Ecclesiastes a Working Bibliography May 1, 2003

Compiled by Ted Hildebrandt

Gordon College, Wenham, MA

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Brindle, Wayne A. "Righteousness and Wickedness in Ecclesiastes 7:15-

18," Andrews University Seminary Studies 23 (1985) 243-57.

Brisson, E. Carson. “Ecclesiastes 3:1-8,” Int 55 (2001) 292-95.

Bronznick, N. "Of the Making of Many Books There Is No End,"

Beth Mikra 25(82) (1980) 195-201 [Hebrew].

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Theology 14 (1990) 195-208.

Brown, William P. "Whatever Your Hand Finds to Do": Qoheleth's

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Literature 84 (1965) 428-30.

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Hebrew (Qoheleth 3.18; 4.13-16; 5.8),” JSOT 90 (2000) 101-8.

Burkes, Shannon. Death in Qoheleth and Egyptian Biographies of the

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