Kuiken 1

Kir Kuiken

Kuiken 1

405 State St, Apt. 3

Albany, NY 12203

Contact Phone: (518) 605-5294


English Department

University at Albany, SUNY

Albany, NY 12222

Department Phone: (518) 442-2648

Kuiken 1


2006Ph.D. English and Comparative Literature with Emphasis in Critical Theory, University of California, Irvine

2000M.A. in Comparative Literature, University of California, Irvine

1999M.A. in Philosophy, University of California, Irvine

1996Honors B.A. in Philosophy & English, Trent University, Canada


8/2008 - presentAssistant Professor, University at Albany, SUNY, English Department

8/2007 - 5/2008Lecturer, University of Illinois, Chicago, English Department

3/2007 - 6/2007Visiting Assistant Professor, University of California, Riverside, English Department

9/2006 -3/2007Lecturer, University of California, Irvine, Humanities Core Course


“Crises of the Imagination: Romanticism at the Limits of Philosophy”

Committee: Andrzej Warminski (Chair), Jacques Derrida, J. Hillis Miller, Hugh Roberts.


“Imagined Sovereignties: Poetics, Politics and Romanticism”

The project situates a materialist conception of the imagination in relation to Romantic political discourse. If the period’s revolutionary secularization of political institutions coordinated a new foundation of sociality with the category of the aesthetic, I argue that this re-assertion of poetic power in place of the divine sovereign presents an alternative understanding of the secularization of the political. Rather than conceiving it as a turn away from the divine towards the human, I contend that Romantic secularization hinges on the imagination as both an invisible material foundation and the means by which the social world becomes visible to itself.


-English and German Romanticism

-19th Century Literature

-Critical Theory/ Literary Theory

-Romantic Social and Political Theory



-“The Metaleptic Imagination in Shelley’s Defence of Poetry,Keats-Shelley Journal, (60) 2011: 95-111.

-“Shelley’s ‘Mask of Anarchy’ and the Problem of Modern Sovereignty,” Literature Compass, 8.2 (2010): 95-106.

-“Between Heidegger and Derrida: On the Impossible Futures of Techne.” Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 33.3-4 (2006): 293-310.

-“Deleuze/ Derrida: Towards an Almost Imperceptible Difference.”Research In Phenomenology, 35

(2005): 290-308.

-“On the Delineation of Choice and Decision in Benjamin’s Goethe’s Elective Affinities.”Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 31.3 (2004): 286-308.


-Co-editor with Jennifer Greiman, special issue of Postmodern Culture on “The Citizen-Subject Revisited,” 22.2 (2011-2012), forthcoming.


-Review of “Philosophy, Revision, Critique: Rereading Practices in Heidegger, Nietzsche, and Emerson,” by David Wittenberg, Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 29.2-3 (2002): 470-474.

-Review of “Life After Theory,” ed. Payne, Michael and Schad, John. Philosophy in Review/ Comptes Rendus Philosophiques, (April 2004): 143-146.

-Review of “The Work of Mourning,” by Jacques Derrida, Philosophy in Review/Comptes Rendus Philosophiques, (June 2002): 176-178.

-Review of “The Purest of Bastards: Works of Mourning, Art, and Affirmation in the Thought of Jacques Derrida,” by David Farrell Krell, Philosophy in Review/Comptes rendus philosophiques, (April 2001): 130-132.

-Review of “Deconstruction as Analytic Philosophy,” by Samuel T. Wheeler III, Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 27.2 (2000): 543-547.

-Review of “Derrida, Kristeva, and the Dividing Line: An Articulation of Two Theories of Difference,” by Juliana de Nooy, Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 27.1 (2000): 316-322.


2011UAS Program Funds, University at Albany, SUNY

2011UUP Individual Development Award

2011Conference Support Award, University at Albany, SUNY

2010UAS Conference Award, University at Albany, SUNY

2004 Regents Dissertation Fellowship, Graduate Studies, UCI

2003 Humanities Research Award,School of Humanities, UCI

2003 Summer Dissertation Fellowship, Graduate Studies, UCI

2003 Humanities Out There Graduate Research Award, UCI

1999-2000 Koehn Fellowship, Critical Theory Institute, UCI


-“Towards a New Political Romanticism: Coleridge, Fichte Schlegel and the Unconditional,” Emory University, Atlanta, GA, Feb 16, 2012. Invited lecture.

-“Derrida and Nietzsche: on the “Bidding Up” of Sovereingty,” IMEC Derrida Translation Seminar, France, Jul 4-9, 2011. Invited lecture.

