7th Grade Common Assessment- 4th Quarter


1.61 Review demonstrating correct use of pronoun-antecedent agreement

  • Number
  • Gender
  1. Choose the sentence that has correct pronoun-antecedent agreement.
  1. One of the most interesting sharks likes to show their teeth.
  2. Anyone can get their name in the news.
  3. None of the checks were cashed; they finally expired.
  4. The chef cut their on the thumb while peeling carrots.
  1. Choose the sentence that has correct pronoun-antecedent agreement.
  1. A person should insure their valuables.
  2. The family has its eye on a new house.
  3. The code breakers shared his or her secrets.
  4. Everybody has their own dreams and goals.
  1. Choose the sentence that has correct pronoun-antecedent agreement.
  1. One can be happy only if he or she has respect for themselves.
  2. The senior class wore its rings proudly.
  3. Children never realize how loud he or she can be.
  4. My mother and her sister took their vacation together.
  1. Choose the sentence that has incorrect pronoun-antecedent agreement.
  1. Either Mike or John wears a patch over their eye.
  2. All are welcome: they just need to call for directions to the party.
  3. Neither documentaries nor the news is given enough money by its network.
  4. San Diego and San Jose get their names from Spanish.
  1. Choose the sentence that has correct pronoun-antecedent agreement.
  1. Either Eleanor Roosevelt or Ellen Wilson is believed to have covered for their husband during presidential emergencies.
  2. Cars cost more than their owners expect them to.
  3. The band starts their tour tomorrow night.
  4. Any one of the candidates could win; they are very much alike.
  1. Choose the sentence that has incorrect pronoun-antecedent agreement.
  1. Everyone at the party enjoyed her evening.
  2. The car has a leak in its transmission.
  3. The cow twitched its tail at the fly.
  4. Someone from the circus led the their injured horse out of the ring.
  1. Choose the sentence that has incorrect pronoun-antecedent agreement.
  1. The students go to Hockey Homeland to practice for their finals.
  2. My aunt asked me to catch her dog.
  3. The audience clapped its hands.
  4. The student used her pen to write in her notebook; then she put it away.
  1. Choose the sentence that has incorrect pronoun-antecedent agreement.
  1. Ed Blaker promoted Bill this morning; he will go on the Washington trip next week.
  2. During winter snowstorms, the sparrows depend on our feeder for their food.
  3. During early rehearsals, an actor may forget his or her lines.
  4. A person needs to see their dentist twice a year.
  1. Choose the sentence that has incorrect pronoun-antecedent agreement.
  1. The committee members put her signatures on the document.
  2. If the board of directors controls the company, it may vote for a raise.
  3. Neither the pilot nor the attendants gave their opinion about the mishap.
  4. Each of these companies had its books audited.
  1. Choose the sentence that has correct pronoun-antecedent agreement.
  1. Everyone must carry their own bags at the airport.
  2. The woman finished his lunch.
  3. The football team celebrated its victory.
  4. Every mother loves their child.

Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement Answer Key

1. C

2. B

3. D

4. A

5. B

6. D

7. C

8. D

9. A

10. C