ParklandPrimary School
This document is based on the Welsh Government regulations 155/2014
- Improve all pupils’ literacy, numeracy, thinking and Welsh skills and ensure every child reaches their potential in English and maths
- Improve pupils ICT skills
- Develop strategic direction through distribution of leadership, staff development / training and improving stakeholder involvement
Timeline / Date / Staff Members and GB
Planning / September 2015 / Anne Lloyd, Mark Dennis, Rachel Leahy, Fliss Poole, all teachers
Reviewing / Half Termly / As above
Contents / Page
Contextual information / 2
Targets / 4
Progress since last inspection / 7
School and Governing Body’s appraisal of progress with 2014-2015 priorities / 8
School’s three-year priorities 2015 - 2018 / 9
Priorities 2015 - 2016 / 10
Checklist / 14
Contextual Information
Current National Category / Standards / Leadership, Teaching and Learning / Colour2014 - 2015 / 2 / A / Green
2015 - 2016 / 1 / A / Green
Strategic Overview 2015-2016
Workforce Planning: number of fte TEACHERS / 17.2 = 13 FT & 6 PT
Workforce Planning: number of fte SUPPORT STAFF / Foundation Phase: 17 / Other: 17
Grant Finance 2015-2016
Source of Funding / Purpose / Sum
Education Improvement Grant / Ensure each pupil profits from excellent teaching and learning, focusing on
- Improving Literacy
- Improving Numeracy
- Breaking the link between disadvantage and educational attainment
Pupil Deprivation Grant / Breaking the link between disadvantage and educational attainment
- Improving Literacy – achieving above the standardised score of 85 and especially 115 for pupils eFSM
- Improving Numeracy – achieving above the standardised score of 85 and especially 115 for pupils eFSM
- Improving access to IT hardware and software to impact upon literacy, numeracy and digital competence
£ 3,600.00(PDG – EY)
Foundation Phase Grant / Support staffing to fulfil the Foundation Phase philosophy / £168,916.00
2015-2016 / Nursery / Reception / Yr 1 / Yr 2 / Yr 3 / Yr 4 / Yr 5 / Yr 6 / Total
Eligible for Free School Meals / 8 / 5 / 8 / 2 / 7 / 6 / 7 / 43
Children in Need
Looked After Children / 2 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 5
English as an Additional Language
n/s = not supported / 12 (n/s)
5 / 16 (n/s)
8 / 9 (n/s)
16 / 8 (n/s)
17 / 7 (n/s)
14 / 7 (n/s)
18 / 10 (n/s)
16 / 8 (n/s)
13 / 77
Number of latecomers to Welsh / 24 / 25 / 25 / 21 / 25 / 26 / 21 / 167
Special Educational Needs / 2 / 3 / 5 / 3 / 7 / 6 / 8 / 34
School Action / 1 / 2 / 5 / 2 / 3 / 13
School Action Plus / 1 / 2 / 1 / 3 / 1 / 8
Statement / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2
(2 STF) / 1
(1 STF) / 4
(3 STF) / 13
Target Setting
Foundation Phase Targets
FPh / 2016 / 2017Current Year 2 / Current Year 1
Boys / Girls / Pupils / Boys / Girls / Pupils
Cohort / Full Cohort / 30 / 30 / 60 / 34 / 29 / 63
Number of FSM / 2 / 6 / 8 / 4 / 1 / 5
O5+ / O6+ / O5+ / O6+ / O5+ / O6+ / Target
O5+ / Target
O6+ / O5+ / O6+ / O5+ / O6+ / O5+ / O6+ / Target
O5+ / Target
Number achieving expected outcome / LCE / 26 / 15 / 28 / 19 / 54 / 34 / 90% / 56.7% / 34 / 17 / 29 / 18 / 63 / 35 / 100% / 55.5%
LCW(2ndL) / 26 / 2 / 28 / 5 / 54 / 7 / 90% / 11.7% / 31 / 17 / 29 / 18 / 60 / 35 / 95.2% / 55.5%
