Produced by / Dave Bendell
Date of next review meeting
Self-Assessment Reviewed & Approved by
- Information about the provider
- The self assessment process
- Self assessment grades
- Overview of key strengths and areas for improvement
- Outcomes for learners
- Quality of teaching, learning and assessment
- Effectiveness of leadership and management
- Employer views
- Learner views
Oxford Energy Academy Ltd, based in Witney is Oxfordshire’s leading heating and plumbing training and assessment centre with over 70 years of combined experience in the gas industry and 20 years of teaching experience. We use a variety of teaching methods to make learning fun in a relaxed atmosphere.
Our main business was training adults in plumbing and gas, and the renewals of ACS assessments for gas engineers, which is compulsory on a five yearly cycle. We started the business in September 2011, spent 4 months building the assessment areas and installing all the equipment required, opening to the public in Feb 2012. Once opened we rapidly gained a very good reputation with around 95% of companies in Oxfordshire using us as their preferred provider, all other providers in Oxfordshire have since shut down.
We then had repeated and persistent requests by employers to train their apprentices, as a result we decided to expand the business into the unit next door and spent 3 months building extra classrooms and workshops, ready for opening in Sept 2014.
We had planned to start from the beginning with classes of level 2 apprentices first years, but once again 95% of companies wanted to us as their preferred provider and most of the local companies transferred their apprentices from other providers to us, so as soon as we opened we ended up with classes of all levels and all stages of completion.
The Self-assessment Process
This self-assessment report (SAR) fully evaluates the activities of Oxford Energy Academy Ltd against their impact on the success and experience of our learners. This process is an integral part of our strategic and operational planning. Staff, management, teaching, assessment and quality assurance actively involved in the self-assessment process. The report has been compiled using a variety of evidence sources in an open and self-critical environment. Responses from learner/employer surveys have also contributed to the self-assessment process. To support us through the process and in recording this report, we have referred to Ofsted’s Common Inspection Framework of further education. The SAR has been validated by the Directors of Oxford Energy Academy Ltd and distributed to all staff, to agree that the report accurately reflects our self-assessment findings.
Evidence Sources
3. OFSTED Grades
Oxford Energy Academy Ltd has not been inspected by Ofsted at this time, due to the fact we are too new. .
Oxford Energy Academy Ltd fully anticipates a high percentage of learnersto complete the course in being upheld at our next inspection despite a dip in the outcomes of learners within the construction provision at ACE training for 2014/2015. This was a direct result of staff shortages which was addressed in that year and the outcomes are already improving. All other provision has maintained high levels of achievement for their learners.
4. Overview of key strengths and key areas for improvement
Key Strengths
- Overall success rates are outstanding, with almost every learner successfully completing their training within planned timescales, at both intermediate and advanced levels.
- Learners develop excellent vocational skills, social skills and confidence.
- Staff and learners are ambitious, have high expectations and are highly motivated to achieve
- Many learners progress to higher-level qualifications and are successful in gaining promotion in employment.
- Highly skilled and knowledgeable staff and trainers provide good teaching and learning.
- Academic and pastoral support are particularly purposeful, ensuring learners with specific support needs complete their training and achieve their qualifications.
- Introtrain (ACE) Ltd has strong leadership which has established and secured a focus on ensuring learners are successful and trained by capable qualified staff.
- Managers develop staff skills and improve teaching and learning through continuous professional development for staff and the large number of trained salon-based assessors.
These key strengths have all been maintained throughout 2014/2015 through robust monitoring of systems and procedures. ACE training is being monitored as a result of its dip in outcomes performance for 2014/2015 but all evidence is indicating that the leaner’s achievements are already improving.
Key Areas for improvement
- Teaching, learning and assessment in the two subject areas inspected are not yet outstanding, and in minority of training sessions more-able learners are not challenged sufficiently.
- Although learners improve their English and mathematics during their training as a whole, not enough emphasis is put on these subjects during vocational training sessions.
- Observations of teaching and learning do not place sufficient emphasis on what apprentices learn and the progress they make.
- The self-assessment report is not sufficiently self-critical.
All subcontractors have addressed these areas within their own organisations to ensure Introtrain (ACE) Ltd will be able to show improvements in these areas.
- Differentiation is monitored through observations and lesson plans to ensure all learners are challenged to the appropriate level. There has been significant improvement in this area
- Maths and English is now embedded throughout all aspects of the learners programme with an emphasis on their vocational awards. This has been monitored through observations and lesson plans
5. Outcomes:
Outcomes for learners overall for Introtrain (ACE) Ltd have dropped in 2014/2015 from outstanding to good across the various sub-contractors. These results were monitored throughout the year and appropriate measures were put in place to manage the situation. The outcome of these actions will be reflected in improved outcomes for 2015/2016. A significant number of learners progress on to higher level qualifications and into employment.
