Do we cut back on the expansion, withdraw and give up imperial ambitions,

or challenge the US?

Japanese Pearl Harbor Scored Discussion & Simulation

The scored discussion and a simulation will serve as the final assessment for the Japan unit. During this simulation each of you will be asked to portray a character. In order to be successful in this simulation you will need to carefully prepare. You should meet with other students who are playing the same character. Decide who will be an expert on each question and how you would respond to the proposals for Day Two. Since each of you will receive an individual grade, ensure that each person is prepared to speak on 4 different questions for the scored discussion.

Simulation Day One: Scored Discussion

*mostly background research building to August 30, 1940

The emperor has called you here today to help gather more information about the impending crisis. The focus of today’s deliberations will be on the specific questions 1-11 which you’ve prepared. Today is an opportunity to provide the emperor with background information and to decide the priorities for Japan. *You do not need to be in character for today’s scored discussion. Focus on using direct quotes as evidence to support your answers.

Simulation Day Two: July 26, 1941

* in character

The scenario is as follows: Japan must decide whether to (1) cut back on expansion, withdraw and give up imperial ambitions, or (2) challenge the United States. Today will focus specifically on what actions Japan should take in the immediate future. The discussion today will focus on two separate proposals that have been prepared by Foreign Minister Togo to send to the United States. Your character may feel it appropriate to research and present a compromise or alternative proposal for the leaders to consider. You can choose to send telegrams to the United States at any time. (I will play the US).

Proposal A

The Japanese army agrees to withdraw all troops from China by 1966. Including those left as defense against communism in 1966.

Proposal B

  • Japan promises not to make any more aggressive moves south into Indonesia or Indochina.
  • Once peace is restored with China, or in the Pacific, all troops will be pulled out of Indochina.
  • In the meantime, Japan would at once move all troops in south Indochina into the north of that country.
  • In return, the United States was to sell Japan one million tons of aviation gasoline.

Today, you will be under strict time constraints. Since Japan’s oil supplies are diminishing quickly you will need to act quickly. The simulation will be structured as follows. 10 minutes of formal debate. Characters will debate the foreign minister’s proposal. In the timeline of history, these 10 minutes will equal month one. Punctuating each “month” will be a brief period of "blackout" where each character talks among themselves (Are we doing ok?) and negotiates with other characters to make deals. Continue with the next 10 minutes of debate and follow same procedures. Remember, Japan has a limited oil supply and time is running out.

All characters can make proposals or addendums (suggested changes) to Togo’s proposals. What would your character like to see happen, why? What does your character value most and most fear?

Or, Create your own Proposal!