Police Chief’s Association of Will County

FebruaryMeeting Minutes

Meeting Date:Thursday, February 2, 2017

Location:Manhattan Police Department

Called to Order:President Aaron Klima

Pledge of Allegiance:President Aaron Klima

Invocation:Father Chris Groh, Chaplain, Joliet Police Department

Welcome by Host Agency:Chief Joseph Wazny, Manhattan P.D.

Introduction of Guests:By individual members

Secretary’s Report / Approval:Motions by ChiefJeff Wold, Second by ChiefBureca/ Approved

Treasurer’s Report / Approval: On line, Motions by Chief T, Ross, Second by Commander Greg Smith/ Approved

Committee Reports

Communications / Correspondence:



Lockport Chief Terry Lemming reports on meeting in Springfield on Asset Fortfeture and the move to eliminate it. Big L.E. Representation. Contact your legislatures. Legislation: H.B. 104 Sex Offender Registration. Cyber bullying. HB 221 Mobil Phone replica law.

No Report


MTU #16 Tri-River Director Richard Fonck spots available for Cold Case class, IUCR and ARIDE.

Judicial Advisory:

Chief Weisberger brought up a concern on civil citations(Cannabis) in reference to where violators make payment. Circuit Clerk Andrea Chasteen explained that payment goes to the circuit clerks Office.

Constitution & Bylaws:

No Report


No Report

AD Hoc Committee Reports

Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police (ILACP):

Chief Fred Hayes reminded the association fo the ILACP conference on April 19-21 2017. Hayes also noted the large amount of elections as well as the contested election for 4th vice president.

Programs & Entertainment:

No Report

Will County Integrated Justice Committee:

Chief Vaccaro explained what committee was about: Technology and communication between Will Co Chiefs and Court System. Chief Klima will contact Bob Contro from Will co. Sheriff to see if interested.

Will / Grundy Major Crimes Task Force:

No Report


No Report

Homeland Security:

No Report

100 Club of Will County:

No Report

Circuit Clerk Liaison:

No Report


Chief Klima mentioned a segment on WBBM involving Fr. VytasMemenas. Chief Klima asked the group about getting a plack for Fr. Memnas for his retirement. Motion by Chief Vaccaro, Second Interim Chief Ed Clark. Motion passed.

Also there is an open house at the Sheriff’s Office for Fr. Memenas on 2/23/17 from 1-4 pm.


No Report


No Report

Retirement / Sick /Bereavement:

Ken Kaupas is at Maryanjoy in Wheaton and visitors are welcome. Reitred Chief Puleo is in hospital but doing better and Chief Arnold recently had knee replacement and is doing much better.

Police Memorial / Funeral Assistance:

No Report


Applications on line (Wold)


No Report

Golf Committee:

No report

911 Representative:

Chief Klima informed the group that system requirements for Motorola are coming out for the MDC.

Guest Speaker:Circuit Clerk Andrea Chasteen introduced herselfand Rich Fonk from Tri River gave a slide presentation on the new state training mandates during lunch.

Old Business:

There was no Old Business.

New Business:

No new business.

Good and Welfare:

Chief Benton (Joliet P.D.) spoke about Joliet having a “Salute the Blue” event on May 13, 2017.

Ken Grey from Will County SAO informed the group about a meeting he had with Nancy Voots on voter fraud.


Next Meeting: Thursady, March 2, 2017 at Lemont P.D.

Benediction: Father Chris Groh, Chaplain, Joliet Police Department

Adjournment: 1320 hrs.

Respectfully Submitted,


Edward Clark III
