June 14, 2011

Members present: Marion Wnek, Bill Letter, Rick Giese, Dennis Knaak, Marlin Noffke

Members absent: none

Others present: Commissioner Grant Bystol; Keith Marquardt, Parks Manager; Frank Pascarella, Administrative Coordinator; Steve Dreher, Maintenance; Jeff Nolan; Ron Schumacher, Terry Radtke and Attorney Paul Black from Historical Society; Leif Nygaard, Johnson Controls and Priscilla Zahn, Lead Accounting Technician.

Location & Time: Shawano County Highway Department, 3035 E Richmond St, Shawano WI 54166 8:00 AM

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Wnek at 8:00 AM.

A motion was made by Letter and seconded by Noffke to approve the minutes from the May 17th meeting as printed. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion by Letter; seconded by Giese to deviate if necessary. Motion carried 5-0.

Public comments: Leif Nygaard from Johnson Controls presented the plan that will go to County Board for energy savings.

The Mud Lake lease agreement is on hold for DNR review. It will be in effect for next year not this year.

The snowmobile bridge bids were discussed A motion was made by Noffke and seconded by Letter to send back to PDZ Committee. Motion carried 5-0.

The construction and placement of the Zachow Depot replica was discussed. It will be placed at location A as approved by County Board and insurance requirements are attached to the bid. Dreher mentioned Digger’s Hotline requirements and possibility of contaminated soil.

Parks Manager report: vandalism of boats at county park; Chamber newsletter regarding purchase of house by Historical Society; park is busy; shower house renovations are done; breakfast has been slow and purchase of round tables was discussed.

CTH G, Winkle Road to Maple Ridge Road, BIA agreement with Stockbridge Munsee was discussed. A motion was made by Knaak and seconded by Giese to approve agreement for $724,200.57. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion #352 regarding transportation was discussed. A motion was made by Giese and seconded by Letter to approve amending resolution opposing resolution #352 and send it to area representatives and WCA today and send the original resolution to County Board for action. Motion carried 5-0.

A motion was made by Knaak and seconded by Giese to go into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 19.85 (1) (c) to consider employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of employees. Motion carried on roll call vote 5-0.

A motion was made by Giese and seconded by Knaak to come out of closed session. Motion carried on roll call vote 5-0. No action was taken.

Highway Commissioner report: placing gravel on CTH Q hope to pave in about 2 weeks; Hofa Park Road completed; Stockbridge Mitigation site work; painting; paving; new Patrol Superintendent is Todd Boivin; equipment for new trucks is being delivered; will be chip-sealing in 4 towns in August and discussed CTH R.

No meeting attendance/training/travel.

Committee meeting dates: Tuesday June 28st and Tuesday July 19th both at 8:00 AM.

Committee comments: maybe tour parks on July 19th.

Under letters and communications: letter from Sheriff’s Department regarding enforcement of posted roads during spring.

The committee reviewed highway bills dated May 17th for $103,569.51; May 26th for $98,668.52; June 1st for $312,336.57 and June 8th for $15,190.57; also Parks bills dated May 17th for $79.32; May 24th for $4,535.84 and May 31st for $3,572.64. A motion was made by Letter and seconded by Noffke to approve bills as presented. Motion carried 5-0.

A motion was made by Wnek and seconded by Letter to adjourn the meeting at 10:20 AM. Motion carried 5-0.

Bill Letter, Secretary

Approved , 2011