-"Educts of the Imagination: Coleridge's Symbolic Politics and the Problem of Sovereignty.” North American Society for the Study of Romanticism, Vancouver, Canada, August 18-22, 2010.

-“Derrida and Schmitt on the ‘Exception.’ IMEC Derrida Translation Seminar, France, Jul 5-10, 2010. Invited lecture.

-“The Eclipse of the Gaze: Death, Image and Community in Nancy and Blanchot.” Symposium on Death and Dying, Trent University, Peterborough, Canada, March 26-27, 2010. Invited lecture.

-“On the Threshold: London and the (Missing) Experience of Being-in-Common in Wordsworth’s Prelude.” International Conference on Romanticism, City University of New York, Nov 5-8, 2009.

-“Between Two Exceptions: American Sovereignty as Auto-Immune Reaction.” International Association of American Studies, Beijing, China, Sep 18-21, 2009

-“On Derrida’s Translation of ‘Gewalten’ in Beast and the Sovereign Vol 2.” IMEC Derrida Translation Seminar, France, Jul 6-11, 2009. Invited lecture.

-“Shelley’s ‘Mask of Anarchy’ and the Problem of Modern Sovereignty.” North American Society for the Study of Romanticism, Duke University, Durham, NC, May 21-24, 2009.

-“On Two Forms of Interdisciplinarity.” Invited talk. Interdisciplinary Research Workshop, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, Mar 25, 2009.

-“Between Two Plasticities: Form, Trace and Sovereignty in Kant’s Transcendental Schematism.” “Idioms of the Post Global” conference, SUNY- Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, Mar 19-21, 2009.

-“Blake, Desire and Sovereignty.” Group for Early Modern Cultural Studies, Philadelphia, PA, Nov 19-22, 2008.

-“Work of the Imagination: Difference and Repetition in Blake’s Illuminated Manuscripts.” International Conference on Romanticism, Oakland University, Rochester, MI, Oct 16-19, 2008.

-“Shelley’s Materialism: On the Imagination and the Language of Objects in the Defence of Poetry” International Conference on Romanticism, Loyola University, Baltimore, MD, Oct 18-21, 2007.

-“Between Two Futures: The Question of Techne in Derrida’s Reading of Marx.” “Following Derrida:

Legacies” conference, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, Oct 3-7, 2006.

-"Wordsworth's Second Missed Crossing: Techne and the ImaginatioNegativa of The Prelude." North

American Society for the Study of Romanticism conference, Purdue University, Lafayette, IN, Aug 31-Sep 3, 2006.

-“Shelley’s Defence of Poetry and the Counter-history of Romanticism.” Grant MacEwan University, Edmonton, Canada, Apr 4, 2006. Invited lecture.

-“Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Heidegger’s Reading of Hegel.” “Belabouring Derrida” conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, Mar 18-20, 2005. Plenary Address.

-“The Kantian Crisis and the Romantic Response.” Comparative Literature Colloquium, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, Mar 11, 2005. Invited lecture.

-“Kant, Critical Theory, and the Romantics.” Canadian Comparative Literature Association conference, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, May 30-Jun 1, 2004.

-“On the Impossible Futures of Techne.” “Legacies of Theory” conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, Oct 28-30, 2004.

-“Differance and Difference Without Resemblance: The Question of the Line.” Comparative Literature Colloquium, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, Feb 17, 2004. Invited lecture.

-“Derrida/ Deleuze: Towards an Almost Imperceptible Difference.” “Derrida and Deleuze: Territoriality,Psychoanalysis, Politics” conference, UCI, Irvine, CA, Apr 12-13, 2002.

-“Aesthetics/Poetics/Politics: Heidegger on Hölderlin.” “Strategies of Critique 14: What is Political?” conference, York University, Toronto, Canada, Mar 24-25, 2000.

-“Meditations on the Given in Husserl and Heidegger.” “The Gift” conference, Trent University, Peterborough, Canada, May 16-19, 1996.


