"Spirit, Fill Me"

Col. 3:1-17

INTRO. When we got saved, we received the gift of the Holy Spirit. It tells us in 1 John 3:24-"And He that keepeth His commandments dwelleth in Him and He in Him. And hereby we know that He abideth in us, by the Spirit He hath given us." It is an instaneous thing. The moment we trust Him; His Spirit moves in:

Do you recall the joy and eagerness for the Lord you had when you first got saved? WE were all ready to take on all of Satan's forces by our self. We had an enthusiasm for God and we wanted everyone to know it! But what happened?

As we got to be an older Christian the things of God didn't seem to thrill us as much as they did before. We let the pressures of life and sometimes old Satan himself get us down to a point, that at times, we questioned whether we were really saved or not! But it doesn't have to be that way.

Paul, in our text, gives the Church at Colosse and all believers a

guide on how to live a Spirit-filled life. If we are filled with His

Spirit, we can accomplish great things for God! All the great heroes

of faith mentioned in Hebrews 11 were filled with God’s Spirit. How

about you? Do you want to be great for God?


(1) Seek Heavenly Things (v.l)

Matt. 6:33

(2) Set Your Love On God (v.2)

1 John 1:15

(3) Subdue the Passions (v.5)

(4) Put Off Old Desires(vv. 8, 9)

(5) Put On Spiritual Graces (v.12)

(6) Be Forbearing and Forgiving (v.13)

(7) Show The Love and Peace of God To All (vv.14,15)

(8) Study God’s Word (v. 16a)

2 Timothy 2:15

(9) Help Each Other To Grow (v. 16b)

(10) Do Everything In The Name of Christ (v.17)

CLOSING: We can accomplish great things for the Lord, if we are filled with

and walking by the Spirit.

Is His Spirit resting fully on you today or do you need a closer walk

with Him?