MDT / 26 / 20 / 28 / 24 / 54 / 44 / 90% / 73.3% / 34 / 21 / 29 / 18 / 63 / 39 / 100% / 61.9%
PSD / 26 / 23 / 28 / 24 / 54 / 47 / 90% / 78.3% / 34 / 30 / 29 / 28 / 63 / 58 / 100% / 92%
DCS / 26 / 28 / 54 / 90% / 34 / 29 / 63 / 100%
Key Stage 2 Targets (Minus STF)
KS2 / 2016 – Current Year 6 / 2017 – Current Year 5 / 2018 – Current Year 4Boys / Girls / Pupils / Boys / Girls / Pupils / Boys / Girls / Pupils
Cohort / Full / 36 / 28 / 64 / 41 / 23 / 64 / 34 / 27 / 61
L4+ / L5+ / L4+ / L5+ / L4+ / L5+ / Target L4+ / Target
L5+ / L4+ / L5+ / L4+ / L5+ / L4+ / L5+ / Target L4+ / Target L5+ / L4+ / L5+ / L4+ / L5+ / L4+ / L5+ / Target L4+ / Target L5+
Number achieving expected level / English / 35 / 24 / 27 / 19 / 62 / 43 / 96.8% / 67.2% / 40 / 20 / 20 / 13 / 60 / 33 / 93.8% / 51.5% / 34 / 20 / 26 / 16 / 60 / 36 / 98.4% / 59%
Welsh(2ndL) / 35 / 22 / 27 / 18 / 62 / 40 / 96.8% / 62.5% / 40 / 18 / 19 / 11 / 59 / 29 / 92.2% / 45.3% / 34 / 31 / 26 / 26 / 60 / 57 / 98.4% / 93.4%-
Mathematics / 35 / 22 / 27 / 17 / 62 / 39 / 96.8% / 60.9% / 40 / 22 / 21 / 11 / 61 / 33 / 95.3% / 51.5% / 34 / 15 / 27 / 23 / 61 / 38 / 100% / 62.3%
Science / 35 / 15 / 27 / 18 / 62 / 33 / 96.8% / 51.6% / 40 / 20 / 20 / 13 / 60 / 33 / 93.8% / 51.5% / 34 / 14 / 26 / 12 / 60 / 26 / 98.4% / 42.6%
CSI / 35 / 27 / 62 / 96.8% / 40 / 19 / 59 / 92% / 34 / 26 / 60 / 98.4%
Key Stage 2 targets – pupils in receipt of FreeSchool Meals (Minus STF)
CA2 / 2016 – Current Year 6 / 2017 – Current Year 5 / 2018 – Current Year 4FSM / Non FSM / pupils / FSM / Non FSM / pupils / FSM / Non FSM / pupils
Cohort / Full / 7 / 57 / 64 / 5 / 59 / 64 / 6 / 55 / 61
Welsh Medium / 0 / 0 / 0 / FSM / Non FSM / 0 / 0 / 0 / FSM / Non FSM / 0 / 0 / 0 / FSM / Non FSM
L4+ / L5+ / L4+ / L5+ / L4+ / L5+ / Target L4+ / Target
L5+ / Target L4+ / Target
L5+ / L4+ / L5+ / L4+ / L5+ / L4+ / L5+ / Target L4+ / Target L5+ / Target L4+ / Target L5+ / L4+ / L5+ / L4+ / L5+ / L4+ / L5+ / Target L4+ / Target L5+ / Target L4+ / Target L5+
Number achieving expected level / English / 7 / 3 / 55 / 49 / 62 / 52 / 100% / 42.8% / 96.5% / 85.9% / 5 / 0 / 55 / 43 / 60 / 43 / 100% / 0% / 93.2% / 72.9% / 6 / 6 / 54 / 49 / 60 / 55 / 100% / 100% / 98.4% / 90.2%
Welsh / 7 / 3 / 55 / 40 / 62 / 43 / 100% / 42.8% / 96.5% / 70.2% / 5 / 1 / 54 / 38 / 55 / 39 / 100% / 20% / 91.5% / 64.4% / 6 / 6 / 54 / 51 / 60 / 57 / 100% / 100% / 98.4% / 93.4%
Mathematics / 7 / 3 / 55 / 49 / 62 / 52 / 100% / 42.8% / 96.5% / 85.9% / 5 / 2 / 56 / 48 / 61 / 50 / 100% / 40% / 94.9% / 81.4% / 6 / 6 / 55 / 48 / 61 / 54 / 100% / 100% / 100% / 88.5%
Science / 7 / 3 / 55 / 47 / 62 / 50 / 100% / 42.8% / 96.5% / 82.5% / 5 / 1 / 55 / 39 / 60 / 40 / 100% / 20% / 93.2% / 66.1% / 6 / 6 / 54 / 51 / 60 / 57 / 100% / 100% / 98.4% / 93.4%
CSI / 7 / 55 / 62 / 100% / 96.5% / 5 / 54 / 59 / 100% / 91.5% / 6 / 54 / 60 / 100% / 98.4%
Strategic Plan for Improvement - Three-Year Priorities 2015 – 2018
Key Question 1 / Key Question 2 / Key Question 32015-2016 /
- Improving learning, standards (English, maths) and skills (literacy, numeracy, ICT, thinking, Welsh)
- Improving the standardised scores of pupils eFSM at 85+ and especially 115+
