Final Draft Worksheet

Essay With Revisions

  1. Insert your entire essay here. Include any revisions your instructor asked you to make.

Would you agree that Brutus was a patriot or a traitor? I personally think that he was a little of both but he was mostly a patriot. Brutus was a patriot because he killed Caesar for the sake of Rome while Cassius and the rest of the conspirators killed Caesar because they were jealous of him and his power. Brutus was a patriot because he intended on keeping Rome a free country. But, Brutus was a traitor for killing his friend Caesar instead of considering other options. Brutus was finally convinced to kill Caesar when Cassius planted fake letters from Rome inside Brutus’s room that said they would prefer if Caesar was indeed killed.

Some people might say that Brutus was a traitor because he decided he was going to help kill Caesar instead of considering different options. However, I believe Brutus was a patriot because instead of joining the conspiracy right away when he is offered the chance by Cassius, he refuses because he does not think Caesar deserves something so harsh. Once Cassius plants the fake notes from Rome Brutus decides to kill Caesar because he doesn’t want the people becoming Caesars slaves. He killed Caesar for the sake of Rome and not out of jealousy. Brutus may also seem like a traitor because he chooses to die rather than be captured and lives the rest of his life in shame for killing Caesar. I think in a way he was being a coward but overall he was being brave. When Brutus kills himself he shouts out words of peace to Caesars spirit “Caesar, you can rest now. I didn’t kill you half as willingly.” Since Brutus dies Caesars spirit does not have to worry about getting revenge on him.

Brutus is also a patriot because he wants to make sure that when they kill Caesar that no one that might try to defend Caesar can get in the way so he and the conspirators will not be forced to have to injure or kill anyone else. This makes Brutus a patriot because when Cassius suggests killing Antony Brutus says “It’ll look like we killed Caesar out of anger and Mark Antony out of envy. Let’s be sacrificers but not butchers, Caius. We’re all against what Caesar stands for, and there’s no blood in that.” So, he has good intentions. I also believe Brutus was a patriot because of the speech he made to the people about why he had murdered Caesar. He explains that has Caesar had to die for his ambition and since he loved Rome more than he loved Caesar it was his duty to kill him. He also states that he is sad that Caesar had to die but that he would prefer him dead rather than have the people of Rome as slaves. He finally says that he will kill himself when his country is in need of his death. In the end of the story he does kill himself therefore he was true to his word.

I think Brutus was a patriot for killing his friend for the sake of his country. Even though he may seem like a traitor Brutus was very brave and in the end he sacrificed himself Rome and Caesars spirit. Although Brutus knows he killed Caesar for a good reason he seems conscious that what he did was wrong because he gets frightened when he sees Caesars ghost. Brutus had some flaws but he is only human and he tried doing the best and this shows he has good intentions. Put yourself Brutus’s place, what path would you have chosen?


  1. Check your essay for grammatical errors. Highlight or underline any parts of your essay that should be corrected. Brutus may also seem like a traitor because he chooses to die rather than be captured and lives the rest of his life in shame for killing Caesar.
  2. Correct the grammatical errors you identified and place your revisions here. Brutus may also seem like a traitor because he chooses to die rather than be captured and live the rest of his life in shame for killing Caesar.


  1. Paste the transitions from your essay here.But, Brutus was a traitor for killing his friend Caesar instead of considering other options. Even though he may seem like a traitor Brutus was very brave and in the end he sacrificed himself Rome and Caesars spirit. So, he has good intentions. I think Brutus was a patriot for killing his friend for the sake of his country
  2. There should be at least one transition per paragraph. Based on what you found in your essay, what can you do to improve your transitions? Explain here. I can use bigger words to improve my essay.
  3. Use the transition sheet to help you revise your transitions. Put your revised transitions here. However, Brutus was a traitor for killing his friend Caesar instead of considering other options. Although he may seem like a traitor Brutus was very brave and in the end he sacrificed himself Rome and Caesars spirit. Therefore, he has good intentions. I conclude Brutus was a patriot for killing his friend for the sake of his country.


