An Assembly of the Electors of the Parish of Trinity was held at the Parish Hall on Thursday 9th February 2017 at 7.30 pm for the following business :-

1.Pursuant to an Act of the Royal Court dated 20th January 2017 whereby under Article 14 of the Public Elections (Jersey) Law 2002 it is ordered that an election for the offices of Procureur be held.

To elect one Procureur du Bien Public, the term of office of the present holder John Hedley Moulin due to expire.

2.Pursuant to an Act of the Royal Court dated 20th January 2017 whereby under Article 14 of the Public Elections (Jersey) Law 2002 it is ordered that an election for the office of Centenier be held.

To elect one Centenier, the term of office of Charles Hugh Raymond due to expire.

The Connétable welcomed the Assembly to the meeting. Apologies were received from Centenier C D Rook, Mrs M Dunford and Dr & Mrs Howell.

The Minutes of the previous Electoral Assembly held on 12th May 2016 were read and adopted on the proposition of Mr D J Hinault and seconded by Mrs K Raymond.

1.Before asking for nominations for the position of Procureur, the Connétable thanked Mr Moulin for his valued assistance during his first term of office.

One candidate only was then proposed for the vacancy:

John Hedley MoulinLa Pellerie

La Rue des Platons


Proposer:Desmond John Hinault

Seconders:Ian Geoffrey Meade

Basil Maurice Jeanne

Valerie Muriel Le Maistre

Maria Anne Reddy

Josephine Patricia Loraine

Corin Barker

Gillian Mary Williams

BridgitRozelle Simpson

Richard Michael Nobes

The Assembly having lasted more than the minimum time required by Law, the Connétable declared the said John Hedley Moulin re-elected as Procureur, who in turn thanked his proposer and seconders.

The Connétable thanks Mr Moulin and warned him to attend the Royal Court on 10th March 2017 at 10.00 am to take his oath of office.

2.Before asking for nominations for the position of Centenier, the Connétable thanked Centenier Raymond for his tireless work carried out to date on behalf of the Parish and the HPA.

One candidate only was then proposed for the vacancy:

Charles Hugh RaymondMaison de Haut

La Verte Rue


Proposer:David Owen Reynolds

Seconders:Jennafer Lesley Bell

Gwen Gulliver

Valerie Le Maistre

William Peter Corson

Barrie John Dorrington

Margaret Rose Moisan

Maurice Louis Le Var

Andrew Howell

Alida Knaggs-Slatter

The Assembly having lasted more than the minimum time required by Law, the Connétable declared the said Charles Hugh Raymond re-elected as Centenier, who in turn thanked his proposer and seconders, with a special mention to his colleagues within the Honorary Police.

The Connétable thanked Centenier Raymond and warned him to attend the Royal Court on 10th March 2017 at 10.00 am to take his oath of office.

There being no further business, the Connétable declared the meeting closed.