Graduate Classes

AENG 894Directed Reading (Amy Mallory-Kani)

AENG 581Studies in a Literary Period- Romanticism

AENG 541Romantic Ideology / Aesthetic Ideology

ENG 265Romantic Irony (UC – Riverside)

Undergraduate Classes

19th- Century Literature/ Romanticism

AENG 411YRomanticism and History

AENG 343Keats and Shelley

AENG 334Romanticism, Imagination and Revolution

AENG 291British Literary Traditions

ENG 316British Romanticism (U. of Illinois, Chicago)

ENG 166AIntroduction to British Romanticism (UC – Riverside)

Core Curriculum

AENG 210Introduction to Literary Studies

AENG 305ZFrankenstein and the Inhuman

AENG 305ZLiterature and Terror

AENG 205ZGothic Short Fiction

ENG 28BComic and Tragic Vision (UC – Irvine)

ENG 28AThe Poetic Imagination (UC – Irvine)

Critical Theory / Literary Theory

AENG 410YLiterature and Community

AENG 410Literature and the Problem of Sovereignty

ENG 240Introduction to Literary Theory (U of Illinois, Chicago)

CRIT 100AIntroduction to Literary Theory (UC – Ivine)


Hum 100Humanities Core Class (UC-Irvine)


ENG 113English Literature in a Global Perspective (U of Alberta)

ENG 111Language, Literature and Culture (U of Alberta)

ENG 108Language and Literature (U of Alberta)

ENG 101Critical Reading and Writing (U of Alberta)


Writing 1000Academic Writing (UC – Irvine)

Writing 39B Cluster Course: Representations of War (UC – Irvine)

Writing 39AFundamentals of Writing (UC – Irvine)

Writing 39BExpository Writing (UC – Irvine)

Writing 39CArgument and Research (UC – Irvine)


PHIL 4Introduction to Ethics (UC – Irvine)

PHIL12History of Modern Philosophy (UC – Irvine)

PHIL 10History of Ancient Philosophy (UC – Irvine)

PHIL 113Race and Gender (UC – Irvine)

PHIL 5Contemporary Moral Problems (UC – Irvine)

PHIL 210Ancient Philosophy (Trent U)

PHIL 214Existentialism and Phenomenology (Trent U)



1/2012- PresentFaculty/ Staff Awards Committee

9/2010- 5/2011Graduate Admissions Committee, English Department

9/2008 –9/2010MA Review Committee, English Department

11/ 2009 – 9/2010Ad Hoc Committee on Service, English Department

9/2008- 1/2010CAS Council Representative, College of Arts and Sciences

Academic Planning Committee member

9/1998-6/1999Department Representative, Department of English and Comparative Literature (UC – Irvine) Lectures and Awards Committee

9/1997 - 6/1998Department Representative, Philosophy Department (UC – Irvine)

Other Departmental

9/2008 -1/2009Professionalization Committee (Participated in information sessions and mock interviews for graduate students entering the job market)

10/2008- Present19th-Century Reading Group (Organized and hosted reading group for graduate students and faculty in the department)

Other College / University

3/1/2012Scholar’s Day Fair and Luncheon for incoming freshmen

9/14/2011ITLAL meeting for Graduate Students entering job market

11/16/2009NUFE meeting with delegates from Nanking University

9/4/2008ITLAL meeting for Graduate Students entering job market

Conference Organizer

10/25-26/ 2011 Member of organizing committee for “Citizen-Subject Revisited” conference, SUNY-Albany

10/22/2010Organizer of Seminar on “Crisis in the Humanities,” SUNY-Albany

2/26-28/2009Member of organizing committee for “Rhetorics of Plague” conference, SUNY-Albany

10/28-30/2004Member of organizing committee for “Legacies of Theory” conference, University of Alberta, Canada

Other Contributions

2011-PresentReviewer, PMLA journal, New York.

2002-2003Graduate Research Assistant, Humanities Out There Program, UC – Irvine(Designed and taught language arts class for local highschools on behalf of university outreach program intended to recruit college applicants from underrepresented groups.)

4/2002Seminar Leader, UC – Irvine (Led undergraduate seminar on Jacques Derrida’s annual spring quarter lectures.)

9/1997Philosophy Outreach Program (Led series of seminars in Irvine, California high-school on the question “What is Philosophy?”)


-James Searle, Ph.D.

-Heewon Kwang, Ph.D.

-Dana Lawton-Balejko, Ph.D.

-Amy Mallory- Kani, Ph.D.

-Lucyna Prostko, Ph.D.

-Sabine Seiler, Ph.D.

-Mark Ambrose, M.A. (Master’s thesis advisor)

-Colleen Burton, M.A.

-David Caliguiri, M.A.

-Tayor Churchill, M.A.

-Anthony Delgado, M.A.

-Loralynn Krobetsky, M.A.

-Brian Deinhart, B.A.

-Noelle Webster, B.A. (Honors thesis advisor)

-Candice Mann, B.A.

-Amanda McGowan, B.A.


-North American Society for the Study of Romanticism

-Modern Languages Association

-Canadian Comparative Literature Association