Twiddy 1

Conner Twiddy

Mrs. Thomas

English IH

27 January 2011

My summer in Vegas

Have you ever driven cross country? Well I have. I rode across the country with my grandparents from my house in Carolina to their house in Las Vegas. We drove through eight different states and each state had a different landscape. I saw mountains, rivers, lakes and a lot of trees. But when we got to New Mexico all of the trees seemed to disappear and then all I saw was desert. Also each state had a very different climate. Tennessee was kind of like ours but the air was thinner. In New Mexico and in Texas it’s very hot and the air is very dry.

When we arrived in Las Vegas I got to see my uncle Mike, who I hadn’t seen in seven years. I also got to meet his wife and kids. Two of the boys were my age and the other one was eighteen. During my stay I was with my uncle a lot and he took me to see all of the things that I had seen when I was little. One thing he took me to see was the strip, so we could see all of the casinos like New York New York, Caesars Palace, Excalibur and the MGM. He also took me to the “Pawn Stars” pawn shop to get their autographs. I saw Chumley and the old man at there. That was pretty cool. Then we went to the Luxor where the magician Criss Angle lives and I got to see all of his motorcycles and his hummer which has a custom paint job with different things from his stunts. I also got to meet some of my uncle’s friends which are in a car club. One day my uncle took me to a car wash for the club and I got to see a lot of cool cars and all of them had really cool paint jobs and hydraulics.

The rest of the time I was with my grandparents and they took me to a lot of places. Like the M & M Factory where I got a t-shirt and a keychain. When I walked in I saw all of the different M & M’s and all of the merchandise they had. Next we went to a wax museum and the statues look just like the real people. They had everyone from famous athletes, to actors, to musicians and even the president. A couple of nights later my grandma, my uncle, my new cousin Scotty and I went to see the “Blue Man Group”. It was pretty awesome. There were colors flying off of the barrels while they were hitting them like drums.

My last day there was my uncle’s birthday party. All of his friends came and we all had a lot of fun. It was a great time seeing all the people I had met, but it was also sad because I was flying out the next day. The flight home was good and it was the first time I flew by myself. But that is a story for another time.