Hosted by: Region 1: Polytechnic, Region 2: Birmingham, Region 3: Palisades

Region #1, #2, #3Saturday, February 11, 2016

Registration:7:00 AM

Weigh-In: Begin Promptly at 8:00 AM

Coach’s Meeting: 9:00 AM

Wrestling Begins: 10:00 AM

SCHOOLS: Region #1:East Valley- Chavez,Monroe, North Valley Military Inst., Polytechnic,Vaughn,

Verdugo Hills

Marine- Bell, Carson, Huntington Park, Marquez, Narbonne

Region #2:West Valley-Birmingham, Chatsworth, Cleveland, El Camino Real, Granada Hills,

Northern- Belmont, Bernstein, Eagle Rock, Franklin, Roybal, Sotomayor, Wilson

Region #3:Valley Mission - Panorama,Reseda, San Fernando, Sylmar, Van Nuys

Coliseum- Bright Star, Diego Rivera, Dorsey, Fremont, Palisades,West Adams

SEEDING: The Section Seeding Committee will convene and select the top 4 wrestlers in each weight class. The seeding committee will use the “Section Rankings” and a “Poll” from coaches that lists the top 4 wrestlers in each weight class as criteria for seeding both the Boy’s Regional and the Girl’s Championship’ tournaments.


The Tournament Seeding meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 7th in Section Office - Conference Room at 5:00 pmand 4:00 pm for the Girls. The seeding meeting will be managed by Tom Jones, Sport Coordinator, seeding committee, section rankers and a coach’srepresentative. A final bracket adjustment may be completed after weigh-in to accommodate necessary changes.

REQUIREMENTS AT WEIGH-IN: Compliance to NFHS rule 4-4-2, 4-5-3, 4-5-6, 4-5-7 and 4-5-8 will be enforced. Each coach is required to submit their Alpha list and the Pre Match Weigh-in form at the weigh-in. Wrestlers not appearing on the Alpha Master Report and Pre-Match Weigh-in Sheet will NOT be permitted to wrestle. Penalty: the entire team is ineligible to compete. Weigh-ins will begin promptly at 8:00 AM. No one will be admitted or permitted to weight–in after the doors have closed. At the completion of weigh-in for a classification the official will move on to the next classification and there will be no further weigh-ins for the completed classification.

MAT ASSIGNMENTS: Mat assignments will be made randomly as mats become open. A warm up and staging area will be set up inside the main gym.

ENTRIES: There may be only one wrestler per weight class for each school, all entrance must compete in his allowable weigh division, and not surpass the allowable number of matches (40). Wrestlers will be placed in a bracket per weightclassification.

MATCH PROTOCOL: Only two school representativesat the discretion of the Head Coach will be allowed mat side (seated in chairs) while their athlete is competing on that mat. All mat side persons must wear a shirt with their School Name. Refer to Rule 7-5, conduct of coaches, team personnel and others, as described in the 2016 - 17 NFHS Wrestling Rules Book. Bench decorum will be strictly enforced during the duration of the tournament (7-5-2). Please assist in ensuring all spectators remain in the bleachers and do not block doorways or stand against the gym walls. Spectators who act in an unsportsmanlike manner or become unruly are subject to removal from the gym.

COACHES STATISTICIANS PASSES:Each team will be allowed 2 coaches and 2 statisticians/score keepers. A statistician may be one of the two mat side representatives.All mat side representatives are required to wear a shirt with the school logo. Stat persons may be assigned to assist at tables, running a clock or scoring.Coaches may not obstruct the staging or scoring areas.

OFFICIALS: The Wrestling Officials Association will assign all officials.

MEET MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISION: Each school is to provide an athletic representative other than the coaches to assist in the management and supervision of the regional championship. Each school must provide student volunteer workers to assist with the timing and scoring of the matches – table workers. Participating schools will contact the host school with the name/s of the representative and the student volunteers.

EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN:Host schools are required to have an emergency action plan in place for athletic events. Should you require additional information go to for “Event Emergency Guidelines” information.

MEDIC/TRAINER: Will be provided by the Section.

TICKETS: Tickets for this competition will be available at the site only on the day of the event.

General Admission $6.00Seniors/Disabled$4.00

High School Students with school ID $4.00Students of school age -$4.00

Children 4 years and underFree

The “Gate” will be used to cover the tournament expenses (officials, tournament administrator, awards (see awards section below), etc. Host schools are suggested to secure as many volunteers as possible to reduce expenses). If the gate is insufficient to cover expenses, each participating school will be billed. All profits generated at or from the “Gate” will then go to the host school.

TOWELS AND LOCKERS: NO TOWELS WILL BE PROVIDED AND NO LOCKERS WILL BE AVAILABLE. Each school may provide these items for their wrestlers and supervise personal property during the tournament. Showers, has permitted by the Host school,may be available for the prevention of communicable diseases. Schools are asked to provide hygienic wipes for their wrestlers in the event of an emergency.

CONCESSIONS: A concession stand will be provided following weigh-in and continue throughout the tournament. Host school will determine if food and drinks will be allowed in the gym. Schools are asked to police their area and help keep the gym clean. ONLY WATER WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE CORNERS OF THE MATS DURING COMPETITION.The host school will retain all profits from their concessions.

PARKING: The host school will provide information about parking availability at the school site.

BANNERS: Other than Official CIF banners will NOT be permitted in the gym.

CHEERLEADERS: Schools may bring up to 5 Cheerleaders in uniform and accompanied by and Advisor, other that the wrestling coach, Cheerleaders and must remain in the stands.

AWARDS: Medals will be awarded to the top 3 wrestlers in each weight class with a banner for the top team.

TEAM TRANSPORTATION: Team transportation is the responsibility of the school, drop off and pick up times should be designed to allow wrestling time for weigh-ins 2 hours prior to wrestling and to remain for the completion of the entire event. It is recommended for drop-off and pick-up to be arranged to allow separate drivers to accommodate the long day.

CIF LOS ANGELES CITY SECTION WRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT: The top5 (five)in each weight classification will qualify for the CIF LOS ANGELES CITY SECTION WRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT, to be held at the ROYBAL LEARNING CENTER on Friday & Saturday, February 1718th, 2017. A formula is in place to fill the 16th spot in the 16 man bracket.

TOURNAMENT ADMINISTRATORS: People are available if needed and requested by the Host School. Also available for guidance and support:Tom Jones, Sport Coordinator:(818) 990-0191, (818) 384-3570,(818) 767-0800

Approved:John Aguirre, Commissioner,CIF Los Angeles City Section

Distribution: Head Coach, Athletic Director, Assistant Principal (athletics)10/14/16