- Using digital learning to impact upon outcomes
- Researching boys’ achievement in English at level 5 at the end of KS2
- Provision for digital learning
- Reviewing planning for: themes / topics (considering Successful Futures curriculum), rich tasks, maths, outdoors
- Implementing changes to English / literacy provision to address boys’ achievement in English @ L5+
- Appraisal for TAs
- Increasing governing body involvement and stakeholder voice to enhance strategic direction
- Training for staff in digital competence
- Increasing collaborative working within and beyond school (including trust teams)
- Evaluating impact of rich tasks
- Monitoring the impact of professional development
- Monitoring the impact of provision on boys’ achievement and intervention, including pupils eFSM
(high level priorities) /
- Improving learning, standards and skills
- Embedding digital learning to impact further on outcomes
- Addressing boys’ achievement in English at level 5 at the end of KS2
- Provision for digital learning
- Implementing changes to English / literacy provision to address boys’ achievement in English @ L5+
- Implementing changes to planning for rich tasks, maths, outdoors
- Successful Futures curriculum
- Governing body involvement in school and evaluation of GB input
- Training for staff in digital competence
- Monitoring impact of provision on boys’ achievement
- Monitoring impact of digital learning
- Monitoring the impact of intervention for targeted pupils and groups of learners, including pupils eFSM
(high level priorities) /
- Improving learning, standards and skills
- Improving boys’ achievement in English at level 5 at the end of KS2
- Implementing changes to English / literacy provision to address boys’ achievement in English @ L5+
- Successful Futures curriculum
- Monitoring impact of provision on boys’ achievement
- Monitoring impact of digital learning
- Monitoring impact of curriculum changes
Strategic Plan for Improvement - Priorities for 2015 – 2016 Foci: Standards/outcomes
Links: / SER / CIF/ESTYN / UNCRC / Nat. / local priorities / Governors / Pupil GroupPriority 1 / KQ1, 2 & 3 / Articles 28 & 29 / Literacy, numeracy, reducing the impact of poverty / Learning Explorers, School Council
Improve all pupils’ literacy, numeracy, thinking and Welsh skills and ensure every child reaches their potential in English and maths - Measureable Pupil Outcomes (success criteria): Foundation Phase - O5+ - 90% in all areas of learning and the FPI, O6+ - 56.7% in LLC, 73.3% in MD, 78.3% in PSD;KS2 – L4+ - 96.5% in all core subjects and the CSI, L5 – 67.2% in Eng, 60.9% in maths, , 51.6% in Sci. National tests – Y6 - 88%+ of pupils to achieve a SS of over 84 in reading, 93%+ of pupils to achieve a SS over 84+ in procedural numeracy, 92%+ of pupils to achieve a SS of over 84 in numeracy reasoning, Y4 – 93%+ of pupils to achieve a SS of over 84 in numeracy reasoning, Y5 - 93%+ of pupils to achieve a SS of over 84 in numeracy reasoning. - Pupils e FSMs to achieve 100% in all core subjects and 42.8% to achieve L5 in all core subjects. (1.1.2, 1.1.3)
Very good progress / Strong progress / Satisfactory progress / Limited progress
Actions / Who?
