Load Determination:


(1) geometry of the object or device is given

(2) location of the mass center of each link is given

(3) Given input force or moment

Solving the Problem:

(1)  Free-body diagram for each member

(2)  Setup equations for each member

For 2D problems:

--- 2 force equations

--- 1 moment equation

For 3D problems:

--- 3 force equations

--- 3 moment equations

For static problems:

--- Sum of forces = 0

--- Sum of moment = 0

For dynamic problems:

--- Sum of forces = m*a

--- Sum of moment = I*a

Vibration Loading:

--- Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

--- Boundary Element Analysis (BEA)

Undamped Natural Frequency:

Period of the natural frequency:

Tn = 1/ fn

Spring Constant (k):

Fs = k * d (for linear spring)

\ k = Fs ¤ d


Fs º spring force

d º deflection of the spring

Damping Coefficient (d, or C):


Damped Natural Frequency:

(For 1 DOF free or forced vibration)

(Free Vibration)



Dynamic forces:

(Avoid Resonance)

Impact Loading:

--- the time of load application is less than half of the period of the natural frequency of the system.

(Apply load slowly --- static load)

(Apply load rapidly --- impact load)

(1)  Striking Impact --- actual collision of two bodies. (hammering)

(2)  Force Impact --- suddenly applied load with no velocity of collision. (friction clutches and brakes)

Energy Method:

Elastic energy:

Treat the struck body as spring effect.

The impact kinetic energy: (for horizontal impact)


h º correction factor for energy dissipation

vi º impact velocity


Þ  (dynamic force)

Static force: W = k * dst


For vertical impact from a height of h:

The impact energy: E = mg (hh + di )

= W (hh + di )

Therefore, the dynamic force ratio becomes

Correction Factor for axial impact of a rod is:


mb º mass of the struck object

m º mass of the striking object