Carbon County Library System – Rawlins

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 9:35 am by Judy Tigner, Chairperson. A quorum was declared.

ROLL CALL: Judy Tigner, Chairperson; Larry Moore, Secretary; Karen Juno, Treasurer; Kristin Herr, Director; Emily Detterer, staff.

A motion was made to approve the agenda. (Moore/Juno; motion carried)

A motion was made to approve the minutes for the April 15, 2008 meeting of the Library Board. (Moore/Juno; motion carried)

Under correspondences, Kristin shared information about three letters she received from the US Department of Justice regarding a federal case that includes books which had been stolen from our library.

Upon review of the financial report and a brief discussion, a motion was made to accept the financial report as presented and approve the payroll and vendor vouchers. (Moore/Juno; motion carried)

Kristin gave a summary of the Foundation’s activities including the upcoming Foundation Retreat.

Kristin reviewed her director’s report. Highlights included sharing details on the standing order plan for audio-visual materials.

Under unfinished business, the Board discussed the bylaws. After removing a redundant sentence, the motion was made to approve the Bylaws as written, with the exception of the last sentence of article 8. (Moore/Juno; motion carried) Per the county attorney, these bylaws will now go out for public comment.

The Board discussed the FY09 budget request. Kristin reviewed the adjustments made to the budget request including changes to the depreciation replacement account and emergency reserves. Kristin stated that the operating budget stayed the same but with reporting the cash differently, the overall budget request changed. $825,462 will be requested from County Commissioners for a $764,830 proposed budget. A motion was made to approve the budget as submitted by the director. (Moore/Juno; motion carried)

Under new business, a motion was made to approve the financial agreement between the Library and the Foundation. (Moore/Juno; motion carried) The Board also discussed bank accounts for the various funds, spending, investments, etc. Emily presented the library’s style sheet and the mission statement poster. As of June 30, there will be an opening for one library board member. Patti Hays has reapplied for the position. During the May 30, 2008 staff meeting, Patti Hays will be presenting Safety Training for the staff. After a brief discussion, a motion was made to make all library card replacements $2.00. (Moore/Juno; motion carried)

Comments from the floor included a brief report about the Film Festival that will be in Saratoga August 22 and 23, 2008. It was reported that the gentleman in Saratoga with the weapon has not returned to the library since the Board passed the No Violence/No Drugs/No Weapon policy. It was reported that Marilyn Pederson’s movie series was well attended.

There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 11:05 am. (Juno/Moore; motion carried)

The next meeting of the Library Board will be June 17, 2008, at the Sinclair Branch Library.


Larry Moore, Secretary