(named) / When?
(actual dates) / Intended outcomes / milestones / Type of monitoring & reporting mechanism / Who?
(named) / When?
(actual dates) / Costs / RAYG rating of progress
Aut. / Spr. / Su.
Analyse data and set targets for English / literacy, maths / numeracy, Welsh, science, PSD and for groups of learners - FSM, gender, LAC, EAL (1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3) / All CTs / Oct ‘15 / Aspirational targets set / Collection of targets by SLT / scrutiny of analysis and targets set / Phase leaders / Oct ‘15 / £0.00 – directed time
Action research into boys’ achievement especially @ L5 in English (1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3) / Rhodri Jones / Oct’15 / Identification of underachievement, reasons and plan actions to address / Presenting action plan to SLT, staff and GB
Reporting findings to SLT and GB / SLT and GB / Oct ‘15 / £320.00
Promote the use of Welsh around the school (1.1.5, 2.1.3) / Vicky Davies / Sept ‘15 / Use of Welsh enhanced around the school by staff and pupils / Lesson/session observations, work and planning scrutiny, data analysis, listening to learners / All staff and Learning Explorers / Feb ‘16 / £0.00
Ensure consistency in AfL including peer and self-assessment across the school (2.2.2) / Rachel Leahy & Fliss Poole / Oct ’15 / Identification of strengths and areas for development / Lesson/session observations, work and planning scrutiny, listening to learners / Phase leaders and Learning Explorers / Termly / £172.62
(Management time - 6 pms)
Develop planning – map learning rich in literacy, numeracy, thinking and ICT across the curriculum (consider the Donaldson report) (2.1.1, 2.1.2) / Rachel Leahy & Fliss Poole / Nov ‘15 / Rich tasks mapped across the curriculum – map produced / Presentation of map to SLT and all staff / All staff and Learning Explorers / April ‘15 / £0.00
Develop planning for the use of the outdoor environment (3.4.1) / Rosie Haste / Sept ‘15 / Progressive curriculum plans produced showing continuity across the years / Presentation of plans to SLT and all staff / All staff and Learning Explorers / April ‘15 / £0.00
Review themes / topics in the curriculum map to ensure maximum pupil engagement and inclusion of skills (1.1.4, 1.2.2, 2.1.2, 2.1.1) / Rachel Leahy & Fliss Poole / Jan ‘16 / Maximized learner engagement / Presentation of theme overviews to SLT and all staff / All staff and Learning Explorers / April ‘15 / £345.24 (Management time -12 pms)
Review maths planning (2.2.1) / Rhodri Jones / Sept ‘15 / Improved provision for maths / Verbal updates and written reports / SLT & GB / Termly / £160.00
Track well-being across KS2 (1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.2.4) / Anne Lloyd / Sept ‘15 / Improved provision for well-being / Scrutiny of tracking / SLT & CTs / Oct ‘15 / £0.00
Resources / Costs / CPD required / Costs
- Time (£517.86 - management time built into budget)
- £997.86
- Various inset & ADDs sessions
- £0.00
Foci: Digital learning - standards, provision & skills
Links: / SER / CIF/ESTYN / UNCRC / Nat. / local priorities / Governors / Pupil GroupPriority 2 / KQ 2 & 3 / Articles 28 & 29 / Literacy, numeracy, reducing the impact of poverty / Learning Explorers, School Council
Improve pupils literacy, numeracy and ICT skills. Measureable Pupil Outcomes (Success Criteria): 100% of mainstream pupils (- pupils who hold a statement) to make at least expected progress (2 sub levels)STF pupils and those who hold statements to meet their targets and 100% make progress, identified by work scrutiny
Very good progress / Strong progress / Satisfactory progress / Limited progress
Actions / Who?
