Proposed Human Anatomy & Physiology

Biol 1234Course Information and Syllabus

Instructor: Office:

Email: Office hours:

Course: This course is intended to provide an overview of human anatomy and physiology. The lecture will focus on vocabulary and the principles of physiology and the laboratory will focus on anatomy.

Materials: Text – Human Anatomy & Physiology Eighth ed. by Marieb

Lab manual – Rat version

Examinations: There will be a class participation/quiz grade, four tests and a final exam. Class participation exercises and quizzes will occur without prior announcement and the average will count as a test grade. The final exam is comprehensive. The tests and the final will cover material from lecture and the text. Bring no electronic devices to the tests or the final exam. All tests and the final must be attempted; a zero on a test or the final will result in a grade of "F" for the course.

Make-up Exams: Arrangements for make-up tests must be made PRIOR to the test date. If a student is absent for a test without prior arrangement no make-up test will be offered. Any exception will be at the discretion of the instructor. See excused absences (below).

Attendance: Satisfactory attendance is required. Students with excessive unexcused absences (more than 3) may be dropped from the course. See Student Conduct (below).

Excused absences: Absences will be excused for the following reasons: presenting at/attending a scientific meeting, a university sanctioned extracurricular event, attendance at the funeral of a close family member (parent, sibling, grandparent or child). Any other excused absences will be at the discretion of the instructor. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain notes or other information covered in class during an absence.

Laboratory attendance and participation is required. Failure to participate constitutes unsatisfactory attendance. Unexcused absence for the lab midterm, unexcused absence for the lab final or more than two unexcused laboratory absences will automatically result in a grade of “F” for the course.

Laboratory: The laboratory component of the course will be 25% of the total grade. The relative values of work done in the lab (i.e. quizzes/write ups/exams) will be determined by the lab instructor.

Grading: Grade Scale Components

A 90 Participation/quizzes, 4 tests & Final (12.5% each) yield 75%

B 80 Laboratory yields 25%

C 70

D 60

F < 60

Student Conduct: Please refer to the MSU Student Handbook for university policies related to student responsibilities, rights and activities. For example, see page 39 for a statement on the university's policy on class attendance (attend all meetings of all classes), page 41 for valid grounds for an instructor drop (excessive absence, indifferent attitude, disruptive conduct, failure to meet class assignments), page 70 for the university's policy on classroom conduct, and page 71 for definitions of academic dishonesty that may be subject to disciplinary action (cheating, plagiarism, and collusion).

Students with disabilities: It is the responsibility of the student to first contact Disability Support Services and then the instructor to determine what accommodations might be made for a disability. It will be the responsibility of the student to make arrangements to acquire notes. Any requests for accommodations must be made 2 weeks prior to the first exam.

Disclaimer: No medical advice will be given. No student will be accepted as a patient.

BIOL 1234 / Anatomy & Physiology II
Subject to change; any changes will be announced in class and on WebCT
Date / Day / Chapter
16 / Endocrine System
16 / Endocrine System
16 / Endocrine System
16 / Endocrine System
16/17 / Endocrine System
17 / Endocrine System/Blood
17 / Blood
17 / Blood
Test 1
18 / Cardiovascular System (The Heart)
18 / Cardiovascular System (Blood Vessels)
19 / Cardiovascular System (Blood Vessels)
19 / Cardiovascular System (Blood Vessels)
20 / Lymphatic System
21 / Immune System
21 / Immune System
21 / Immune System
21 / Test 2
22 / Respiratory System
22 / Respiratory System
22 / Respiratory System
23 / Digestive System
23 / Digestive System
23 / Digestive System
23 / Digestive System
Test 3
24 / Nutrition, Metabolism & Temperature
24 / Nutrition, Metabolism & Temperature
24 / Nutrition, Metabolism & Temperature
24 / Nutrition, Metabolism & Temperature
25 / Urinary System
25 / Urinary System
25 / Urinary System
25 / Urinary System
Test 4
26 / Fluid, Electrolyte & Acid-Based Balance
26 / Fluid, Electrolyte & Acid-Based Balance
26 / Fluid, Electrolyte & Acid-Based Balance
27 / Reproductive System
27 / Reproductive System
28-29 / Pregnancy & Heredity
Cumulative / Final