Learners benefit from well planned work placements which support the development of their occupational skills and employability.
Projected outcomes for all Learners are above the minimum levels of performance and in most cases are above the national success rate (12/13). This is attributed to the robust processes and quality infrastructure.
Learners progress from the intermediate to advanced apprenticeship. Many learners start with attainment level 1 or below and the distance travelled from starting point is significant.
These tables relate to learners on the Introtrain (ACE) Ltd SFA contract
Total learner2014/2015 / 13/14 – QSR Overall / Current contract year projected (Timely) / National 13/14 overall success (508) hairdressing / Potential success – 14/15
All / 75 / 76.1% / 63.9% / 87%
Intermediate / 60 / 75.9% / 62.8% / 80%
Advanced / 15 / 76.7% / 66.4% / 93%
16/18 (all) / 61 / 79.7% / 66.2% / 90%
19+ (all) / 13 / 61.1% / 64.5% / 69%
24+ (all) / 1 / 100% / 57.7% / 0%
Total learner
2014/2015 / 13/14 – QSR Overall / Current contract year projected (Timely) / National 13/14 overall success (522) construction / Potential success – 14/15
All / 64 / 72.7% / 57.0% / 71%
Intermediate / 49 / 68.8% / 56.0% / 78%
Advanced / 15 / 83.3% / 60.1% / 67%
16/18 (all) / 42 / 75.0% / 56.2% / 73%
19+ (all) / 21 / 83.3% / 60.5% / 70%
24+ (all) / 1 / 62.5% / 51.9% / N/A
Achievement Gaps between different learner groups
There are no significant gaps in achievement of different learner groups. There is an effective management of learner progress across all the subcontractors. Data is effectively used to inform interventions and where slow progress is identified actions are taken to ensure this is addressed. Introtrain (ACE) Ltd subcontractors support includes an effective RAG rating system that is informed by a range of management information and is used to monitor and profile learner progress.
Learners develop personal, social and employability skills
Learners’ feedback confirms that they recognise the value of the apprenticeship programme and the support that they receive in the workplace. This enables learners to develop the skills and confidence needed to participate in the workplace. The large majority of our employers speak highly of their learners and consider them as valuable members of their workforce. Our employers are monitored to ensure they provide good teaching and coaching in the workplace and provide the required training opportunities, at a suitable level for the required qualification framework. Learner success is celebrated within each subcontractor to not only acknowledge achievement and success, but also to inspire other learners to fulfil their potential.
6. Quality of Teaching Learning and Assessment
Learner feedback confirms high rates of their satisfaction with teaching, learning and the learners are enthusiastic and well-motivated. There are effective and productive relationships amongst learners, staff and employers. This helps to ensure that off-the-job learning can be applied and developed in the workplace. Our OTLA strategy is being improved the process will focus on evaluating teaching against its impact on learning. The strategy will include clear observation criteria that measures enjoyment, engagement and evidence of learning progression. The observation results will be used to benchmark teaching practice and inform areas for development. Individual development needs for assessors or tutors will include one to one support. Good practice will be shared through standardisation meetings held by each subcontractor. Following the provision of support to gain improvement a more formal and graded observation process will take place throughout this contract year (2015/2016). This will enable a more reflective observation grade to be established and allow Introtrain (ACE) Ltd re-affirm its self-assessment of Teaching, Learning and Assessment across the sub-contractors. The current grade has been established at grade 2 due to the existing success rates for 2013/14 and the predicted success rates for 2014/15, together with the feedback from learners and employers. The purpose of our OTLA strategy is to fully ensure the quality of teaching, learning and assessment throughout and provide a robust process to enable constant ability to reflect on the learning experience to drive a culture of continuous improvement.
The OTLA strategy will focus on evaluating:
- How effectively initial assessment identifies and/or informs:
- Preferred learning styles
- Learning plans
- Teaching and learning strategies
- How effectively induction:
- Helps learners to settle in
- Briefs learners on the benefits of learning
- Raising aspirations
- Clear learning milestones and targets
- How well progress reviews support learning
- Learning progress within learning sessions
- The effectiveness of information, Advice and Support
- The promoting E&D through teaching and learning
7. Leadership and Management
Directors and managers of all subcontractors demonstrate an ambitious vision and expectation regarding quality driven achievement. Managers at all levels within each sub-contractor provide good leadership and set clear direction and vision.
Directors/managers of all subcontractors communicate strategies and targets to staff through a comprehensive range of documents and meetings. Directors effectively link target setting to strategic objectives. Strategic and operational plans are detailed and well understood by all staff. Priorities and core values are reviewed regularly and shared with all staff and partners through clear strategic and operational plans. There is a clear focus on quality improvement. The quality framework uses robust quality improvement processes effectively to monitor the performance of the organisation and identify areas for improvement. These processes include reviewing and evaluating all key processes within the learning journey.
