Data Deposit Form

Research Connections draws upon the expertise of ICPSR to manage the data collections that comprise its special topic archive. Data submitted to Research Connections are made available to researchers through both the Research Connections and ICPSR Web sites.

Please complete this form to provide ICPSR with information about the substantive and technical characteristics of your data collection. Completing the form ensures that your collections will be accurately and thoroughly described for potential secondary analysts in the social science community. It is vital that the information solicited on this form be provided as completely and accurately as possible.

The deposit form allows ICPSR staff to prepare a study description for the online searchable databases that ICPSR maintains as well as for various ICPSR printed publications. This information also permits the creation of authoritative bibliographic citations. Finally, the deposit form grants permission for ICPSR to archive and distribute your data collection. Please sign the form in the box below to attest to the four statements above the signature line.

I. Citation

a.  Principal Investigator. For multiple investigators, list names in order they should appear:

b.  Title. Provide a descriptive title of the data collection, including the time period(s) and geographic location(s) that the data cover:

c.  Place of production (city/state) of data collection:

d.  Date of production:

e.  Organizational name of data producer:

f.  Sponsoring or funding agency (if applicable):

g.  Grant number(s) (if applicable):

h.  Person/organization responsible for collecting data (if different from data producer):

i.  Special collaborator(s) (if applicable):

Contact person for questions about the data collection during processing:

Name: ______

Email: ______

Phone: ______
II. Description

Provide an abstract of the study. The abstract should describe the theoretical framework that informs the study, research questions addressed by the study, and any specific hypotheses tested.

III. Methodology/Sampling

a.  Describe the universe of the study:

b.  Unit of analysis: (Check all that apply)



  metropolitan area


c.  Mode of data collection: (Check all that apply)

  audio computer-assisted self interview (ACASI)

  coded video observation

  coded on-site observation

  cognitive assessment test

  computer-assisted personal interview (CAPI)

  computer-assisted self interview (CASI)

  computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI)

  face-to-face interview

  mail questionnaire

  mixed mode

  on-site questionnaire

  paper and pencil interview (PAPI)

  record abstracts

  self-enumerated questionnaire

  telephone interview

  web-based survey


d.  Type of data collection: (Check all that apply)

  census/enumeration data

  aggregate data

  clinical data

  event/transaction data

  survey data

  administrative records data

  program source code

  machine-readable text

  experimental data

  roll call voting data

  observational data

  other ______

e.  Time span covered by the data collection (months/days/years - include range(s) of dates):

f.  Date(s) the data were collected (provide specific dates and ranges, e.g., month/day/year-month/day/year):

g.  Geographic area(s) to which data are relevant (e.g., New York City, Singapore, United States, Springfield, Ohio):

h.  Smallest geographic unit represented in the data that can be analyzed:

i.  Is the data collection one of a series? If so, provide a description of the series and its frequency or periodicity:

j.  Describe the type of sample(s) obtained (e.g., random, convenience, snowball). If the sampling description is available in a printed publication, provide the complete citation.

k.  Provide the response rate for each sample:

l.  Describe the established measurement tools used in your study (e.g. MMPI, CPI, DSM-IV, CES-D, SF-36, Addiction Severity Index):

m.  Is a complete sampling description of your data collection available?


_____No Location if you cannot supply it______

n.  Does your data collection contain weights? Please describe them in detail:

IV. Update Existing Collection

a.  If this is a new edition, extract, or special version of an existing ICPSR data collection, indicate the ICPSR study number and title of the existing collection and explain what has changed in the new version:

b.  Should the old version continue to be made available?



V. Restrictions

a.  Was there IRB Approval?



b.  May these data be made publicly available (e.g. download from the internet) without restrictions?



If no, list restrictions and explain the reasons for them:

c.  If there is more than one file, can the data files be linked between files?



If the data files can be linked, specify the relationship between the files and the variables that link them:

Would linkage pose any risk of violation of confidentiality?



Can the data files be linked to other files not related to this data collection?



If the data files can be linked to an external data source, specify the relationship between the files and the variables that link them:

Would linkage pose any risk of violation of confidentiality?



VI. Description of Files

Here you may describe all files relevant to your deposit.

Ø  Data - ICPSR prefers to receive data files in SPSS, SAS or Stata formats.

Ø  Documentation - ICPSR prefers to receive electronic documentation in formats such as ASCII (text files) or Microsoft Word. The original source document is preferred, but PDF files are acceptable. Please attach complete documentation below, such as:

ü  Codebook: Specify the data position for each variable, the contents of each variable, provide full question text, and identify the range of possible codes and their meanings for each variable

ü  Final project report, project summary, or other description of the project

ü  Data collection instrument(s). An electronic version of each instrument, if applicable, including interview schedules, self-administered questionnaires, data collection forms for transcribing information from records, paper tests and scales, screening forms, and call-report forms should be included along with a description of the circumstances in which each was used (study populations, time periods, etc.)

ü  Informed Consent Statement

ü  Bibliography of Related Literature - an electronic file listing all publications describing or resulting from the data collection. Include the full title, full names of author(s), place of publication/publisher, journal name/volume/issue, full date, and page numbers, as applicable. Do not send literature reviews or other reference lists of publications that you may have used to help conceptualize your research. Send only lists of publications that you know are based on the data in this collection.

ü  Summary statistics (frequency distributions, means, etc.) of all variables

ü  Other technical documentation, including the following: data dictionaries, sample consent forms, codes used to create derived variables, interviewer and coder instructions, skip pattern instructions, user guide

a.  Please list and describe all data files in the order they appear on your storage media. Under “format" indicate whether this is an ASCII file, a word processor file, a SAS Transport file, a SPSS Portable file, or a Stata file. ICPSR will not accept system files from any software package if they require a particular operation system.

File Name File Format Number Number Number of of Cases of Variables Records per Case

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

6. ______

7. ______

9. ______

10. ______

11. ______

12. ______

13. ______

14. ______

15. ______

16. ______


Which of the following processing steps were performed on the data (mark with X)?

Consistency Checks / Frequencies / Checks for Undocumented Codes / Missing data codes standardized
File 1
File 2
File 3
File 4
File 5
File 6
File 7
File 8
File 9
File 10
File 11
File 12
File 13
File 14
File 15
File 16

Do the data contain blanks? _____

Do the data contain blanks nonnumeric codes? _____

Please summarize all documentation files submitted with your collection:


_____SPSS Setup Files (“Data Definition Statements”)

_____SAS Setup Files (“Data Definition Statements”)

_____Stata Setup Files (“Data Definition Statements”)

_____Database dictionary

_____User Manual/Guide

_____Data collection instruments (i.e., questionnaire)

_____Other (please specify) ______

Research Connections is a partnership among the National Center for Children in Poverty at the Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University; the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research at the Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan; and the Child Care Bureau, at the Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Research Connections promotes high quality research in child care and early education and the use of that research in policymaking.