Instructions for Installing Data Analysis and Data Analysis Plus Tool Paks
A. Using Office 2003
- Open up EXCEL
- Open a blank worksheet
- From the main menu in EXCEL, select “Tools”. If Analysis TookPak already appears in the drop down menu, you are done and can stop, else proceed further.
- In the drop down list, select Add-Ins
- In the pop-up menu box, select Analysis ToolPak (you do NOT need to select Analysis ToolPak – VBA) by checking the box next to it.
- Click on OK.
- There are one of two things that could happen:
- It may come back with a ready message in EXCEL in which case you should go back to “Tools” click on it and make sure that in the drop down list, Analysis ToolPak is one of the options. When this happens you are done.
- It will prompt you for the original Office Pro CD. Insert this into your CD drive and after the installation it will come back with a ready message in EXCEL. Then, go back to “Tools” click on it and make sure that in the drop down list, Analysis ToolPak is one of the options.
- After that install Data Analysis Plus from the CD that came with the textbook. Follow the instructions on the CD for installation. Once you have installed it, both Data Analysis and Data Analysis Plus should appear in the Tools menu.
- Also, install the data sets from the CD that came with the textbook. You can install all the versions (i.e., Excel, Sas, Spss, Minitab, ASCII), but if you are concerned about disk space only install the Excel files as we will not be using the others.
B. Using Office 2007
1. Click on Microsoft Office Button in top left corner
2. Click Excel Options
3. Click Add Ins
4. Click Go
5. A new box will pop up with different options. Check on Analysis Tool Pack (NOT the VBA version) and click OK
6. Go to the Data tab and Data Analysis should appear as an option
7. After that install Data Analysis Plus from the CD that came with the textbook. Follow the instructions on the CD for installation. Once you have installed it, both Data Analysis and Data Analysis Plus should appear in the Tools menu.
8. Also, install the data sets from the CD that came with the textbook. You can install all the versions (i.e., Excel, Sas, Spss, Minitab, ASCII), but if you are concerned about disk space only install the Excel files as we will not be using the others.