Monday 20th Apr

Spring Bank Primary School

Homework Guide for Parents

Daily Expectations

Reading / Times Tables (Years 2-6) / Phonics and Spelling
Reading is extremely important. Children should have experience of a range of books, which include the school reading scheme books as well as ones from the school and other libraries. All children in school are expected to read for at least 10 minutes daily. Younger children have a Reading Record which needs to be signed. All children in Key Stage 2 have a reading journal. Reading homework is set after every Guided Reading session to be completed before the next session. / Times tables facts should be known by the end of Year 4.This means being able to say the answer to a multiplication or division question (up to 12x12) within 5 seconds. Therefore daily practice is needed and children will be tested regularly in school on their times tables facts. Tables are introduced in each year group as follows:
Y2 – 2x,5x,10x
Y3 – 3x, 4x, 8x,11x
Y4 – 6x,7x,9x,12x / Children bring home a Floppy Phonics Sheet once they have learnt a new sound which can be used to reinforce learning at home. Children in Key Stage 2 have a spelling journal with different strategies in to help them to learn new words. Children will have words to learn from their personal spelling list.
Top Tips
Reading aloud to an adult is encouraged, even for older children. Also very important is discussing the texts with the child eg asking questions about the characters in a book, the layout of a factual book and the views of a website or magazine. / Top Tips
Parents / carers should work with the child by working out different strategies and ‘top tips’. Practise in the car, walking to school etc. all helps. Chanting forwards, backwards and alternating as you count through can all help, as can CDs and internet games / Top Tips
Parents/carers can encourage children to use their Floppy Phonics sheets and spelling journals to learn spelling through making sentences for words, learning spellings with other words with similar patterns and dictated sentences.

Each Half Term

Abacus Maths / Creative Homework
Teachers will set e-learning homework whenever children need additional practice at a new skill. The Abacus Maths online world is full of lively and exciting maths games and rewards and each child has their own individual log in. Children can create avatars and buy rewards using coins from completed games. / Creative homework is an opportunity for children to choose whatever they want to celebrate their learning. Tasks set are open-ended and linked to different subjects. Creative homework is set each half term and you can find out what the task is through looking at class newsletters and on the website.
Top Tips
Abacus homework is set after children have learnt a particular skill in class. Encourage your child to check their answers and explain any methods they may have used. / Top Tips
Encourage your child to be as creative as they like! Discuss ideas with your child so they can think of different ways to present their work. Could the homework be in the form of a poster, presentation, model, comic strip, Powerpoint? Could it use photos, drawings, pop ups etc.?

You can help your child by:

1 .providing a quiet area, or quiet time for your child to work;

2. letting the class teacher know if there were any difficulties with the homework.

Homework Club takes place each lunchtime in the ICT Suite for those children who would like to access the computers during school time.