This packet will explain the requirements for your semester project. You will apply what you have learned in school to the recipes you create at home. This hands-on project is done by the student at home with the support of his/her parents.You will take pictures or videos to be submitted for evaluation purposes and your parents will also serve as evaluators of your work. The food you make does not need to be expensive and the use of coupons is encouraged. You should look through the cupboards and use ingredients that you have on hand as much as possible. Part of the learning involved with this project is budgeting your time and the financial resources you have available.

In addition,because of the alarming increase of obesity in America, it is very important that you choose nutritious recipes that will contribute to a healthy life. Many recipes can be modified to be healthier—use your resources to make any necessary adjustments.

This project will count as 20% of your overall grade. It is not something that can be completed at the last minute so plan ahead with your parent(s)/guardian(s) to allow time for sufficient time.

All components of the project are due: November 19th for extra credit and otherwise due December 3rd.

Please read through the entire packet with your parent, sign and return the form.


We have read over and understand the requirements for the semester project.

Student signature______

Parent signature______

Date______Return this form by ______

Project Requirements:

  • Plan a nutritious, well-balanced, three course dinner. You must have a main course which may or may not include meat. Choose two additional courses: appetizer, soup, salad or dessert.
    All five food groups must be represented in your meal.
  • Find recipes for each dish on your menu and include them with your project.
  • Make a grocery list and shop for the ingredients needed for your recipes. Try to plan your menu around the ingredients you already have at home to keep prices down and use coupons to help with the budget.
  • Complete a time management plan (see table) to schedule the sequence of food preparation. Certain items may be prepped the day before serving.
  • Prepare and serve your three course dinner to your family. Make it a festive occasion. Your table must be set properly for the food on your menu.
  • You will need to take two pictures showing you in the process of making each dish and one picture of the finished products. You will also need a picture showing your table setting. Pictures may be printed or emailed to me (please include your name and class period).
  • Keep track of your expenses and divide by the number of people you serve to determine the cost/person. You will be surprised at what a nice meal you can make for less than what you spend onfast food.
  • Complete the “three course meal evaluation”. Have your parent complete their evaluation, sign and date the form. Turn in your recipes, pictures, and the evaluation packet by the due date.

Class Period:______

Pre-Planning Sheet: Dinner Project

What will I make for my three course meal?

Remember to include foods from all five food groups. Make your meal attractive and appealing by providing variety through color, shape & size, texture, temperature, and flavors that blend.

Food Group / Course- Choose from main entrée, appetizer, soup, salad, or dessert. / Food items prepared


List the time schedule you plan to follow in order to get everything done for this meal. It is easiest to decide what time dinner will be served and work backwards. Try to make some things the day before if possible.

Three Course Meal Evaluation

List your detailed menu here—Remember to choose two of the courses listed below to go alongwith your main entrée.

Main Entrée – Soup – Salad – Appetizer – Dessert

  1. Main entrée:



Cost of your meal per person:

Total cost of your meal $______

Number of people served ______

Cost per person $______

How much do you normally spend on a single fast food meal? ______

When you planned your meal, did you remember to include foods with a variety of color, shape and size, texture, temperature, and flavors that blend? List examples below:






What kinds of food safety and sanitation principles did you need to follow when preparing your meal?

How would you rate your meal on a scale of 1 -10 (highest)? Why?

What is the most important thing you learned from this part of the project?

What will you do differently the next time you make a meal?

NUTRITION: List the main ingredient that represented each food group. Research the key nutrition in each of these ingredients and how they are benefit our body.

Food Group / Ingredient / Key nutrient

How could you improve the nutritional value of the meal? Give specific suggestions.

How would you compare the nutritional value of a typical fast food meal to the nutritional value of this meal? You may use the nutrition calculator found at:

PARENT/GUARDIAN EVALUATION: Please include how organized your son/daughter was, how the meal looked and tasted, any problems encountered, clean-up efforts, and other comments. Thank you for your support and taking the time to complete this evaluation.

Parent signature______Date______

Score Sheet: Dinner Project


3 CoursesCircle ones made (15 pts.) / Food Group
List food made
(25 pts.) / Degree of Variety/Appeal
(20 pts.) / Copy of Recipe
(30 pts.) / Pictures
(30 pts.) / Miscellaneous
Appetizer / Fruit
/ Proper table setting (10 pts.)
Soup / Vegetable / Safety, Sanitation & Clean up
(10 pts.)
Salad / Grain / Nutrition
(30 pts.)
Main Entrée
*required / Meat / Evaluation packet
(20 pts.)
Dessert / Dairy / Parent evaluation & signature (10 pt.)

Total Points Earned: /200

(200 possible)