Regular and detailed performance monitoring of all aspects of the provision is managed by the directors/managers of all subcontractors and underperformance at all levels is challenged. Where performance is considered to be of poor standard team members are supported through the improvement process with clear measures and expectations. Where the interventions do not lead to improvement team members or subcontractors would be managed out of their contracts through a process which would be administered individually and sensitively to limit the impact to any learners.
The Operational team within each sub-contractor employ a comprehensive support model to monitor and assure the quality of teaching and learning. Using both quantitative and qualitative measures the effectiveness of learning is reviewed, evaluated and supported to improve. This has been a key area of focus since March 2013 following our inspection when it was identified by the OFSTED that teaching practice were not evaluated in a way to reflect the actual learning by a learner. The use of a simple risk system is used to identity slow learner progress across all subcontractors enabling interventions to be made. A system of support measures are in place for all tutors, assessors and staff including standardisation, network and the availability of regular training events.
Introtrain (ACE) Ltd Directors operate an open door policy and the availability of information and support to all is available. Management information is easily accessed through web-based portal. The currency of data is continually refreshed, enabling accurate and timely monitoring of progress and performance.
The leadership and direction issued by the directors of Introtrain (ACE) Ltd is fundamental to the way Introtrain (ACE) Ltd conducts its activities. All of the points recorded above are managed across the individual subcontractors by Introtrain (ACE) Ltd’s Directors. All provision is monitored monthly to ensure data is accurate, up to date and performance is on target. Shortfalls are identified and through meetings with the individual subcontractors measures are put in place to improve the situation. This will continue to be monitored until the situation has improved to a sufficient level.
Safeguarding learners
Our safeguarding arrangements comply with our legislative and statutory obligations this is replicated across all subcontractors. We place the highest priority in the well-being, safety and safeguarding of learners and staff. A director of Introtrain is accountable for safeguarding and acts as the primary responsible person; this role is supported with a recognised nominated person from each subcontractor, who fulfils the role of designated persons. Health and Safety including Safeguarding is discussed at all operational meetings. This includes the routine analysis of incidents and near misses. Where actions are identified they are taken up on either an individual basis or a subcontractors briefing.
Development and support for H&S is facilitated through Network events. This has included a workshop to develop understanding and awareness.
Learners demonstrate an excellent attitude to health and safety. This is developed at induction and reinforced during progress reviews. All staff and Directors are closely involved in appraising the learners’ knowledge and understanding of health and safety and ensuring their welfare.
Embedding Equality & Diversity
Equality and Diversity and (E&D) are promoted effectively across all subcontractors. It was found to be promoted effectively during the last Introtrain (ACE) Ltd inspection. All new subcontractors have been monitored by the Directors of Introtrain (ACE) Ltd to ensure they are also promoting (E&D) to maintain this position. Where there were shortfalls the subcontractor has adopted all of Introtrain (ACE) Ltd’s methods to ensure there is consistency across all provision.
E&D is discussed with learners at their progress reviews and they are encouraged to share views and concerns throughout the stages of their learning programme. Induction includes a comprehensive discussion on equality; with a focus on ensuring learners feel safe and comfortable in the workplace. This includes information on bullying and harassment and providing details of who they can contact if they have concerns.
All Directors and staff across all subcontractors will attend regular training events to ensure the organisation has up to date information and resources.
8. Employer View
The subcontractors with Introtrain (ACE) Ltd have developed long standing relationships with their existing employers and are creating new ones at every opportunity. Out employers are fundamental to the success of our Apprenticeship programmes so their views are important to the organisation and are constantly being sort through various methods. Employer Forums, Employer meeting, questionnaires, feedback at learner’s progress reviews and phones calls from centres to discuss learners. Employers are given the contact details of their learners Assessor, tutor as well as the director of the centre that the learner is enrolled with to ensure they can talk to us at any time.
- Learner Views
Learners are asked for their views in a variety of ways across all subcontractors’ surveys, questionnaires, comments during progress reviews and learner forums.
The survey process ensures that the centre is befitting from the best practice identified; areas for overall improvement, common themes and that individuals are being given the opportunity to celebrate success within their Centres and improve any specific areas requiring attention.
All views received from either the employers or learners are analysed and where necessary or appropriate improvements or changes are made. This ensures that both learners and employers feel valued and that they are helping in shaping our programmes.
Examples of learner feedback:
When asked what they liked best [about their apprenticeship programme], learners responses included:
`I like the support I get and how the lessons are delivered`
`We are treated as stylists not juniors`
`I like how when I don’t understand some part of hairdressing I get 100% help from my teachers`
`I like the teaching they provide and they help you a lot to improve on things`
`I like the training and the way it is inspiring me`