(named) / When?
(actual dates) / Intended outcomes / milestones / Type of monitoring & reporting mechanism / Who?
(named) / When?
(actual dates) / Costs / RAG rating of progress
Aut. / Spr. / Su.
Embed the use of hand held devices (2.1.1)
(i)Purchase ipads
(ii)Arrange training
(iii)Use as part of teaching and learning / Laura S-G / Sept ‘15 / Improved provision for ICT across the curriculum / Lesson/session observations, work and planning scrutiny, data analysis, listening to learners / SLT, all CTs / March ‘16 / £19,017.27
Improve planning to ensure ambitious provision in terms of planning for ICT including coding (2.1.1) / Fliss Poole & Rachel Leahy / Oct ‘15 / Improved provision for digital competence / Presentation of plans to SLT and all staff / SLT, all CTs / March ‘16 / £115.08 (Management time – 4 pms
Set up the Hwb to include communication with parents / carers (2.2.2) / Laura S-G & Mark Dennis / Sept ‘15 / Improved partnerships, impacting upon provision for pupils / Scrutiny of the use of Hwb, listening to learners / SLT / Jan ‘16 / £0.00
Work with LA to develop Digital Competency resources linked to literacy & numeracy (2.1.2, 2.2.1 3.3.1) / Laura S-G / Improved provision for ICT across the curriculum / Report to SLT regarding progress in development of resources / SLT, all CTs / May ‘16 / £0.00
Launch new website with new pupil links for home learning (2.1.1) / Laura S-G / Sept ‘15 / Improved partnerships, impacting upon provision for pupils / Scrutiny of the use of the pupil links, listening to learners / SLT / Nov ‘15 / £0.00
Introduce use of Jit and J2E to enhance literacy and numeracy skills (2.1.2, 2.2.1??) / Laura S-G / Improved provision for ICT , literacy and numeracy across the curriculum / Lesson/session observations, work and planning scrutiny, data analysis, listening to learners / SLT, all CTs / Jan ‘16 / £0.00
Resources / Costs / CPD required / Costs
- IT resources (additional ipads)
- £19,017.27
- Training in using ipads and apps
- £1,960.00
Impact statements from reports and final evaluation of outcomes: Strengths / Areas for Development / Ways Forward
Foci: Leadership (Staff Development & Partnerships)
Links: / SER / CIF/ESTYN / UNCRC / Nat. / local priorities / Governors / Pupil GroupPriority 3 / KQ 2 and 3 / Articles 28 & 29 / Literacy and numeracy / School Council
Develop strategic direction through distribution of leadership, staff development / training and improving stakeholder involvement
Measureable Outcomes: Improved effectiveness of the governing body and greater involvement of stakeholder voice in self-evaluation
Very good progress / Strong progress / Satisfactory progress / Limited progress
Actions / Who?
(named) / When?
(actual dates) / Intended outcomes / milestones / Type of monitoring & reporting mechanism / Who?
(named) / When?
(actual dates) / Costs / RAG rating of progress
Aut. / Spr. / Su.
