Academic Music

Composition Presentation

Journal Assignment


Students will be divided into groups and will be asked to compose film music for a brief excerpt from a movie. They will present their music to the rest of the class. Students will also be asked to reflect upon their contribution to the group assignment and the composition process.

Targeted Outcomes:

CMP 1: Students will be expected to explore, challenge, develop, and express ideas, using the skills, language, techniques, and processes of the arts.

CMP 2: Students will be expected to create and/or present, collaboratively and independently, expressive products in the arts for a range of audiences and purposes.

PR 6: Students will be expected to apply critical thinking and problem-solving strategies to reflect on and respond to their own and others’ expressive works.

PR 7: Students will be expected to understand the role of technologies in creating and responding to expressive works.

PR 8: Students will be expected to analyze the relationship between artistic intent and the expressive work.


-The music must be notated.

-The music must have at least one found instrument. i.e. An object that is not normally used as a music instrument.

-The music must be performed for the class.

-Individual contributions must be as equal as possible.

-Journal reflection – In ink, minimum 500 words, double-spaced, name, title, title of the course, and teacher’s name.

Journal Reflection Questions

-What were some of the challenges of composing the music for the film?

-What were some of the challenges of working together as a group?

-How would you rate your contribution to the group? Did you regularly contribute? Looking at the group work portion of the rubric, what mark would you give yourself for group work?

-How did you feel about the performance? Did it go well? Why or why not?

-Was this assignment worthwhile to you? Why or why not?

-Are there any other observations about this process that you would like to comment on?

Presentation: Group Work 15 Marks

0-5 / 5-11 / 11-14 / 14-15
Requirements / Student has met very few of the requirements. / Student has met a few of the requirements. / Student has met some of the requirements. / Student has met all of the requirements.
Group Work / Student took a fairly passive role in the composition
Student rarely contributed or simply went along with other peoples’ suggestions without offering his/her own suggestions. / Student took a somewhat active role in the composition process.
Participation in the composition process was fairly limited. Student would offer suggestions on occasion. / Student took an active role in the composition process. At times the student seemed to dominate the discussion by not allowing others to express their views or by not willing to try other peoples’ suggestions. / Student took an active role in the composition process.
Student was able to find the balance between contributing and allowing others to contribute to the composition process. Student did not dominate the discussion.
Composition/Performance / The notation of the composition was very difficult to read and difficult to follow. The composition did not seem to underscore the drama of the film excerpt. The performance was not very cohesive and not very well executed. / The notation of the composition was difficult to read at times and difficult to follow at times. The composition did not seem to underscore the drama of the film excerpt at times. The performance was not very cohesive and not always well executed. / The notation of the composition was somewhat easy to read and somewhat easy to follow. The composition seemed to underscore the drama of the film excerpt for the most part.
The performance was fairly cohesive and well executed. / The notation of the composition was easy to read and easy to follow.
The composition seemed to underscore the drama of the film excerpt.
The performance was cohesive and well executed.

Assignment: Journal Reflection 15 Marks

0-5 / 5-11 / 11-14 / 14-15
Journal Reflection / Student has addressed very few of the questions in a fairly detailed manner.
Student could have elaborated on many points.
There are many spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes.
Student has met very few of the requirements of the journal assignment. / Student has addressed some of the questions in a fairly detailed manner.
Student could have elaborated on several points.
There are several spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes.
Student has met some of the requirements of the journal assignment. / Student has addressed most of the questions in a fairly detailed manner.
Student could have elaborated on one or two points.
There are one or two spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes.
Student has met most of the requirements of the journal assignment. / Student has addressed all of the questions in a fairly detailed manner.
There are no spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes.
Student has met all of the requirements of the journal assignment.

This assignment is due______as agreed upon by the students and the teacher. Please note that this is the absolute final deadline for this assignment. Assignments handed in after the due date will not be accepted.

The presentations are due on______as agreed upon by the students and the teacher.