
English Teacher______


CultureGrams Information Sheet

To access the CultureGrams website, use this URL:


1. A culture can be said to be those ______, ______,

and ______that create individual, community, and national identity.

2. Elements that define culture include ______, ______,

______, ______, and ______.

3. To see a slide show of pictures for each country, students should go to ______

______from the Home page.

4. Two famous people from the United States who are included in CultureGrams are

______and ______.

5. In the World Edition, students may select a country either by ______

or ______.

6. To find a description of the basic beliefs and sentiments of people from a specific country, click on ______.

7. To find out what types of clothes people from a particular country wear, click on


8. The section on Customs and Courtesies provides lots of great information about

everyday practices of people from a country. What 4 categories of information are

listed here?

______. ______, ______,


9. Other very interesting details about daily living are provided in the Lifestyle section.

Name 5 categories listed here:

______. ______, ______,

______, ______.

10. What 2 things can you listen to for every country?

______, ______

11. To find out how much one U.S. dollar is worth in another country’s money, click on


12. To compare current time in other countries, click on ______.

13. To find out how far it is from the U.S. to Turkey, you would use the Distance Calculator.

What two cities are linked for this calculation from the U.S. to Turkey?

U.S. ______Turkey______

14. What dessert recipe do you find for the United States in CultureGrams?


15. What colors are found in the national flag for Australia?

______, ______, and ______

16. When using information from the CultureGrams website, you must properly cite your source using MLA format. Click on the blue link at the bottom of each page that says

“citation information.” Look at the MLA style. For a basic template, use the following:

“Country name.” Title of Product. year. Sponsoring organization. date accessed <URL>.

Complete the citation for information from the country of Brazil accessed on October 3, 2007 from the CultureGrams World Edition.



17. The Kids Edition has some additional information not found in the World Edition. For example, the two versions of the map that are provided for each country are the

______and the ______.

18. Another neat thing found in the Kids Edition is the information box about the national image. What is the national image for Canada?______

19. Other interesting links found in the Kids Edition are located in the Fun Facts & Contacts box. What is the fun facts link for China about?______

20. Just when you think you have found it all, the you think you have found it all, the Kids Edition provides you with a link to Learn More. This will take you to a link for the ______website for each specific country. Go to the Kids page link for tons of additional information about the country you are researching.