  1. Review your concluding paragraph.
  2. Show what transition you have used to signal closure of the essay. I conclude Brutus was a patriot for killing his friend for the sake of his country
  3. Explain how you have synthesized the argument. I have stuck to the topic and used big words and transition to improve my writing.
  4. Identify what you have done to challenge your readers. I have asked them what path would they have chosen if they were in Brutus’s place.
  5. Review these details and determine how you can strengthen your conclusion. I can make my sentences longer.
  6. Revise your conclusion to make it stronger and place the revision here.

I conclude Brutus was a patriot for killing his friend for the sake of his country. Although he may seem like a traitor Brutus was very brave and in the end he sacrificed himself Rome and Caesars spirit. Although Brutus knows he killed Caesar for a good reason he seems conscious that what he did was wrong because he gets frightened when he sees Caesars ghost. Brutus had some flaws but he is only human and he tried doing the best and this shows he has good intentions. Put yourself Brutus’s place, what path would you have chosen?

Share With a Friend

  1. Ask a friend or family member to read your essay. Challenge that person to find at least two areas for improvement. List your friend or family member’s suggestions here. My Mom said that my essay needs no improvement because everything seems correct.

Final Read Through

  1. Read your essay aloud to yourself. Check for errors one last time. None.

Final Draft

  1. Paste your final draft here.

Would you agree that Brutus was a patriot or a traitor? I personally think that he was a little of both but he was mostly a patriot. Brutus was a patriot because he killed Caesar for the sake of Rome while Cassius and the rest of the conspirators killed Caesar because they were jealous of him and his power. Brutus was a patriot because he intended on keeping Rome a free country. However, Brutus was a traitor for killing his friend Caesar instead of considering other options. Brutus was finally convinced to kill Caesar when Cassius planted fake letters from Rome inside Brutus’s room that said they would prefer if Caesar was indeed killed.

Some people might say that Brutus was a traitor because he decided he was going to help kill Caesar instead of considering different options. However, I believe Brutus was a patriot because instead of joining the conspiracy right away when he is offered the chance by Cassius, he refuses because he does not think Caesar deserves something so harsh. Once Cassius plants the fake notes from Rome Brutus decides to kill Caesar because he doesn’t want the people becoming Caesars slaves. He killed Caesar for the sake of Rome and not out of jealousy. Brutus may also seem like a traitor because he chooses to die rather than be captured and live the rest of his life in shame for killing Caesar. I think in a way he was being a coward but overall he was being brave. When Brutus kills himself he shouts out words of peace to Caesars spirit “Caesar, you can rest now. I didn’t kill you half as willingly.” Since Brutus dies Caesars spirit does not have to worry about getting revenge on him.

Brutus is also a patriot because he wants to make sure that when they kill Caesar that no one that might try to defend Caesar can get in the way so he and the conspirators will not be forced to have to injure or kill anyone else. This makes Brutus a patriot because when Cassius suggests killing Antony Brutus says “It’ll look like we killed Caesar out of anger and Mark Antony out of envy. Let’s be sacrificers but not butchers, Caius. We’re all against what Caesar stands for, and there’s no blood in that.” Therefore he has good intentions. I also believe Brutus was a patriot because of the speech he made to the people about why he had murdered Caesar. He explains that has Caesar had to die for his ambition and since he loved Rome more than he loved Caesar it was his duty to kill him. He also states that he is sad that Caesar had to die but that he would prefer him dead rather than have the people of Rome as slaves. He finally says that he will kill himself when his country is in need of his death. In the end of the story he does kill himself therefore he was true to his word.

I conclude Brutus was a patriot for killing his friend for the sake of his country. Although he may seem like a traitor Brutus was very brave and in the end he sacrificed himself Rome and Caesars spirit. Although Brutus knows he killed Caesar for a good reason he seems conscious that what he did was wrong because he gets frightened when he sees Caesars ghost. Brutus had some flaws but he is only human and he tried doing the best and this shows he has good intentions. Put yourself Brutus’s place, what path would you have chosen?


  1. Write your reflection paragraph here. You are done!
  • What steps did you follow to revise and edit your argument? I used the charts and the transition words to revise and edit my mistakes.
  • Whom did you consult for help in the process? Yes I asked my teacher about how to write the introduction.
  • What type of errors did you correct more than others? Spelling? Punctuation? Sentence Structure? I made a lot of sentence structure errors so I had to correct them.
  • What makes your final argument better than your first draft? My final argument is better because it is more specific and has better grammar and spelling.