Introduce a structure to monitor staff development (2.2.1) / Mark Dennis / Nov ‘15 / Quality assurance and knowledge of impact / Verbal updates and reports to SLT / SLT / Termly / £383.88 (3 days - Management time)
Track the impact of staff development ensuring value for money provided (3.4.2) / Mark Dennis / May ‘16 / Quality assurance and knowledge of impact / Scrutiny of tracking / SLT / Termly / £767.76 (6 days - Management time)
Further develop governing body’s impact by developing self- evaluation of its role to measure its effectiveness with greater clarity (3.4.1) / Anne Lloyd / Sept ‘15 / Quality assurance of impact of the work of the governing body / Governing body questionnaires / GB / Termly / £600.00
(in budget)
Strengthen governor input through link governors and greater understanding of the full range of data to strengthen the governors’ ability to self-evaluate its effectiveness in terms of holding the school to account (3.1.2) / Anne Lloyd / Sept ‘15 / Deeper understanding of the strengths and areas for development of the school to impact upon the quality of self-evaluation / Governors’ reports to the governing body / GB / Termly / £0.00
Strengthen and embed collaborative work with (i) other schools and (ii) within schoolbetween teachers and (iii) appraisal for TAs(3.1.1, 3.3.1) / Anne Lloyd / Mark Dennis / Sept ‘15 / Develop staff’s abilities through reflection and sharing good practice / HT reports to the governing body / SLT & GB / March ’16
July ‘16 / £1,535.38 (i)
£2,400.00 (ii)
Improve pupils input into school self -evaluation and improvement (1.2.3, 3.3.2) / Anna Poole / Sept ‘15 / Increased pupil input into school improvement / Learner voice group reports to SLT and the governing body / SLT & GB / Termly / £0.00
Strengthen partnerships (including community and parents – My Voice (2.3.2, 3.3.1, 3.3.2)) / Anne Lloyd / Sept ‘15 / Increased stakeholder input into self-evaluation and improvement / Community questionnaires / All stal ff and GB / June ‘16 / £0.00
Resources / Costs / CPD required / Costs
- Time & governor training
- £1,751.64
- Collaborative working (team teaching and peer observations / working – £1,151.64 management time &£600 governor training built into budget)
- £5,703.13
Impact statements from reports and final evaluation of outcomes – Strengths / Areas for Development / Ways Forward
Priority 4 - Other Continuing Aspects to be Improved
(e.g., Eco Schools, Healthy Schools, attendance, punctuality, premises)
Focus of Improvement / Lead / Resources/Cost / Intended Outcome / Monitoring Mechanism / Evaluation
Apply for assessment for the Rights Respecting Schools Award (1.2.2, 2.1.4, 2.4.1) / Catrin Parton / £0.00 / Award achieved / Application and supporting evidence completed, presented to SLT then submitted to assessing body
Apply for assessment for the National Healthy Schools Award (1.1.2) / Vicky Davies / £0.00 / Award achieved / Application and supporting evidence completed, presented to SLT then submitted to assessing body
Improve pupils’ perceptions of behavior (1.2.2, 2.3.1) / Anna Poole / £0.00 / Pupils’ think that other pupils’ behavior is improved in lessons and during playtime and that the school deals better with bullying / Questionnaires
Class council meetings
School council meetings
Introduce additional rewards for positive attendance (1.2.2) / Steve Maddox / According to budgetary limitations / Increase in attendance %age / Regular scrutiny of attendance data
Continue with window replacement (3.4.2) / Anne Lloyd / According to budgetary limitations / Improved classroom environments / N/A
Continue with toilet upgrades (3.4.2) / Anne Lloyd / According to budgetary limitations / Improved toilet facilities / N/A
Continue with replacing floor coverings in classrooms (3.4.2) / Anne Lloyd / According to budgetary limitations / Improved classroom environments / N/A
Continue with furniture replacement (3.4.2) / Anne Lloyd / According to budgetary limitations / Improved classroom environments / N/A
Develop a room for PPA and build cupboards in the reprographics room (3.4.2) / Anne Lloyd / According to budgetary limitations / Improved physical environment for teachers’ PPA time, impacting upon provision / N/A
