WWT 180 Wastewater Collection
Assignment #3: Cleaning & Maintenance

Read the chapter specified in the text listed below, then answer the Study Questions.You will maximize your learning if you answer the Study Questions in your own words.

Submit your answers to the Study Questions according to these guidelines:

  • save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document;
  • format your assignment with no spaces between lines and with 1 inch margins on all sides;
  • use normal style (no bold, italic or underline, please) Times New Roman (PC) font size 12 or Times (Mac) font size 12;
  • place the course number, the title of the assignment and your full name at the beginning of your assignment;
  • list Study Question answers by number (it's not necessary to re-write the Study Questions themselves);
  • submit the assignment as an e-mail attachment to the instructor at by the due date/time listed in the course schedule;
  • make it clear in your e-mail subject line which course and assignment number you are submitting (for example, your e-mail subject line might read: WWT 180 Reading Assignment #1); and
  • submit each assignment with a separate e-mail (only one assignment per e-mail, please!).

In order to be accepted for evaluation, this assignment must be submitted by the due date/time listed in the course schedule and in the format outlined in the instructions section above.The instructor will randomly select study questions from this assignment for evaluation. Study questions will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

2 points / Response correctly answers the question, is factually correct; and is thorough.
2 points / Response demonstrates comprehension of material and understanding of concepts by using student's own words.
1 point / Response demonstrates good writing skills including appropriate use of standard English with attention to mechanics, grammar, punctuation and usage.

Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Collection Systems, Volume I. 6th Edition.Sacramento, California: California State University Department of Civil Engineering, 2003 (ISBN 1-884701-43-4).

Chapter 6, “Cleaning and Maintenance”

Study Questions

  1. What types of things cause stoppages in sewers?
  2. How would you select a method to clear a stoppage?
  3. What are the advantages and limitations of using sewer balls as a method of cleaning sewers?
  4. How would you determine if a sewer needs cleaning?
  5. How do hydraulic cleaning methods clean sewers?
  6. What precautions have to be taken during all hydraulic cleaning operations?
  7. What would you do if a sewer ball became stuck in the middle of a sewer during a balling operation?
  8. Why do sewer cleaning crews often use hand signals?
  9. How fast and how far into a sewer should the nozzle of a high-velocity cleaner be allowed to go?
  10. How effective is flushing?
  11. What types of conditions are best suited to the use of a sewer scooter?
  12. How can you determine whether a force main needs to be cleaned?
  13. Under what conditions would you use mechanical clearing techniques?
  14. Why are power bucket machines usually not used for routine cleaning?
  15. How can you determine when a bucket is full?
  16. How would you select a power rodder tool?
  17. How is a power rodder operated in a sewer?
  18. When would you use a hand rod?
  19. Why is the method of chemical application important and why must it be done correctly?
  20. How would you decide whether or not to select an untested chemical? Describe a testing and evaluation procedure.
  21. Why must insects and rodents be controlled in a wastewater collection system?
  22. What factors contribute to the production of hydrogen sulfide in a collection system?
  23. How would you attempt to control odors from a wastewater collection system?
  24. Explain the disadvantages of using chemical methods to control hydrogen sulfide.
  25. Why is the proper operation and maintenance of a wastewater collections system important to the operator of a wastewater treatment plant?