Mission Pilot

Author: Eileen Landry

Copyright: ©2002 by Pacific Press®

Readability Level 8.8

Word count 89,952

176 pages

1. What did the professor say to the kidnappers that was not true? ______.

a. He barely knew David / b. He didn’t have any money
c. He didn’t speak Spanish / d. He wasn’t an Adventist

2. Because they saw David praying, other prisoners ______.

a. asked Bible questions / b. prayed with him
c. shared their stories / d. all of these

3. David kept Sabbath in prison by ______.

a. holding a meeting about health and education
b. pretending to be sick
c. refusing to work
d. talking to the guards

4. The real reason they put David in prison was because they wanted ______.

a. his airplane / b. medical care / c. money / d. to embarrass his church

5. David was a nurse, a pilot, and a ______.

a. computer expert / b. tailor / c. translator / d. all of these

6. David and Becky were paid to stay in Kaikan by ______.

a. the General Conference / b. donations from friends
c. the government / d. the Inca Union

7. GAMAS is ______Adventist Medical Aviation Service.

a. Gifted / b. God’s / c. Georgia / d. Guyana

8. The Davis Indian Industrial College is a ______.

a. boarding academy / b. seminary
c. school to train in manual arts / d. all of these

9. A problem in keeping the TV transmitter was ______.

a. getting equipment to work at full power / b. getting good programming
c. smears on David's character / d. all of these

10. David and Becky have been successful because ______.

a. They followed where God led / b. they were talented
c. they were given lots of help by the church / d. all of these