Staff Development Plan
Priority / Focus of Improvement / Dates / Staff / Lead / Resources/Cost / Intended Outcome / Monitoring Mechanism / Evaluation1 / AfL / 03.09.’15 / All teachers / Rachel Leahy & Fliss Poole / £0.00 / Improved pedagogy, provision, learning and standards / Lesson/session observations, work and planning scrutiny, data analysis, listening to learners
1 / SIMs assessment manager (pupil tracking) / 17.09.’15 / All teachers / £0.00 / Improved tracking, impacting upon provision and standards / Scrutiny of tracking system & planning
2 / Develop staff’s skills and abilities in using IT and ICT, including Hwb, to enhance children’s learning :
- InSET – using literacy and numeracy apps
- InSET – literacy shed – using ipads
- ADDs – internal training – using Hwb, Jit & J2E
- ADDs / InSET – internal training – coding
Fliss Poole & Rachel Leahy – literacy & numeracy train ing
Laura SG – IT / ICT / £1,960.00
£0.00 /
- Improved provision for ICT across the curriculum
- Improved communication with stakeholders
1 / Rich Tasks (excellent teaching – rich in literacy and numeracy) / 01.10.’15 / All teachers / Anne Lloyd, Fliss Poole & Rachel Leahy / £0.00 / Improved pedagogy, provision, learning and standards / Lesson/session observations, work and planning scrutiny, data analysis, listening to learners
1 / Developing growth mindsets, mastery learners with resilience & resourcefulness, who are reflective and reciprocal / 15.10.’15 / All teachers / Anne Lloyd / £0.00 / Improved pedagogy, provision, learning and standards / Listening to learners, pupil surveys
1 / Developing thinking / 19.11.’15 / All teachers / Anne Lloyd, Rachel Leahy & Fliss Poole / £0.00 / Improved pedagogy, provision, learning and standards / Lesson/session observations, work and planning scrutiny, data analysis, listening to learners
1 / Learning styles / 19.11.’15 / All teachers / Anne Lloyd / £0.00 / Improved pedagogy, provision, learning and standards / Listening to learners, pupil surveys
Staff Development Plan Cont/d
Priority / Focus of Improvement / Dates / Staff / Lead / Resources/Cost / Intended Outcome / Monitoring Mechanism / Evaluation1 / Grammar / 04.02.’16
25.02.’16 / All teachers / Vicky Mayhew / £500.00
PDG / Improved pedagogy, provision, learning and standards / Lesson/session observations, work and planning scrutiny, data analysis, listening to learners
1 / Reading Retrieval / 10.03.’16 / All teachers / Vicky Mayhew / £500.00
PDG / Improved pedagogy, provision, learning and standards / Lesson/session observations, work and planning scrutiny, data analysis, listening to learners
1 / Maths and numeracy learning / 05.11.’15 / All teachers / Rhodri Jones / £1,458.00 / Improved pedagogy, provision, learning and standards / Lesson/session observations, work and planning scrutiny, data analysis, listening to learners
4 / Strengthen and embed collaborative work within school (3.1.1) / Sept ’15 – July ‘16 / All teaching staff / Mark Dennis / £1,200.00
(£1,000.00 from PDG) / Improved provision and standards across the school / Tracking of development
3 / Further develop collaborative teaching and peer lesson observations through trust teams (3.1.1, 3.3.2) / Sept ’15 – July ‘16 / All teaching staff / Mark Dennis / £1,320.00
EIG / Improved provision and standards across the school / Tracking of development
3 / Further develop / cascade appraisal / performance management for associate staff (3.4.1) / Sept ’15 – July ‘16 / All associate staff / Mark Dennis / £1,767.75
EIG / Improved provision and standards across the school / Review meetings, report to SLT on successful meeting of objectives
1 / Outdoor learning / Sept ’15 – July ‘16 / All staff / Rosie Haste / £0.00 / Improved provision and standards across the school / Review meetings, report to SLT on successful meeting of objectives
3 / Work collaboratively with other schools to develop staff’s abilities, including leadership / Oct ’15 – July ‘16 / Rachel Leahy & Mark Dennis / Anne Lloyd / £2,634.39
PDG / Improved pedagogy, provision, learning and standards / Lesson/session observations, work and planning scrutiny, data analysis, listening to learners