Woodstock High School 3v3 Tournament


Teams: Teams can have up to 6 players. A minimum of 3 players is required to form a team. All players must be in the appropriate age category. For example, you cannot have an 11 year old playing on an under 10 team. Players may play up on an older team by one year. For example, a U10 player may play U11 but not any higher. The age group that each team plays in will be determined by the oldest teammate’s birth year.

Age Groups:

U6- Birth year 2012

U7- Birth year 2011

U8- Birth year 2010

U9- Birth year 2009

U10- Birth year 2008

U11- Birth year 2007

U12- Birth year 2006

U13- Birth year 2005

U14- Birth year 2004

**U6 teams will be coed. ALL other age groups will be gender specific.

**Players will need to bring a bagged lunch. They will have a designated time to eat with their team and coach. Concessions will be open. Pizza and other refreshments will be sold.

Cost: $80 per team with a max of 6 players. Please make payment via PayPal link on our website. Go to and click on “program links”

Registration: ALL players must be registered by a parent/guardian at the event(30 min prior to 1st game). After this point, you are not able to switch rosters or teams. Once the entire team has checked in, they will be escorted to the field with a WHS player/coach who will then coach them through each game. Please go to the WHS Soccer webpage to register a team. Upon registration you will be required to have at least 3 players names registered as well as a parent contact/representative for the team.

Please email or you are having difficulty registering a team.

Uniforms/Gear: All player must wear jerseys/shirts of the same color. Each team will need a white shirt and a darker colored shirt as an alternate. A coin toss will determine the home/visiting team and dictate which team will need to change colors if teams are in similar colors.

**Shin guards are MANDATORY and will be checked prior to play. They are considered part of a players uniform.

*Each player needs to bring a ball appropriate for the age group they are playing in. Ball sizes are as follows: U6-U7-Size 3, U8-U12- Size 4, U13-U14- Size 5. Teams will be responsible for providing the game balls.

Field Dimensions:For ALL age divisions the field size will be 30 yards by 25 yards wide.

Goal Scoring: In order for a goal to be scored, the ball must be touched (offensive or defensive) within the team’s offensive half of the field. The entire ball must be over the offensive half line. (No scoring on the kick-off). If a ball is kicked or touched from the defensive side of the field and then goes into the goal without being touched or kicked on the offensive side the result will be a goal kick for the defensive team and NO GOAL will be awarded.

Games: Each game will consist of 2 (12 minute) halves with a 2 minute half time. A coin toss will determine which team has kick off or direction to start the game. Games CAN end in a “tie” unless it is a playoff game or the finals. No timeouts or stoppage time will be awarded.

Scoring: If at any point in the game the score reaches 10-0 the team that is ahead will remove 1 player from the playing field and will compete 2v3. Points will be awarded based on the score prior to removing a player from the field.

Wins= 3 points

Ties= 1 point

Loss= 0 Point

**In the event of a forfeit the score will be recorded 5-0 win with the MAX number of point 5.

Tie Breakers (Round Robin Play)

For teams that are tied after round robin play the following tie breakers will be used to determine which team(s) moves on. Exception…If a team forfeits a round robin game they will NOT be eligible for playoffs.

  1. Head to Head
  2. Goal Differential (Max of 5 points per game)
  3. Least Goals Allowed
  4. Most Goals Scored
  5. Shoot Out- Kicks are taken on an undefended goal from the midline. Any player on the roster can be used, but ALL players must be used before you can repeat a kicker. Shoot out will be best of 3 unless it is still tied and will then move to sudden death.

Playoffs: Games will not end in a tie during playoffs only. If a playoff game is tied at the end of regulation time there will be a 2 min break and then a 3 minute overtime. The overtime will be “golden goal” (first team to score). If at the end of the 3 minute overtime and the score is still tied their will be a shootout which will be best of 3. In the event the shootout is tied at the end of 3 kicks it will then move onto sudden death. Any player is eligible to kick but no player can be repeated until every player has taken a kick.

Playing Area: No parents will be able to enter the playing area at any time during the course of play UNLESS escorted by the coaching staff or WHS player “coach” due to an injury. All parents will be asked to watch from the bleachers/stadium seating that is provided.

Once games are completed the coaches will escort their team to their parents in the designated waiting area in the stands. Players will NOT be released until a parent has signed them out from their coach.