A Land Remembered Shared Inquiry Discussion Questions

Chapter 1

1.  Why did Tobias and Emma leave Georgia in 1858 and move south to the Florida wilderness?

2.  Why was Zech so reluctant to sit down “beside the bloody carcass” (Smith, 3) of the wild boar?

3.  How long did it take Tobias to build a house for his family? What can you infer about Tobias’s character after reading page five and the top of page six?

4.  What plans does Tobias have for providing for his family? What is Emma’s response to his thoughts?

5.  Do you think Tobias made a wise choice when he moved his family to Florida?

Chapter 2

1.  Research why Seminoles would be running away in 1858. Take notes on your research and be prepared to share it during the discussion.

2.  Reread page 10. What conclusions can you draw about Tobias’s character?

3.  Describe a marshtackie. How did the Seminoles once use the marshtackie?

Chapter 3

1.  What did the proprietor of the trading post hide from the rebel army? Why did he hide these things?

2.  What is the purpose of the Cow Cavalry?

3.  What does Emma yearn for?

Chapter 4

1.  Think about the Carolina parakeets. What negative factors affected their population? Research this unique bird. Be prepared to share your research during the discussion.

2.  Why did Tobias hesitate before he aimed and fired at the Andalusian bull? What would you have done if you were faced with the same situation?

Chapter 5

1.  What is the state marshal, Henry Addler, commissioned to do by the governor of the state of Florida?

2.  Why did Tobias feel “as if the weight of an ox dad suddenly been dropped on his shoulders” (Smith,28). Why did the author use this type of figurative language? What does this phrase really mean?

3.  How do Emma’s reactions on page 28, paragraph 11, and page 29, paragraph 9, indicate that she is a brave, unselfish woman?

4.  How did Zech fulfill his promise to his father to do the best he can by his mamma and give her all the help he can?

5.  Reread the last paragraph on page 36. Why did Patrick Smith end the chapter in this way? What message is the author trying to send to the reader?