B; 83-80=B-; 79-77=C+; 76-74=C; 73-70= C-; 69-67= D+; 64-66= D; 63-60=D-; 59-0=F.


I will not give any Incompletes except under very unusual and verifiable circumstances that follow FAU’s guidelines regarding the possible granting of incompletes for non-academic reasons. The Interdisciplinary Studies policy regarding incompletes is as follows: “Incompletes are rarely given. The purpose of an Incomplete is to allow a student who faces unforeseen and emergency situations to complete work in a course where the student has made satisfactory progress. Incompletes are given at the discretion of the instructor. An Incomplete will appear as an ‘I’ on their transcript, and will be replaced by the final letter grade once the assigned work is completed (but will result in a failure if the work is not completed within the timeframe allotted).”

Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (A.D.A.)

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA), students who require reasonable accommodations due to a disability to properly execute coursework must register with Student Accessibility Services (SAS)—in Boca Raton, SU 133 (561-297-3880); in Davie, LA 203 (954-236-1222); or in Jupiter, SR 110 (561-799-8585) —and follow all SAS procedures.

FAU Policy on Plagiarism

Academic Integrity Policy Statement: Students at Florida Atlantic University are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards. Academic dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism, is considered a serious breach of these ethical standards, because it interferes with the University mission to provide a high quality education in which no student enjoys an unfair advantage over any other. Academic dishonesty is also destructive of the University community, which is grounded in a system of mutual trust and places high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility. Harsh penalties are associated with academic dishonesty. For more information, see the Code of Academic Integrity in the University Regulations: http;//

Schedule of Classes

Weeks 1 and 2:Introductions and Interdisciplinarity

Class 1:Introductions and syllabus review

Class 2:What is Interdisciplinarity? Readings on Interdisciplinary Studies

Assignment due in 1 week: Reflection on your interdisciplinary degree

(see assignment sheet from class / bring draft next class)

Class 3:Peer Review session

Class 4:Class presentations on reflections

Reflection 1 Due

Week 3 and 4:Research Project

Class 1:The Special Challenges of Interdisciplinary Research

Online readings and discussion

Class 2:Citation systems and disciplines

Assignment due in 1 week: Research cluster. See assignment sheet.

Class 3:Peer review of research clusters

Class 4:Class presentations on research

Research Cluster Assignment Due

Week 5 and 6:Graduate Study and Further Education

Class 1:Introduction to Graduate School

Online readings on paths to graduate school and graduate school exams

Class 2:Graduate education and the job market

Online readings and discussion

Class 3:Guest speaker

Class 4:Vision boards

Week 7 and 8:The Job Market

Class 1:Resumes and Cover Letters

Assignment: prepare a resume and cover letter

Class 2:Online job sites

Create job site profiles in class

Class 3:Peer review

Class 4:Mock interviews

Resume and Cover Letter Due

Week 9 and 10:Self Marketing and Social Media

Class 1:Social Media and the Job Market: online readings

Class 2:Create social media professional profiles in class

Assignment: Social Media Portfolio

Class 3:Guest speaker: technology and you

Class 4:Group project: social media critique

Social Media Portfolio Due

Week 11 and 12:Civic Mindedness

Class 1:Readings on citizenship, civility, and civic participation

Class 2:Continued discussion of civic participation

Class 3:Weppner Center visit

Volunteer assignment: find a volunteer opportunity and devote a minimum of

8 hours to volunteering

Assignment due at end of term: Reflection paper on volunteer work.

See assignment sheet for details

Class 4:Agora Project guest speaker

Week 13 and 14:Being an Alum

Class 1:Readings on alumni and school relationships

Class 2:Forkas Center visit

Class 3:Guest speakers: FAU Alums

Class 4: Peer review for volunteer work reflection

Week 15 and 16:Final Reflections

Class 1:Life plan project

Reflection 2 (volunteering) due

Class 2:Final essay: in class work

Class 3:Peer review

Class 4:Final matters

Final Essay Due