Updated March 2014

Please check the school site for the most updated version. These dates may be changed as needed.


Class of 2014 Administrator:Afie

Graduation Coordinator:Amy

Class of 2014 Sponsor:Barbara

The following timeline provides a general overview of upcoming events for seniors for the Class of 2014. As needed, prior to each event more specific information will be shared with students through RMBC, the Principal’s Newsletter, and Principal’s email blasts.


September 27: Documentation of all community service performed during the summer is due to SSL coordinator, Mrs. Sylvia Costa ().

September 29: Final date to order 2014 yearbook at $75.00


October 28, 29, and 30: Senior portraits in the Dance Studio starting at 8:00 AM.


November 1: Deadline for students to complete their online cap and gown order form. The form is found on the school website under the Class of 2014 section.

November 3: Final date to order 2014 yearbook at $80.00

November 20: Senior parent meetings in the Rocket Café. The first meeting begins at 3:30 PM and the second meeting begins at 6:30. Parents only need to attend one meeting.


December 20: Deadline for students to pay their senior fee at $45.00. After January 1st the senior fee is raised to $50.00. Senior fees cover expenses for graduation (cap, gown, ceremony).


January 3: Documentation of all community service performed during the first semester is due to SSL coordinator, Mrs. Sylvia Costa ().

January 7: Email and letter sent to Class of 2014 with information regarding requesting additional commencement tickets.(Revised date due to snow/weather related closings)

January 7: Biology HSA Administration

January 8: Algebra HSA Administration

January 9: English HSA Administration

January 22: Diploma cards distributed in homeroom

January 31: Deadline for parents to request additional commencement tickets

January 31: Final date to order 2014 yearbook at $85.00


February 14: Senior class meeting during 4th period in the auditorium. (new date is March 19th)

February 14: Obligation letters are sent to the homes of all seniors (excluding textbooks). Please note that obligations can and do change during the school year.

February 14: Diploma cards due for ordering diplomas.

February 28: Senior class picture is taken in the gym. Students are expected to wear their senior class t-shirts or plain black shirts


March 14: Informal meeting at lunch for students interested in auditioning to be the student graduation speaker. (new date is March 27th)

March 19: Senior parent meetings in the Rocket Café. The first meeting begins at 3:30 PM and the second meeting begins at 6:30. Parents only need to attend one meeting.

March 19: Senior fees are added to students who have not paid as an obligation.

March 24 through March 28: Email confirmation will be sent to families who requested additional tickets by the January 31, 2014 deadline confirming the number of additional tickets.


April 1 through April 4: Taped auditions for student graduation speaker.(new date is April 7th – 10th)

April 1: Senior banquet tickets go on sale during lunch.

April 4: Last day for seniors to turn in Student Service Learning (SSL) hours for seniors looking to earn a Certificate of Meritorious Service Award. Contact SSL coordinator, Mrs. Sylvia Costa ().

April 7: Biology HSA Administration

April 8: Algebra HSA Administration

April 9: English HSA Administration

April 9: Senior banquet at Lakewood Country Club from 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM. The cost per ticket is TBD. Tickets are limited so interested students should purchase their ticket early. (Replaced TBD with a date)

April 7 through May 16: Tickets are sold for bus transportation to the commencement ceremony. The cost is TBD per ticket (cash or check). Checks must include the students’ name and school ID number and be made out to Richard Montgomery High School. Payment can be given to Ms. Weaver directly or in care of the Main Office.

April 11: Final decision/selection of student graduation speakers.

April 11: Obligation letters are sent to the homes of all seniors (excluding textbooks). Please note that obligations can and do change during the school year.

April 31 through May 9: Start of ticket sales for Prom and PTSA Post Prom. Tickets will be sold to seniors exclusively for the first two days of ticket sales.


May 2: Last day for seniors to turn in Student Service Learning (SSL) hours to meet graduation requirements. Contact SSL coordinator, Mrs. Sylvia Costa ().

May 5: Final date to order 2014 yearbook at $90.00. After May 5th the cost is $95.00.

May 5 through May 16 AP Testing: Students that are impacted will get more information regarding testing.

May 5 through May 23: IB Testing: Students that are impacted will get more information regarding testing.

May 15: Awards Night at Richard Montgomery High School. More information will be added. (Event added to timeline in January)

May 16: Prom at Rockville Hilton – 600 tickets maximum. (Contact Mrs. Wheeler, Class of 2014 Sponsor for additional information by email at or in person in the PE Office)

May 16:PTSA Post Prom at Shady Grove 300 – 425 tickets maximum. Price is TBD per ticket.

May 23: All textbooks should be returned to the school.

May 27: Teachers will enter obligations for all remaining fees and textbooks that have not been returned.

May 27: Obligation letters are sent to the homes of all seniors.


June 6: Documentation of all community service performed during the second semester is due to SSL coordinator, Mrs. Sylvia Costa ().

(Monday) June 9: Mandatory graduation rehearsal for students begins at 7:00 a.m. at Richard Montgomery High School. Students who do not attend the rehearsal will not be allowed to participate in the commencement ceremony at DAR on June 11, 2014.

(Monday) June 9: Voluntary senior picnic at Smokey Glenn Farm begins after graduation rehearsal (transportation is not provided)

(Wednesday) June 11: Commencement ceremony at 10:00 a.m. at DAR Constitution Hall (expected arrival time for students is 9:00 a.m.)