Single-step Scalable Conversion of Waste Natural Oils to Carbon Nanowhiskers and their Interaction with Mammalian Cells

Abheek Datta,1 Priyanka Dutta,2 Anustup Sadhu,1 Sankar Maiti,2 and Sayan Bhattacharyya1*

1Department of Chemical Sciences, and 2Department of Biological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata, Mohanpur - 741252, Nadia, W.B., India

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Fig. S1: SEM image of the product from fresh mustard oil in the presence of iron nitrate catalyst, after heat treatment at 700oC for 4 h, under nitrogen atmosphere. In the absence of autogenic pressure, carbon chunks were obtained. Increasing the magnification (a®d) reveals the presence of carbonaceous mass with undefined morphology.

Fig. S2: FESEM image of the product from glycerol [(OH)CH2CH(OH)CH2(OH)] in the presence of iron nitrate catalyst, after heat treatment under autogenic pressure at 850oC for 10 h.

Fig. S3: Cytotoxicity tests of CNWs synthesized from waste (a) sesame and (b) castor oil in HeLa cells. For each concentration of CNWs, the bar height depicts the mean value of three data sets and the error bar shows the highest of the three values. The CONTROL and PBS CONTROL set indicates the untreated cells and PBS treated cells, respectively.

Fig. S4: SEM images of (a) CNW treated HeLa cells after 72 hours of incubation. (b) 6,000X magnification show the CNWs in the cell nucleus area. The CNW bundles are lying on the surface and the boxed area shows the CNWs with lighter contrast inside the nucleus. (c) The CNWs inside the cell nucleus, magnified at 20,000X from the box in (b). (d) The CNWs with different height contrast are visible in the same image taken at 12,000X. On a statistical average, it was observed that CNW bundles mostly remain at the cell surface and only the isolated CNWs can internalize the cell nucleus.