Lakeside Middle School


Daily Expectations

·  Be in your seat, ready to work, before the bell rings to begin class

·  Once the bell rings to begin class, place your backpack on the floor, have your notebook open and begin to work on the warm-up exercises

·  Stay seated during the class unless you have permission to move around

·  Open your textbook to the correct page of the math lesson being discussed

·  Please have your “practice” work ready to be corrected and checked off

·  Be prepared to ask questions and also to be called upon during classroom discussions

·  Raise your hand and wait patiently to be called upon to speak (either to ask a question or to

give an answer to a problem)

·  Organize your math materials:

- have two (2) sharp pencils (no pens allowed and no sharpening after the bell)

- 3-Ring Binder with dividers for math class

- Spiral notebook and/or paper

- Planner

·  Please wait until the teacher dismisses you when the bell rings to end class

“Practice” This term refers to all math problems that students work on during class time or for homework.

(if students don’t finish the work during their math class period, then they should finish outside of class)

·  “Practice” work will count as part of the student’s grade for each grading period.

·  Complete the “practice” work that is assigned daily [completing assignments neatly and on time

guarantees that students will be involved in their math lessons]. In order for students to earn credit,

students must copy the original problem, show all necessary work and steps, and then box the answer.

·  When ABSENT, students are responsible for completing any and all missed work (i.e, notes,

classwork and “practice” work).

·  Log-on to your teacher’s Homework Lesson web site to obtain any absent work, lessons, and

assignments. (or if your teacher uses the Homework Hotline, then call the system for

lesson information).

·  Write the telephone number of three responsible friends to call for assignments in case the Homework Hotline is busy or you do not have access to the web site. These friends should also be able to help you with assignments.

·  Communicate with your math teacher upon your return to make sure you get caught up in a

timely manner. Once assignments are entered into the system, then you can also check

your progress on SnapGrades.

Available Math Help

·  Attend the Homework Club after school in the library.

·  Enroll in a Math Support Class during Period 5 Explorations.

·  Attend any of your math teacher’s tutoring sessions when/if they are scheduled.

·  Log-On to Math Help Web sites: (your math teacher will have handouts on usernames/passwords)

Textbook: (HOLT) or (Prentice-Hall)

-video lessons and help from your math textbook publisher

Math Problems: - helps with the odd-numbered problems from your textbook