Study Guide: Age of Absolutism (Chapter 13)
William Laud
Treaty of Dover:
1. Describe what is the “Golden Age” of the Netherlands: (when, what, who…)
2. Why does the Netherlands decline as a European power?
3. What is the difference between parliamentary monarchy and political absolutism?
4. List specific details that showcase James I and why Parliament does not get along with him?
5. What was James I foreign policy and why does it rouse further opposition?
6. Why did the English government under King James I modify its opposition to tobacco?
7. What were the extra-parliamentary measures Charles I does to gain adequate funds?
8. What was the Petition of Right? When and why does Charles sign the petition of right?
9. What changed Charles ability to rule without Parliament?
10. Who is William Laud? Why do the Scots rebel?
11. What was the long parliament and what did they do?
12. What are the division of Parliament during Charles I reign?
13. Who fought in the English Civil war? Why did the win?
14. What was the Puritan Republic?
15. What was the Restoration monarchy?
16. What was the Clarendon Code?
17. What was the Glorious Revolution?
18. What was the Act of Settlement?
19. Who was Sir Robert Walpole? Why is he significant?
Bishop Bousseut:
Treaty of Aix-la-chapelle:
20. What is the connection of Cardinal Mazarin with Louis XIV?
21. Describe Louis’ early wars:
22. How were the Jansenists suppressed?
23. What was significant about Louis revoking the Edict of Nantes?
24. What was the Nine Years’ War?
25. What was the War of Spanish Succession?
26. Who is John Law and what was the Mississippi Bubble?
Central and Eastern Europe:
27. Who are the ruling families in:
28. In Poland:
How is the government in Poland:
What is a Sejm?
29. What is the Habsburg Empire like after the Thirty Years’ War?
30.What was the Treaty of Rastatt?
31. Who was Leopold I?
32. What was the Pragmatic Sanction?
33. Who was Maria Theresa?
34. What areas are under the control of Prussia?
35. Who was Frederick William?
36. Who are the Junkers?
37. Who was the Great Elector?
38. Who was Frederick I?
39. What is Prussia’s biggest asset?
40. Who are the boyars?
41. What accomplishments did Peter the Great achieve?
42. What was the Great Northern War?
43. What was the significance of:
St. Petersburg:
The Table of Ranks:
Holy Synod:
44. In the Ottoman Empire, what were:
45. What caused an end to the Ottoman Expansion?