M.Sc. in “Information and Networking” (MSIN)

The MSIN program and the associated Carnegie Mellon Degree awarded offer the strongest competitive advantage and the necessary scientific knowledge for a successful professional or academic career in the areas of Information Technology, Telecommunication Networks, Innovation and Technology Management. The program is taught in part via a live, real-time link directly by CMU professors together with AIT’s renowned, adjunct to CMU, professors and researches who provide additional opportunities for learning and research. AIT’s laboratories and hands-on involvement in research and industry projectsprovidethe skills necessary for academia or high-ranking positions in the job market.

The MSIN tuition and other fees at Carnegie Mellon total $69,481. AIT subsidizes 85% of this total for its students in Athens and offers scholarships and financial aid opportunities to all students to cover the balance of $11.760. (

AIT’s and CMU’s extensive networks in the national and international industry and AIT’s research and academic collaborations with major national and international organizations offer advanced opportunities for students to meet their professional needs or continue towards their PhD. MSIN graduates receive all privileges of CMU Alumni.

Application deadline: May 15, 2008.


Courses / Fall
Semester / Spring
Semester / Summer Semester
Core / Information Systems Modeling / Distributed Systems / Graduate Project
Packet Switching and Computer Networks / Mini - MBA
(Managerial Economics/ Business Management)
Fundamentals of Embedded Systems
Policies of Wireless Systems and the Internet
Elective / Algorithms / Optical Networks / Electronic Commerce Technologies
Wireless Communications / Introduction to Computer Security / Advanced Operating Systems & Distributed Systems
Digital Communications / Advanced Digital Signal Processing / Advanced Perception
Programming Languages / Sensor Networks
Special Topics in Communications & Networking / Digital Communications and Signal Processing Systems
Special Topics on Dependable Systems / Special Topics:Multimedia Information Retrieval and Data Mining / Multimedia Communications: Coding, Theory and Networking
Special Topics on Applied
Cryptography / Telecommunications, Technology Policy, and Management / Independent Study
Independent Study

The duration of the course is 16 months for full-time students and 32 months for part-time students. Requirements for completion of the program are 5 core, 6 elective courses and the Graduate Project. Further information at:

or call Ms. Lara Barbour at +30 210 668-2704