8th Grade Social Studies Syllabus

Mr. Bowman’s Contact Information

Room: 406


Voicemail: 623-445-7863

Office Hours: Wednesday, 7:45 A.M.

Curriculum: This course is a survey of the United States history covering various topics such as: The American Revolution, the foundations and evolution of government, the Great Depression, World War II, the Cold War, economics, and geography. We will also analyze the historical foundations and democratic principles that framed our Constitution and led to our form of democracy. Through careful study, we will learn about the struggles and victories of our forefathers, in hopes that we may learn from their wisdom and guidance in route to a better America.

1st Semester Units: French & Indian War, American Revolution, Foundations of Government

2nd Semester Units: World War I, Great Depression, World War II, Cold War (1950’s, Korean & Vietnam Wars), Civil Rights-present.

Required Daily Materials:

  1. 1- 1/2” 3-Ring binder for storing note pages, tests, assignments, and bellwork(MUST HAVE DAILY!)
  2. 1 package of tabbed dividers for the three ring binders (colored dividers may help w/ organization)
  3. Loose Leaf Paper (bring plenty!)
  4. 1 - 2 pocket folder (for handouts)
  5. Highlighters
  6. Pencils sharpened BEFORE class (at all times)
  7. Black or Blue ink pen (at all times)
  8. Colored pencils/crayons/markers, scissors, ruler, and glue stick(MUST HAVE DAILY!)
  9. Homework/completed assignments: Make sure you complete the assigned work for each day and have it ready to turn in. If you have a problem completing your homework, come in before or after school for help.

A student’s work is highly important and he/she needs to have a safe and secure place to house their work, notes, and grades. It is up to the student to organize his/her work in an effective way. It should be noted that “I cannot find my homework” is NOT a legitimate excuse.

Suggested Organization Method:

  • Sheet Protectors for important documents
  • Syllabus, benchmark scores, etc…
  • Tabs in a 3-ring binder:

  1. Bell Work(arrange in chronological order)
  2. Notes/Handouts (arrange in chronological order)
  3. Tests (arrange in chronological order)
  • A 2 pocket folder for homework/assignments
  • I suggest that you label “need to complete” on one side and “completed” on the other
  • Once an assignment is graded and handed back, I suggest that put it in your “Notes/Handouts” section

Sunset Ridge Policies/Expectations

Grade Scale/Points Distribution: Grades will be calculated by dividing the student’s points earned by the total points possible.

Dress Code:Please refer to the dress code policy in the student handbook.

Tardies: Any student not in their seat when the bell rings willbe deemed tardy.

Classroom Policies/Expectations

Be on time: Don’t congregate around the classroom, go straight to your seat and get started on the bell work or wait for instructions.

Be prepared for class: Students will bring the necessary materials and assignments to class each and every day; including your agenda. At the start of class, take out all necessary materials for the day. This limits the amount of distractions throughout the period.

Follow all directions and classroom Procedures: Students will follow directions the first time they are given. Students will raise their hand and wait to be recognized before speaking. At all times, the teacher dismisses you, NOT THE BELL. You will NEVER line up at the door to leave before the bell rings for dismissal.

Beginning Class/Bell Work: Each day, at the beginning of class students will complete a warm-up assignment. Students are expected to respectfully enter the classroom, sit down, and complete the bell work assigned on the board. Bell work is silent and must be started by the time the bell rings. In the event of an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to seek out the previous day(s) bell work. If you finish your bell work, or any assignment early, work on another assignment or review your notes, as sitting and doing nothing is NEVER an option.

Homework: Homework is a natural extension of the school day and students should expect homework (this may be as simple as reviewing your notes). Students should record their homework assignments in their agenda for daily.

Heading: The heading includes: full name (first and last), period number, and the date at the top of the page.

Late Work: Work turned in after the due date is considered late. Late work will earn half credit. All late work must be completed within the unit that it was assigned (prior to the unit test). Specific due dates will be given at the end of each quarter. The late work must be turned into the teacher directly and clearly labeled “Late.” If an assignment is never turned in, you will earn a score of a “0”.

Absent work: If a student is absentit is his or her responsibility to make up all missed work. There will be bins in the back of the room labeled “Absent Work”. It is your responsibility to refer to those bins to find what we did the days you were absent, as they will be clearly labeled by the days of the week. You have twodays to make up missed assignments for every excused absence. The exception is if the assignment was given when you were present. For example, if an assignment was given Monday and due Tuesday, but you are absent on Tuesday, the assignment is due when you return.All work that is completed late due to an absence must be turned in personally to the teacherand clearly labeled “Absent” with the date(s) of your absence.If missing work is never made up, you will simply earn a score of a “0” for that assignment.

No Name Papers: If an assignment is turned in without a name it will be graded and put in the “No Name” basket. If you find your work in the “No Name” bin,put your name on it and hand it in so your grade will be entered into PowerSchools.

Test taking: No communication of any kind will be allowed during assessment periods. Failure to follow this policy will result in a grade reduction for the assessment in question at teacher discretion.

Leaving the Room:Students need to make sure that they use passing time in between classes to take care of any and all “business.” However, should a student need to leave the classroom he or she must do so quietly, at an appropriate time, and follow the signing out procedure. For accountability and safety purposes, students are responsible for signing in and out of the classroom. Additionally, while outside the classroom all students are required to possess the hall pass. Should a student abuse or misuse the responsibility of leaving class, parents/guardians will be notified. Students will not be permitted to use the restroom within 10 minutes of the beginning and end of class.

Dismissal: Students will never line up at the door to leave the class. The teacher will dismiss the class, not the clock or bell.

Show Respect for people and property: Students will at all times respect themselves, other students, and teachers. Students will respect the property of others, the teacher, and their own. Vandalism of classroom property should NEVER occur.

Food and Drinks: With the exception of water, food and/or drinks are NOT permitted in class at any time.

Cell Phones:Students are not allowed to have cell phones in the “on” position during school hours. Cell phones are not permitted to be out during class unless specifically allowed by the teacher. Violations can be referred to in the Student Handbook.

Discussions: It is permissible to challenge ideas, but not people. Everyone needs to take turns talking, and one person talks at a time when classroom discussion are being held by the teacher.

PowerSchools – All students and their parents/guardians have access to their grades 24/7 through the internet site PowerSchools. Once you get your user name and password (it is different for parents/guardians and students), go to: .

Gum: Gum is not permitted. Students caught chewing gum in class will be asked to spit it out. Parents will be notified about repeated offences and defiance.

Grading Policy: Points received on the following will determine grades:

  • Class Work/Bell Work
  • Projects
  • Homework
  • Tests & Quizzes

Students may (not always) receive a Bell Work grade weekly which will usually be worth a total of 25 points. Homework and Projects will vary in point value depending on the assignment. For example, some projects may last an entire week and will be weighted accordingly. Tests and Quizzes will always be significantly worth more points as these are a way to formally assess what the students have learned in each unit.

Discipline Measures: All students will follow the Positive Behavior Intervention Plan/Character Counts. This can be found within the Student Handbook. The behavior matrix for infractions will be followed precisely.

Communication: One of the best ways to help all students be successful is by ensuring open communication with parents and students. In order to facilitate open communication I am committed to keeping my website updated. Additional communication can be achieved using, agendas, emails, phone calls, and parent/student conferences.

***How to sign up for Mr. Bowman's 8thGrade Social Studies messages:

Sign up for text blasts: If you would like to receive periodic text blasts reminding parents and students about upcoming tests, projects and papers, simply: